I watched the replay of those two women in the UFC fight

i am herdman

Platinum Buffalo
Gold Member
Mar 5, 2006
Ronda Rousey vs the other girl. After some reflection all I can say is:


That stuff is a scam. That was more fake than Monday Night Raw. That arm bar was so fake and set up. Sucker born every minute.

That was not even a good cat fight. I've seen better fights at a PTA meeting.

Glad I am not dumb enough to drop $60 on that pay per view.

This post was edited on 3/3 7:08 AM by i am herdman
I think she's just ahead of her time. I think you'll see some really great women fighters in about 10 years or at least more of them of Rousey's skill set.

I think Rousey will open up the door or attract young female fighters for the years to come. Unfortunately, that means there aren't many out there now that can fight her. Thus, all of her fights are extremely boring and quick. But it's only a matter of time before you see the competition rise up. She's the face of female fighting, she's damn good.
Looked fake to me. That or the other girl was stupid. She put the arm right in there.

14 seconds? Looked staged and rehearsed to me.
Only way someone has a remote chance against her is to keep the fight off the ground. If the fight goes to the ground, game over instantly.
Rousey's seriously no joke. The thing that hurts her isn't her skill, it's that she's so far ahead of everyone else that it's hard to understand just how good she is.
Originally posted by i am herdman:
Ronda Rousey vs the other girl. After some reflection all I can say is:


That stuff is a scam. That was more fake than Monday Night Raw. That arm bar was so fake and set up. Sucker born every minute.

That was not even a good cat fight. I've seen better fights at a PTA meeting.

Glad I am not dumb enough to drop $60 on that pay per view.
Are you fvcking kidding? People paid $60 to watch two chicks fight?

I've never understood the whole MMA thing anyway, but I couldn't imagine something as uninteresting as watching two women fighting. Jesus.
Originally posted by murox:

Originally posted by i am herdman:
Ronda Rousey vs the other girl. After some reflection all I can say is:


That stuff is a scam. That was more fake than Monday Night Raw. That arm bar was so fake and set up. Sucker born every minute.

That was not even a good cat fight. I've seen better fights at a PTA meeting.

Glad I am not dumb enough to drop $60 on that pay per view.
Are you fvcking kidding? People paid $60 to watch two chicks fight?

I've never understood the whole MMA thing anyway, but I couldn't imagine something as uninteresting as watching two women fighting. Jesus.
The only time I've ever paid to watch women fight was a "Boxing for Boobs" even down in Charleston, SC. The girl who won had serious skill & I don't mean just for a girl. My roommate the time was a first degree Kenpo blackbelt & he joked he would be hesitant to take her on. Her opponent in the title match refused to fight her & frankly I don't blame her.

But I agree 100% - anybody who was dumb enough to pay for that fight deserves what they got. There was no way it was going to be worth it. Since boxing is a dying sport in America (don't kid yourselves, the Mayweather vs Pacquiao is its tombstone) I get the rise of MMA. But women fighting just doesn't bring about the same bloodlust. Right now it's more a novelty than anything else. That's not a knock on Rousey, but rather the fact the rest of the field is nowhere close to her skill set. She's won her last three fights, in total, in less than two minutes. It's puzzling why anybody would pay the money to watch it on several different levels. Even if you like MMA, anybody familiar with her knows she ends fights crazy fast.
Originally posted by bEER_Nation13:
Only way someone has a remote chance against her is to keep the fight off the ground. If the fight goes to the ground, game over instantly.
I disagree. I think a good wrestler could cause her fits. Of course there may not be enough good women wrestlers. That girl got caught way out of position with her arm. it was so bad that a 12 year old boy would have pinned her in wrestling.

I would train my fighter to go for ankle with a Cael Sanderson ankle pick and then in UFC they could brake her ankle. That chic the other night played right into her hands and then tried to reach back with her arm.

There is some black woman out there who will beat her ass. I agree with rox though, I don't get the whole MMA UFC or whatever thing. I like pure boxing and wrestling much better.

This post was edited on 3/3 10:15 AM by i am herdman

This post was edited on 3/3 10:16 AM by i am herdman
Originally posted by i am herdman:
Originally posted by bEER_Nation13:
Only way someone has a remote chance against her is to keep the fight off the ground. If the fight goes to the ground, game over instantly.
I disagree. I think a good wrestler could cause her fits. Of course there may not be enough good women wrestlers. That girl got caught way out of position with her arm. it was so bad that a 12 year old boy would have pinned her in wrestling.

I would go straight for ankle and brake it.
Rousey trained with the Gracies. Good luck with that ground game.
There are no elite level female wrestlers in the UFC right now. Really in W135 there aren't any elite level anythings, except for Rousey in judo and submissions. She basically looks like what would happen if you took a championship level fighter from the men's divisions today and dropped them in the UFC in the late 90s; she's just that far ahead of everyone. Hypothetically a great wrestler would probably be the toughest matchup for her, but there just isn't one yet.

If she stuck around 5 years, which she probably won't, there could be someone in the second generation of women fighters who comes along and is as well rounded as her. WMMA is new as a legitimate, money making thing and the quality is only going to improve, but at this point she's at least 5 years ahead of the rest of the sport, maybe even more.
The women's fights are different but if you're a fan of MMA then they're easy to get in to. If you don't like MMA then I don't see why they'd change your mind though.
Originally posted by murox:

Originally posted by i am herdman:
Ronda Rousey vs the other girl. After some reflection all I can say is:


That stuff is a scam. That was more fake than Monday Night Raw. That arm bar was so fake and set up. Sucker born every minute.

That was not even a good cat fight. I've seen better fights at a PTA meeting.

Glad I am not dumb enough to drop $60 on that pay per view.
Are you fvcking kidding? People paid $60 to watch two chicks fight?
I know, you can see two chicks do that and a lot more online for free.
I followed boxing in the era of Ali. Since that time ended I've lost intrest in boxing and have never watched MMA or UFC. If someone offered me $60 to watch one of those matches I'd turn it down. It's even less interesting to me than NASCAR.
Posted from Rivals Mobile
I feel like I should enjoy UFC more than I do. In theory two dudes brawling should be exciting. They all fight so conservatively anymore because they're afraid to take risks and lose. Last PPV I watched, EVERY match went to the cards. It's just not real interesting when that happens.
OK, I'll be the odd ball here.

No, I didn't pay money to watch the fight. I watched the replay. I'm not even much of a UFC fan. However, I find Rousey compelling and can understand why she's a star.

I largely agree with this Grantland piece - she's a legit top level athlete, she has a personality, and she's drawing money as a female athlete in a sport where this has never been done before (by a female). I'm far from a feminist, but I think it's a pretty big deal that people are paying money and she's selling out arenas. Female athletes/performers have been an afterthought in pro wrestling or MMA in the past. She's essentially becoming a cross-over star and possibly the face of MMA (at least to the casual fan). That to me is a big deal.

Maybe I'm going soft because I have a daughter due soon.... but that's my take.

This post was edited on 3/5 10:44 AM by -CarlHungus-
I'm a big MMA fan and Rousey is interesting because she practically built the division. Her PPV (with a garbage undercard) outsold Silva/Diaz by a healthy margin which is insane. There literally would not be women's MMA in the UFC if the UFC brass hadn't looked at Rousey and said 'hey we can make a ton of money here.' If she retired now the drawing power would probably be closer to flyweight; hopefully she sticks around long enough for the division to build up.
Originally posted by HerdandHokies:
I'm a big MMA fan and Rousey is interesting because she practically built the division. Her PPV (with a garbage undercard) outsold Silva/Diaz by a healthy margin which is insane. There literally would not be women's MMA in the UFC if the UFC brass hadn't looked at Rousey and said 'hey we can make a ton of money here.' If she retired now the drawing power would probably be closer to flyweight; hopefully she sticks around long enough for the division to build up.
Not to downplay Rousey's attraction, but if I remember right, the Silva fight wasn't for a belt. Plus no one thought Diaz would win.

I don't know how much longer Rousey will keep fighting. While it does seem like she genuinely likes fighting, would you blame her if she went the Carano route? She's got a rep as a badass, other than fight a dude there's not much more she can achieve in the sport, she's attractive & she could probably make serious money as an action star.

For those who don't know who Carano is, she did a lot for female MMA before she left to be hot & make lots of money not fighting in the MMA anymore (pic below.)

I think she'll fight a little while longer while the money is still really good and she's a hot topic. They've got to get the money and the details worked out to have her fight Cyborg. Not that you're saying she should....but she'd be so dumb to fight a dude - a huge chunk of her appeal/rep would take a big hit if she lost.

I do agree that given her charisma and interest in things other than fighting, she's probably not long for leaving within a couple of years. I may be wrong though. I think she'll eventually do some WWE work; she's clearly a fan of pro wrestling and even goes to some of the independent wrestling shows in her area.

Dare I say that we need input from rifle on her "cross over" ability and her sex appeal to the masses, since he's the board expert on female sex appeal and pop-culture things. I'd seriously like to hear his take (not being sarcastic here).

This post was edited on 3/5 1:01 PM by -CarlHungus-
Seems a Rousey vs. Cyborg fight all comes down to whether or not Justino can get down to 135. Nobody thinks she will though (myself included.) I wrestled at higher weight classes & once you hit your weight floor, even if you're a bigger individual, it's pretty damn hard to drop weight without hurting yourself. Right now, Rousey's in the position to make the demands for the fight. All that being said, if the Cyborg fight does happen, the payday will be crazy.
Originally posted by wisemaniac:
Seems a Rousey vs. Cyborg fight all comes down to whether or not Justino can get down to 135. Nobody thinks she will though (myself included.) I wrestled at higher weight classes & once you hit your weight floor, even if you're a bigger individual, it's pretty damn hard to drop weight without hurting yourself. Right now, Rousey's in the position to make the demands for the fight. All that being said, if the Cyborg fight does happen, the payday will be crazy.
Like I said, I'm not a huge MMA fan and know little about Cyborg. I do know she made 145 while on the juice, so presumably she can make 140 off of it if she's willing to sacrifice some muscle mass. The extra test I'm sure helped her lean out while retaining some muscle mass.

Maybe they can just meet in the middle at 140 for a special non-title fight or something? I understand the reluctance of Rousey to want to fight a higher weight, but there's just too much money to leave on the table to not make it happen.
Cyborg walks around at 175 and had missed weight at 145 before. At 135 Rousey would absolutely destroy her, and at 145 Rousey would probably destroy her although Cyborg might have a punchers chance. The fight will sell the same either way so there's no reason for Rousey to agree to fight in a weight class that doesn't exist in the UFC until she's ready to hang up the gloves.

Also fair point on Silva not being a title fight, but Rousey also outsold the Hendricks/Lawler welterweight title fight, though not the Jones/Cormier LHW title fight.
I am considering this for a Vaganification of America Alert. We are discussing women fighters and it is an in depth discussion.
Originally posted by i am herdman:

I am considering this for a Vaganification of America Alert. We are discussing women fighters and it is an in depth discussion.
We're not talking about a woman's beauty pageant. We're talking about two women who could absolutely beat the ever living shit out of 99% of the men in America. If anything, this is the complete opposite of vaginification. These are two women doing their part to raise the overall toughness of the population.
Originally posted by HerdandHokies:
Discussing cage fighting as a sign of the vaginification of America?
Well, it appears that way. We are discussing women fighting and how good they are. How tough they are. Our grandfathers talk about Sugar Ray Robinson, Jack Dempsey, Ali, Frazier, Foreman, etc. Even my generation talked about Sugar Ray Leonard, Mike Tyson, Larry Holmes, etc.

Now we are talking about women fighters and not in regard to mud wrestling or a good cat fight.

I am taking this under serious consideration.
Originally posted by wisemaniac:

Originally posted by i am herdman:

I am considering this for a Vaganification of America Alert. We are discussing women fighters and it is an in depth discussion.
We're not talking about a woman's beauty pageant. We're talking about two women who could absolutely beat the ever living shit out of 99% of the men in America. If anything, this is the complete opposite of vaginification. These are two women doing their part to raise the overall toughness of the population.
I would never hit a woman, but hypothetically speaking. She is 135 years old for God sakes. 99%? You think she could beat up 99 guys out of 100? I bet should couldn't beat the first private she faced in this weekends combative matches at the 82nd airborne. She is 135 lbs for god sakes.
Originally posted by i am herdman:
Originally posted by wisemaniac:

Originally posted by i am herdman:

I am considering this for a Vaganification of America Alert. We are discussing women fighters and it is an in depth discussion.
We're not talking about a woman's beauty pageant. We're talking about two women who could absolutely beat the ever living shit out of 99% of the men in America. If anything, this is the complete opposite of vaginification. These are two women doing their part to raise the overall toughness of the population.
I would never hit a woman, but hypothetically speaking. She is 135 years old for God sakes. 99%? You think she could beat up 99 guys out of 100? I bet should couldn't beat the first private she faced in this weekends combative matches at the 82nd airborne. She is 135 lbs for god sakes.
Yes, I do, actually. Keep in mind, I'm talking about every single male in this country right now. Could a good amount of guys take her? Sure. Would that number equate to more than 1% of the total US population? I highly doubt it. Especially considering she's one week removed from a championship training routine.
You can't be serious. There is no way she could whip 99% of the male population in this country. You think she could whip 99 out 100 guys in the NFL? 99 out 100 Navy Seals? 99 out of 100 Green Berets? Out of 100 guys on the marshall football team? 99 out 100 Olympic Wrestlers? Boxers? Hell 99 out 100 guys in the same sport she competes in?

Look, I respect her but that is ludicrous.
Originally posted by i am herdman:

You can't be serious. There is no way she could whip 99% of the male population in this country. You think she could whip 99 out 100 guys in the NFL? 99 out 100 Navy Seals? 99 out of 100 Green Berets? Out of 100 guys on the marshall football team? 99 out 100 Olympic Wrestlers? Boxers? Hell 99 out 100 guys in the same sport she competes in?

Look, I respect her but that is ludicrous.
Again, yes, I do. You don't think she could whip 99 out of 100 elderly men. 99 out of 100 obese union workers. 99 out of 100 hipster dbags. 99 out of 100 guys between the ages of 14 & 18 with no fight training? 99 out of 100 band members? Guess what, every single demographic I just named has an ever living shit ton more males than any of the groups you named.
Originally posted by i am herdman:

You can't be serious. There is no way she could whip 99% of the male population in this country. You think she could whip 99 out 100 guys in the NFL? 99 out 100 Navy Seals? 99 out of 100 Green Berets? Out of 100 guys on the marshall football team? 99 out 100 Olympic Wrestlers? Boxers? Hell 99 out 100 guys in the same sport she competes in?

Look, I respect her but that is ludicrous.
This is a stupid argument, but roughly 1% of all males in the US are in the military. A negligible percent (
Originally posted by HerdandHokies:

Originally posted by i am herdman:

You can't be serious. There is no way she could whip 99% of the male population in this country. You think she could whip 99 out 100 guys in the NFL? 99 out 100 Navy Seals? 99 out of 100 Green Berets? Out of 100 guys on the marshall football team? 99 out 100 Olympic Wrestlers? Boxers? Hell 99 out 100 guys in the same sport she competes in?

Look, I respect her but that is ludicrous.
This is a stupid argument, but roughly 1% of all males in the US are in the military. A negligible percent (
Originally posted by ThunderCat98:
I call bullshit on a 135 lb woman beating up a dude. Fwiw, this is a stupid fu*king thread to begin with.
Posted from Rivals Mobile
UFC analyst Joe Rogan, who doesn't pull punches (pardon the pun) weighed in on this very subject with Dan LeBatard recently. Keep in mind Joe's speaking about MMA fighters, not some random guy who gets in bar fights. If you don't think a male MMA fighter who weighs 135 can do serious damage to guys who are much bigger, think again.

"There's a lot of guys her size she could beat. I mean, a lot. If you took the roster of the UFC's banthamweights, 135 lbs, & you paired them up against Ronda Rousey, she might be able to beat 50% of them. That's not a joke." ~ Joe Rogan

Rousey isn't your standard female fighter. She's considered the #7 pound-for-pound fighter in the UFC. And that was before her last fight.
Not that it matters to some of you , but keep in mind 135 is what she has to be for weigh in. I'm completely guessing here but she probably walks around at 150.
I would let her wrestle my son's varsity high school wrestling team and out of the 14 starters she would absolutely get destroyed by at least 11 of them and enough of the 2nd string. She would stand a shot against the lower weights who were underclassmen.

Some of you guys are clinically insane. You are actually insulting her accomplishments. She is a bad ass. I agree

I could take 100 men off the street and she is going to get her ass whipped more than not.

These are the same damn arguments that people had when they said Cherly Swoops could play in the NBA..
This post was edited on 3/6 8:41 AM by i am herdman
Originally posted by wisemaniac:

Originally posted by ThunderCat98:
I call bullshit on a 135 lb woman beating up a dude. Fwiw, this is a stupid fu*king thread to begin with.

Posted from Rivals Mobile
UFC analyst Joe Rogan, who doesn't pull punches (pardon the pun) weighed in on this very subject with Dan LeBatard recently. Keep in mind Joe's speaking about MMA fighters, not some random guy who gets in bar fights. If you don't think a male MMA fighter who weighs 135 can do serious damage to guys who are much bigger, think again.

"There's a lot of guys her size she could beat. I mean, a lot. If you took the roster of the UFC's banthamweights, 135 lbs, & you paired them up against Ronda Rousey, she might be able to beat 50% of them. That's not a joke." ~ Joe Rogan

Rousey isn't your standard female fighter. She's considered the #7 pound-for-pound fighter in the UFC. And that was before her last fight.
I would put her up against several 138 lb high school wrestlers I know and they would crush her.
Originally posted by i am herdman:
Originally posted by wisemaniac:

Originally posted by ThunderCat98:
I call bullshit on a 135 lb woman beating up a dude. Fwiw, this is a stupid fu*king thread to begin with.

Posted from Rivals Mobile
UFC analyst Joe Rogan, who doesn't pull punches (pardon the pun) weighed in on this very subject with Dan LeBatard recently. Keep in mind Joe's speaking about MMA fighters, not some random guy who gets in bar fights. If you don't think a male MMA fighter who weighs 135 can do serious damage to guys who are much bigger, think again.

"There's a lot of guys her size she could beat. I mean, a lot. If you took the roster of the UFC's banthamweights, 135 lbs, & you paired them up against Ronda Rousey, she might be able to beat 50% of them. That's not a joke." ~ Joe Rogan

Rousey isn't your standard female fighter. She's considered the #7 pound-for-pound fighter in the UFC. And that was before her last fight.
I would put her up against several 138 lb high school wrestlers I know and they would crush her.
Are they used to getting punched in the face or put in submission moves? Cause I used to wrestle & we were never trained for any of that.
Let me clarify. Could she beat up a 135 lb teenager? Probably. Could she take your average 175-200 lb dude off the street? Doubtful.
Posted from Rivals Mobile

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