I Hate NYC


Platinum Buffalo
Gold Member
Dec 8, 2004
I've never loved it. Sure, like any major city, there are going to be really cool neighborhoods scattered around, but overall, I dislike NYC. I travel everywhere frequently . . . out of the 50 largest U.S. cities, Portland and Detroit are the only two I haven't spent time in (been in Detroit numerous times but not to visit). Out of the top 75 cities, that number jumps to seven. And of those 68 I have been to, I've been to most of them multiple times.

So even though I despise NYC overall, it is right at the top with Los Angeles for hot slvts. They're everywhere. Walk down a midtown street, your head is spinning . . . and the best part is the diversity of them. You'll see some hot models, then a girl who just got done running 10 miles, followed by a hot NYU nerd, followed by a sexy hood rat girl, followed by a hot [fill in any nationality] girl. They're simply everywhere. I don't like the city, but god, I can see why people who are single love it there.

On a different note, I am now upstate visiting momma'. She lives in a red area. We drove around the last two days, and I kept count of Harris vs. trump signs/flags. Yesterday, in her neighborhood which at this point has turned to lower-middle class over time, it was 11-11. Today, in the nicest neighborhood about a mile away, it was 3-0 in favor of Harris. In the next level down neighborhood, it was also 3-0 in favor of Harris. In next level down neighborhood, it was 3-2 in favor of trump.

It fits what I've said for years: the deplorables tend to be the lower educated and those down on their luck. trump gets their support, because he gives them an excuse to blame their laziness, poor decisions, etc. on everybody other than the person in the mirror. Considering the area that I was in, I was very surprised to see even the wealthiest areas be so lopsided.

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