I Hate People

Y.A.G Si Ye Nots

Platinum Buffalo
Mar 7, 2010
Home Wrecker
I bought this car on March 15th. As of last night, I had it for 34 days. I parked for fifteen minutes in an open air parking lot. When I came back, somebody had clipped my car, scraped it, and chipped paint off of it in numerous places. And the a$$hole could easily see that it is brand new based on how it looks and the fact that paper tags are still on it. No note . . . no car parked next to me . . . no cameras.


You can't keep anything nice, no matter how hard you try. I hate door dings, and I will park at the back of parking lots to be away from people. Never fails though, someone like Sisters ends up parking his pickup with a rusted out bed right next to me.
You can't keep anything nice, no matter how hard you try. I hate door dings, and I will park at the back of parking lots to be away from people. Never fails though, someone like Sisters ends up parking his pickup with a rusted out bed right next to me.
Sistersville has no pickup and never had a vehicle with rust. Bigot
I bought this car on March 15th. As of last night, I had it for 34 days. I parked for fifteen minutes in an open air parking lot. When I came back, somebody had clipped my car, scraped it, and chipped paint off of it in numerous places. And the a$$hole could easily see that it is brand new based on how it looks and the fact that paper tags are still on it. No note . . . no car parked next to me . . . no cameras.


That's a shame. People take no responsibility for anything these days. Looks like a nice car. Is that a BMW?
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No cameras is a rarity today. What kind of lot is it?

Just a small surface lot in the middle of a major city. Employees from the same company that owns the lot were working across the street as valets, and they said the lot doesn't have cameras. They weren't positive but thought the neighboring restaurant may have one on that side of their building (I couldn't see it). The restaurant was supposed to close at 8 pm that night, but it was a ghost town at 7:45 pm.

The police said that any red light cameras aren't active. I have to wait to hear back from them about getting info on any other cameras in that area.

should buff out

Not a chance. There are at least five decent sized areas where paint was totally scraped off. Buffing won't fix that.

That’s more than a bump. A lot of a-holes out there. Sorry brother

Sorry you’re having to deal with that. No one should have to see that done to their car.

Thanks. If my biggest issue of the week was a moron hitting my car and driving off without leaving his/her info, I am pretty thankful.

Yeah. Was all set on buying one of the 11 X7s they have on their lot or ordering one from them, but I was actually talked into paying half as much by the salesman for an X3. I am keeping the X5. He said that other than differences on the interior and a third row of seating, I will see a much bigger difference between the X3 and the X5 compared with the X5 and the X7.

The X5 has a much stronger engine than the X3 that I have, but the X3 is so much lighter that it flies in comparison and is much quieter than the tank engine I have in the X5. I am really impressed by how quiet it is when I am aggressive with acceleration on it. It almost makes a quiet whistle with a lot of kick. The panoramic sunroof sucks in it though. On the X5, the roof opens all the way above the back row. In the X3, the opening stops before reaching the front of the back row.
Thanks. If my biggest issue of the week was a moron hitting my car and driving off without leaving his/her info, I am pretty thankful.


That's a good way to look at it.

Though not exactly relevant to the OP my wife parallel parked her minivan (aside: I never imagined having a $40K vehicle ever...and now that we do it's a minivan. Life's funny that way) into another car. We cut them a $500 check and choose to drive around with a lesion on the side of the Odyssey that looks almost exactly like your BMW pic. We may eventually get it fixed but not much of a priority now.

Having extra money where that sort of ding (to the wallet or otherwise) doesn't really hurt much is definitely a privilege I'm very thankful for. I can remember back in college or residency where the pain was much greater. I wrecked my Accord one semester and cleaned apartments for the landlord on the weekends to pay off some damages.
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Does anyone in the thread have insurance?

Yes, with a 1k out of pocket before insurance kicks in.

I’ve had a car break in and a wife parking mishap over 10 years. The higher out of pocket savings (on the monthly premium) has been worth it.
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It almost makes a quiet whistle

Yes, turbos whistle.

I much more approve of the X3 over the X5 and X7. If you need a large SUV, buy a fvcking Tahoe/Suburban and be done with it. Or a new Expedition (yes, I know the X5 is smaller than those, but base price is still higher)*. Small crossovers are the new hatchback. Small vehicles are more nimble.

* None of this applies if you are actually going to be off-road in the thing.
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I carry a $1000 deductible as well. I think it makes sense in the long run. But in Carl Hungus’s scenario, I wonder if you come out ahead? At least in the long run. You give the person $500 you hit, and say you might fix your own vehicle later. If the damage is comparable to rifle’s, I’m guessing you’d be hard pressed to fix it for $500. I’m say from the pictures that rifle would likely be happy if he could fix the damage for that. It doesn’t take much to exceed $1000 in damage. So if you do fix it down the road (or get diminished trade in value if you don’t fix it), it will likely cost you more than the $1000 deductible altogether.

If it’s close I understand not wanting to get the insurance company involved to a certain extent, although I’d worry that the person you hit could come back a month afterward and have medical issues.

I’ve had youthful drivers on my policy for a bunch of years. My oldest two kids are on their own, but I still have my youngest two on my policy. One thing about having your kids on the policy during the four or five years after they get their license, there’s a good chance that they will have mishaps. I added an accident forgiveness rider to my policy. It’s expensive but I can’t be canceled or have my rates increased (unless it’s a class hike) for accidents. It just gives me peace of mind.
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