Or maybe I like to stay employed unlike people I know
Unemployed yet I still don't live with my parents. Doesn't that suck? You work all day, then have to either go back to your parents' house or go try to hook up with your girlfriend . . . at her parents' house . . . or get arrested again and stay more nights in jail. Could do this every day the rest of my life if I wanted, without ever working, and not have to live with mommy. How's that train ride into work every day?
And during the ten hours each day you are being fake, a phoney, and thinking about me, I am spending hours on the beach everyday working out with the NHL player who just bought a place in my building with his new wife, hanging out in my pool, seeing how close the dolphins let me get in my kayak/paddle board/swimming, going to concerts a couple of times each week after artists ask me to come (had to text Ariana Grande's brother today that I couldn't make her show tonight), relaxing in my 3 bedroom/3 bath place where the other two bedrooms stay empty (I heard you are looking for a place to live?), and showing yet another girl that sand doesn't get inside her lady-parts while having sex on the beach.
So, while you can't fathom paying $1500 for an apartment, just a couple of days ago, I received a call because I hadn't deposited a check they wrote to me in February/March. It reminded me that I put that month's group of checks in a drawer and forgot to deposit them. It was a slow month: only about $17,000 sent to me. Since they all went void after 90 days, I'll either just let them go or have to work up the motivation to call all of them and tell them to cut me another check. I'm sure you've just forgotten that you had $17,000 waiting to be deposited a few times, right?
But im far from fake, your unemployed so you have all the time in the world to travel. How about come to LI so I can show you how fake I am
How cute. Another internet gangster. Why would I go all of the way there to see how fake you are when you already admitted that you spend 10 hours each day being a fake? You volunteered that info. Don't try to run from it now, Uncle Tom.