bullshit. has to be. because, you know, there's all these talking points that you regurgitate. talking points. you got to stop paying attention to those got damn talking points. don't believe me? ask the doctor of journalism. fvcking talking points will get you every got damn time. pfffffft . . . talking poi.......fffffffffffuh quuuuuuuuuu.I know this isn't what you meant.
what is that, anyhow? the new lib lingo for shit they don't agree with? "well, errrrr, uhhhh, it's just the devil republican talking points." the good doctor of journalism has used it no fewer than 1/2 a dozen times over the past week in conversations where he didn't agree with whomever he was discussing whatever.
regarding all this doctor bullshit. i've known several phd's in edu. only one who demanded to be referred to as dr. so-n-so. she was a crazy bitch and lasted all of a month in her position as superintendent of the local school system before being removed and sent packing to the next county over where she took up a teaching position.
i've known several other females with a doctorate in edu and none wanted referred to as doctor outside of the workplace.