I have to admit:

The strategy of soccer is very similar to hockey and lacrosse. If you played/understand how they work, you also understand soccer. The difference is that hockey and lacrosse are more physical and have more skill compared with soccer which is full of a lot of loose balls and ricochets.
To me the biggest difference is that players of hockey and lacrosse don't have to constantly listen to people who've never played hockey and lacrosse try to tell them the deep, inner truth about hockey and lacrosse.

Here, I'll give it a go: lacrosse is just the sport that soft rich white kids fled to when the normies, the blacks and the ethnics started playing soccer.
Here I am, arguing with people why soccer is anything but boring after having posted this 24 hours ago:
Same thing could be said for baseball.

I happen to love both sports but couldn't care less if someone finds baseball boring or thinks soccer is too low scoring. Who gives a 5hit? A lot of people do for some reason.
I have become that which I hate.
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Here is what I think. Like Soccer or not their accomplishment is huge. It would be like the basketball team making the Final 4 or the football team making the 4 team playoff. No other sport at Marshall has gone this far at this level.
Here I am, arguing with people why soccer is anything but boring after having posted this 24 hours ago:

I have become that which I hate.
It's certainly a sport you have to know something about to appreciate it. When my kids first started playing, it looked like a chinese fire drill playing kickball. But as they got better, played travel ball and I coached a bit, I came to appreciate the game, the rules and the players who had/have incredible skill. When played well, it is a great game to watch.

I hate the NBA, NASCAR and a few other sports but I don't rag on them. lol!
I have to admit that I would not be paying attention to NCAA soccer tournament if MU was not in the mix. And I attend my granddaughter's and grandson's soccer just because they are playing. But the more I watch, the more I admire the ability to pass the ball with only the feet and to be patient until the opportunity arises to take a shot. I got as excited yesterday about the Herd's play and the win as I do for football or basketball. This team is very good--so confident and patient. Their defense does not get a lot of attention, but I was very impressed yesterday when they continuously shut down Georgetown time after time.
During my youth, I tried just about every sport and I can honestly say i sucked at most of them. I’m a outstanding skier, good swimmer, and I have the reflexes to beat most at ping pong. Other than that, I suck. That is why I hold great admiration for people who can play soccer, football, baseball, basketball, track, golf, lacrosse, softball. . .
To me the biggest difference is that players of hockey and lacrosse don't have to constantly listen to people who've never played hockey and lacrosse try to tell them the deep, inner truth about hockey and lacrosse.
I played soccer from age 5 - 11. I played hockey from age 6-11. I played lacrosse in multiple leagues and summer camps in sixth and seventh grade.

By far, hockey and lacrosse require more skill than soccer does. Does that mean professional soccer players aren't exceptionally skilled at handling the ball? Of course not. But at the very foundation of the sports, hockey and lacrosse require far more skill.

Take a group of six year olds. Every one of them can run around and kick the ball to each other or into a goal within their first couple of weeks of practice.

Take a group of six year olds. None of them can ice skate within their first two weeks, let alone stay on their feet while hitting a puck with the stick.

Take a group of six year olds. None of them can throw or catch a lacrosse ball within their first couple of weeks of practice.
Here, I'll give it a go: lacrosse is just the sport that soft rich white kids fled to when the normies, the blacks and the ethnics started playing soccer.
I can agree with that other than blacks playing soccer and the "soft" aspect. Claiming lacrosse players are "soft" while defending soccer players is absurdly silly.
No worse than claiming soccer isn't physical and requires no skill despite never having played it against people who've been through puberty.

that's a good point. can you imagine if one of us on here criticized or other wise commented on the skill required to play basketball or football at a high level (college or professionally) while putting forth such credentials (to imply knowledgeable about sport) that they played that sport as a child? good stuff!!
No worse than claiming soccer isn't physical and requires no skill

No worse than having to resort to straw men.

I haven't seen anyone, including me, argue that soccer requires no skill. In fact, I have argued that to be successful in soccer, you have to be more athletic than you do to be successful in sports like baseball and even lacrosse. But those sports require more skill than soccer. And my examples prove that.

despite never having played it against people who've been through puberty.
Clearly, you don't know Chris Grantham. Kid was 6' with a full beard by the time he was in fifth grade.

that's a good point. can you imagine if one of us on here criticized or other wise commented on the skill required to play basketball or football at a high level (college or professionally) while putting forth such credentials (to imply knowledgeable about sport) that they played that sport as a child? good stuff!!

Oh, imagine that. My shadow shows up to take an opposite stance that I did. And the "good stuff" line is old from you. You sound like a bigger dork than usual.

I am awful at golf, but I know that it takes a lot more skill than other games and a lot less athleticism than most other sports. Not being active in something doesn't eliminate the ability to form a fact-based opinion. You should try it sometime.
No worse than having to resort to straw men.

I haven't seen anyone, including me, argue that soccer requires no skill. In fact, I have argued that to be successful in soccer, you have to be more athletic than you do to be successful in sports like baseball and even lacrosse. But those sports require more skill than soccer. And my examples prove that.

Clearly, you don't know Chris Grantham. Kid was 6' with a full beard by the time he was in fifth grade.

Oh, imagine that. My shadow shows up to take an opposite stance that I did. And the "good stuff" line is old from you. You sound like a bigger dork than usual.

I am awful at golf, but I know that it takes a lot more skill than other games and a lot less athleticism than most other sports. Not being active in something doesn't eliminate the ability to form a fact-based opinion. You should try it sometime.

O.K. I'll respond, it sounds like you need attention. First let me say, please refrain from personal attacks on this message board. The "dork" comments are not necessary and we are not in high school.

I looked back through recent posts. You may want to review as well as you keep showing up quoting me and seeking attention/response - - all while accusing others of being obsessed with you (yes you use that routine on multiple posters). I really haven't engaged you since I laughed at your comments where you claimed "an ADs job is to make everyone happy" that is funny!! You keep showing up if I respond to other posters, heck you even got defensive because I agreed with another posters comments about boring off season topics because you had started that thread. It's not a good look and no one over here wants to read that foolishness.

So why don't you just relax and talk about Herd sports here. I know this is hard for you to believe, but nothing on this forum is about you.
I'll just add this warning:

Hockey players are some of the best golfers I've personally played against. Their eye/hand coordination is out of this world maddening. Some of my drinking golfing buddies are former Kalamazoo Wings (semi-pro) and those dudes are amazing golfers. They seldom hit a bad shot, and they hit the ball a mile, and their putting abilities are similar to the pros. I always get them on my scramble teams. We don't always win, but no other team dares to fight us after the rounds are complete.
I'll just add this warning:

Hockey players are some of the best golfers I've personally played against. Their eye/hand coordination is out of this world maddening. Some of my drinking golfing buddies are former Kalamazoo Wings (semi-pro) and those dudes are amazing golfers. They seldom hit a bad shot, and they hit the ball a mile, and their putting abilities are similar to the pros. I always get them on my scramble teams. We don't always win, but no other team dares to fight us after the rounds are complete.
Happy Gilmore proved that 25 years ago