Trump wants a 30+ foot concrete wall, despite his recent attempts at compromise.
Either you're more of a moron than what I give you credit for or you simply don't pay attention.
For months, cheeto has paraded around "experts" claiming that the only reasonable type of wall is one that allows agents to see on the other side of it. cheeto wouldn't be parading that around if he wanted a concrete wall.
He isn't "compromising" by being corrected, realizing his plan is/was absurdly stupid, and having to find another way that can get anyone on board.
You can't sit there with a straight face and tell me that a wall that large, plus security officers, drones, and other technologies won't keep the vast amount of people who are entering our country illegally from entering.
That's the thing. We don't have enough border patrol to monitor such a long wall. A 30 foot concrete wall (which isn't the plan) can easily be breached when people have tools and time to do it, both of which will be available without having a huge increase in border agents.
Otherwise, prisons wouldn't have the exact same setup.
Let's think about this and pretend we don't have a lifelong WV education:
- Prisoners don't have the tools (hammers, shovels, drills, ropes, etc.) to easily breach a wall.
- Prisoners don't have the time to breach a wall unmonitored.
- Prisoners don't just have a wall. They also have barbwire, electronic surveillance, humans watching them who can respond in seconds.
If this wall could be so effective on its own, prisons wouldn't have guards in towers with guns who have the ability to shoot to kill if a prisoner tries escaping.
If this wall could be so effective on its own, prisons wouldn't limit the time prisoners could be outside.
If this wall could be so effective on its own, prisons would allow the prisoners to be near the wall unmonitored for one minute, let alone hours upon hours that illegals would be.
If you have a 30 foot concrete wall, you also must have humans with the ability to extensively monitor all of it and respond to all of it immediately. The plan doesn't call for that. You must also have the ability to monitor directly on the other side of it to see what is happening behind the wall. The plan doesn't call for that.