I couldn't stop laughing while reading the list of "30 things" that really couldn't be listed.


Platinum Buffalo
Feb 22, 2010
Talk about your "gas lighting" Presidents. Govt and the people wanting the govt "to do something" created the supply chain failures.

Poll numbers in the toilet?? Announce a new bureaucratic council that will solve NOTHING and likely make inflation worse.

Impressive stuff by this incompetent administration. Govt agencies will share data??? Bahahahaha.

The Commerce department has developed new tools and partnered with the energy department??? Yes, more "green" energy smoke and mirrors. Bahahahaha

Can't wait to see what the "things" will actually be. Because the 2-3 things they listed here will have zero impact on inflationary pressures.

In short, there are only certain ways inflation can come down: Tighten money supply, raise interest rates, stop economic growth and throw the economy into recession. The govt pumping $$$ into the economy while simultaneously locking the economy down is what led us to the inflation we are still experiencing and morons like Mush wanted.
Talk about your "gas lighting" Presidents. Govt and the people wanting the govt "to do something" created the supply chain failures.

Poll numbers in the toilet?? Announce a new bureaucratic council that will solve NOTHING and likely make inflation worse.

Impressive stuff by this incompetent administration. Govt agencies will share data??? Bahahahaha.

The Commerce department has developed new tools and partnered with the energy department??? Yes, more "green" energy smoke and mirrors. Bahahahaha

Can't wait to see what the "things" will actually be. Because the 2-3 things they listed here will have zero impact on inflationary pressures.

In short, there are only certain ways inflation can come down: Tighten money supply, raise interest rates, stop economic growth and throw the economy into recession. The govt pumping $$$ into the economy while simultaneously locking the economy down is what led us to the inflation we are still experiencing and morons like Mush wanted.
They created the problem. They are just kicking the can down the road. At some point this thing is going to crash. YOu are correct in the ways to get inflation to come down. It is all funny money right now.
Here's an idea: don't depend on China for half the shit people buy.

Tell that to Pedo-Joe. He wants us to be dependent on China for EV batteries while destroying real energy in the U.S.

China is stockpiling fossil energy while Pedo-Joe is shutting it down.

Pedo-Joe has been bending over for China for years. He's compromised though, so it's not like he has a choice.
Tell that to Pedo-Joe. He wants us to be dependent on China for EV batteries while destroying real energy in the U.S.

China is stockpiling fossil energy while Pedo-Joe is shutting it down.

Pedo-Joe has been bending over for China for years. He's compromised though, so it's not like he has a choice.
You're a lying idiot.
where are you going to get the components and raw meaterials to build them?
There's also grants and loans to secure the raw materials. We have quite a bit of that, and Australia has a shitload...and a vested security interest in screwing China.

I have no idea what components are required to build batteries. But I imagine we and our partner nations can make that shit too.
where are you going to get the components and raw meaterials to build them?
My industry, my company included, have been involved with development of a component for the batteries. It’s a hot market for some in manufacturing.
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No shit the switch to EVs will take longer than the idealists believe. And no shit it will take straight cash homey to get rolling, hence the billions in grants and loans to build what we need.

I don't even like the damn things, but it's obvious where the future is. If I can drive ICE until I die, I certainly will. I'm a shift the gears and hear the engine rev kind of guy.
No shit the switch to EVs will take longer than the idealists believe. And no shit it will take straight cash homey to get rolling, hence the billions in grants and loans to build what we need.

That wasn't the point. There are other options. Never bet against Toyota...
Well, except when Toyota bet on hydrogen.

I still wouldn't be so quick to dismiss hydrogen as a viable option.

Toyota's bet on hybrids for the immediate future is smart. But IMO they need to look 20 years ahead too. Then again, they sold the same Tacoma platform for 20 years too lol.

And it appears they are...

And Toyota sold everyone of those Tacoma's built...

Don't bet against Toyota...
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Which was my point....what were you saying about not getting the point? 🤔😂

That hydrogen was a bad bet by Toyota. I think it's still too early to tell. Technology moves fast. And the cost of technology can change fast as well.

It is viable, but it appears we, and the world, have made its choice.

Have we?

Unequivocally yes. For a variety of factors I am too busy to list and discuss.

You will now likely link to articles stating hydrogen fuel cells have an immediate future, China wants a million of them, etc. It ain't happening.

Sorry to disappoint you but no links. I'm busy too. Funny that you are the most pessimistic person on this board but seem to be the most optimistic on this topic, especially the cost. We'll see how this plays out.

Lastly I thought libertarians were about limited government yet you are ok with billions being spent with little regard for return?
Lastly I thought libertarians were about limited government
In theory I am.
yet you are ok with billions being spent with little regard for return?
This is an area of economic warfare with China.

China is fighting with government money. We shall too.
Funny that you are the most pessimistic person on this board
I'm quite the opposite. I'm personally optimistic. Sure, I know shitty things are brewing on the world stage, but I'm a a jolly asshole.

I see you Trumpers as the pessimists. You all think America done turned into a shithole. That's all I hear from you all on this board.
but seem to be the most optimistic on this topic, especially the cost.
Im not optimistic on it at all. Climate change and efforts to stop it (haha!) are a major disruptor and will be a clusterfvck for a while, because that's what wholesale disruptors are.

I'm just here to tell you where things are going. We will eventually get it all figured out. We would figure it out sooner if we had 50 nuclear power plants being built and hadn't neglected our grid for decades.
China is fighting with government money. We shall too.

Who's going to run out of money, or credit, first?

I'm quite the opposite.

That's funny! 😄

I see you Trumpers as the pessimists.

You would...



We would figure it out sooner if we had 50 nuclear power plants being built and hadn't neglected our grid for decades.

It will take 50 nukes to generate the power needed to charge those batteries. Technology is dynamic, not static. You keep projecting today's technology into the future.

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