First, don't misrepresent what I said. I didn't say you had to check an ID to private sell a bottle of wine. My exact quote was "For the most part, I can't sell a bottle of wine from my collection to a buyer if neither of us have a license." Checking an ID has absolutely no relevance, because regardless if you check it or not, you're still breaking the fvcking law.
Where did I get that from? My head, because I don't say shit I am not sure about. It's not even something I have to look up. It's illegal in the U.S. for a person to sell alcohol without a license to another person without a license. In other words, "For the most part, I can't sell a bottle of wine from my collection to a buyer if neither of us have a license."
Assuming you actually research that and see that I am correct, you're now arguing for having far tighter restrictions on selling a bottle of wine than you are for somebody selling a couple of handguns and a couple of ARs. See how fvcked up it is, just like with the driver's license analogy?
Well, you're misrepresenting again. I didn't say anything about a licensed seller. I clearly mentioned the gunshow loophole/flea market situation. In many states, including all but a handful of counties in Florida, I can bring a few handguns and a few ARs down to my local flea market and sell them for a profit without having to do any background checks, without having to check IDs, without any bill of sale, etc.