I bet Greed is a bad tipper

i am herdman

Platinum Buffalo
Gold Member
Mar 5, 2006
Probably the guy that leaves a dollar on the table. Works the waitress to death and leaves a buck.

My guess is Republicans tip better than Dems.

He bitches about wages and he could tip more. Bet he doesn't.

Look what he did to his employees pay. No union would tolerate that. They should have walked out on him.
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Can you imagine the waitresses all huddled up back there close to the kitchen, and then they see greed pulling into the Shoney's lot? Wonder how they handle that situation? Probably take turns or something over who has to deal with the old guy. That, or maybe they use who's been there the least amount of time. You been there for two weeks? You have to wait on the old buzzard. Probably pulls some loose change out of one of these things from the 1960s and leaves a few coins on the table.

Can you imagine the waitresses all huddled up back there close to the kitchen, and then they see greed pulling into the Shoney's lot? Wonder how they handle that situation? Probably take turns or something over who has to deal with the old guy. That, or maybe they use who's been there the least amount of time. You been there for two weeks? You have to wait on the old buzzard. Probably pulls some loose change out of one of these things from the 1960s and leaves a few coins on the table.

Greed may tip the waiter well, just depending upon how tight the fellas romper is.
Probably the guy that leaves a dollar on the table. Works the waitress to death and leaves a buck.

My guess is Republicans tip better than Dems.

He bitches about wages and he could tip more. Bet he doesn't.

Look what he did to his employees pay. No union would tolerate that. They should have walked out on him.
Plant your corn early.
-Jed Clampett
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Hell no he doesn't. Somehow, he's able to preserve himself. You don't do it with alcohol.

He needs to tell us how the hell it's done on here. What kind of powders you have to put in water, nutrition stuff. I bet he knows it all. All the specific vitamins and shit to keep from falling apart as we geeze into the grave.

It would be extremely valuable info for many here.

I for one am dreading having to go paint my head to keep it from looking like Jim Treacy. I cannot stand to look at anything like that. Big gray troll head. Just horrendous. Yet he still sounds like a high school kid and delivers high school kid quality sports reporting.
My guess is Republicans tip better than Dems.
Nah. Gays are by far the best tippers.

He needs to tell us how the hell it's done on here. What kind of powders you have to put in water, nutrition stuff. I bet he knows it all. All the specific vitamins and shit to keep from falling apart as we geeze into the grave.
It probably helps to have the genetics that make one able to be a two-sport D-1 athlete.
Probably the guy that leaves a dollar on the table. Works the waitress to death and leaves a buck.

My guess is Republicans tip better than Dems.

He bitches about wages and he could tip more. Bet he doesn't.

Look what he did to his employees pay. No union would tolerate that. They should have walked out on him.
You've already proven yourself to be a lying idiot. Everything else is overkill.
Let's be honest here. None of us truly know if greed is a big tipper, bad tipper, as it's all merely speculation on our part.

However, I think we can all agree he likes being on the receiving end of a big tip.
More obsession from the cons^^^about man sex.

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