Huff's Extension


Platinum Buffalo
Gold Member
Jan 25, 2010
What is the bare minimum Huff would need to accomplish for you to not just accept, but be happy with him receiving an extension?
I say he gets one more year with 5 wins. Not saying I agree just believe that will be the case
We hired him because Doc wasn’t winning championships. We had a coach that won 8 games a year and fired him.

We are in a better conference now, but Huff was also hired to be better, which means he has to be as good in a stronger conference as Doc was in a weaker conference. He needs to win at least 8 games.
We hired him because Doc wasn’t winning championships. We had a coach that won 8 games a year and fired him.

We are in a better conference now, but Huff was also hired to be better, which means he has to be as good in a stronger conference as Doc was in a weaker conference. He needs to win at least 8 games.
Doc didn’t coach in the SBC?
Frankly, I think it would be best for all involved to start a total redo with a new HC in 2025. Hope we have a great season this fall but not seeing more than 6 wins at this point.
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Yeap… in my opinion!

Must start winning conference if we wanna see growth in fans and level of competition.
Notre dame and VT wins were fun and great for the short term health of the program. But finishing as champions against your peers is always the ultimate goal.
So Huff can beat OSU and Va Tech. Lose 2 conference games ( yes he’s capable) don’t make the playoffs and no extension?
Yes. Because the object is to win our conference. At least be in there neck and neck.

Winning at ND lost it's luster as soon as we lost to BGSU and started tumbling in conference play.

Awesome wins, but at the end of the day it's about championships.

Ask youself which scenario is more disappointing.

Losing to your P5(s), but winning your conference championship.


Beating your P5(s), but finishing middle to bottom of your conference.

In the first scenario the season is celebrated and in the second scenario you quickly start the season as a wasted opportunity just like 2022 turned out to be and last year was the same.
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Like it or not he’ll be offered an extension at 4-8 or better
If the Marshall administration doesn't give any more of a shit about the football program than this, then they better be prepared for fan base not to either.
- What ifs about pulling off massive upsets but then losing conference games are pointless. This isn't going to happen. Yes, Notre Dame, but Ohio State is 1000 times better than Notre Dame.

- This season seems to be pretty clear. This is a bad coach, with bad players. But we are playing a very weak schedule. Very weak. It looks like 6-6 is very doable.

Then we see. Does non-leader CS get this joker out of here, or is this, like basketball, just a token effort.

My bet is on standing pat. It is what non-leaders do.
- What ifs about pulling off massive upsets but then losing conference games are pointless. This isn't going to happen. Yes, Notre Dame, but Ohio State is 1000 times better than Notre Dame.

- This season seems to be pretty clear. This is a bad coach, with bad players. But we are playing a very weak schedule. Very weak. It looks like 6-6 is very doable.

Then we see. Does non-leader CS get this joker out of here, or is this, like basketball, just a token effort.

My bet is on standing pat. It is what non-leaders do.
So Brad is a non-leader? He ultimately makes the call. Seems to be doing damn good job so far.
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So Brad is a non-leader? He ultimately makes the call. Seems to be doing damn good job so far.
If a university president spends 1% of his time on the athletic department, he is not doing his job. Running MU is, after governor, the most important job in the state. MU is this state's last and best hope, and BS is doing a GREAT job so far (it is about to get much harder went the governor changes). Great job.

CS, however, is not a leader. How do we know that? By the name on the door at the head football coach's office.
If a university president spends 1% of his time on the athletic department, he is not doing his job. Running MU is, after governor, the most important job in the state. MU is this state's last and best hope, and BS is doing a GREAT job so far (it is about to get much harder went the governor changes). Great job.

CS, however, is not a leader. How do we know that? By the name on the door at the head football coach's office.
But the prez calls the shots in hiring and firing . Brad certainly has more important tasks to focus on but the buck stops with him.
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If a university president spends 1% of his time on the athletic department, he is not doing his job. Running MU is, after governor, the most important job in the state. MU is this state's last and best hope, and BS is doing a GREAT job so far (it is about to get much harder went the governor changes). Great job.

CS, however, is not a leader. How do we know that? By the name on the door at the head football coach's office.
And another instance that Sam has been out of touch with college athletics for at least the last 10 years
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complete bullshit sammy.
Spamite troll.

At least TRY to have a take. Writing "NOT EITHER" is not a take.

So tell us, troll, how much time does a university president (mine being Smith, yours being Gee, soon to be Manchin, whoever) spend on sports? And who runs the actual functions of the large business that a major university is, while he is worrying about sports?

What an idiot you are.
If a university president spends 1% of his time on the athletic department, he is not doing his job.
You say a lot of stupid things, including multiple ones in this thread, but this one may be the dumbest.

A university president, much like a CEO, has leaders of each department. Those department leaders report to the C-level suite (in this case, the university president). A good leader is staying very engaged with each of those leaders to be able to support, assess, and help guide those leaders. In doing so, it means that CEO/COO/university president is spending the majority of his/her time engaged with each of those departments. So if a university president is only spending 1% of their time on the athletic department - especially at the D1 level - they are not fulfilling their own role.

Running MU is, after governor, the most important job in the state. MU is this state's last and best hope,
You really are a moron.
Spamite troll.

At least TRY to have a take. Writing "NOT EITHER" is not a take.

So tell us, troll, how much time does a university president (mine being Smith, yours being Gee, soon to be Manchin, whoever) spend on sports? And who runs the actual functions of the large business that a major university is, while he is worrying about sports?

What an idiot you are.
Looks like your take is being mocked, not just by me, Sammy. Your "1% of time" take is stupid and misinformed. Shows just how much you dont know about leadership. "Sports" is a large revenue driver within the large business of a university. The President of the University spends a good portion of time involved with the leadership in those departments.

Also, try harder with your "spamite troll" schtick. It's stale and stupid as well. How many times do we need to prove you wrong about that too.
If we win 8 games he will be extended without question... If we are 5-7 or worse, he should be gone.

If we win 6 or 7 games, in my mind it will come down to how we look on the field.

If we go 6-6 or 7-5 and we are competitive in all of our games (with the exception of OSU who is going to beat us by 40) then it will be real interesting to see what happens.

As for Brad, Sam is overselling his point but not by much... Brad Smith is running a university and by pretty much all accounts doing a good job. Athletics is just one department within that business, and I don't think he intervenes in that department unless something is really really haywire... Could Brad go over Spears head and fire a coach if he thought a change was needed, sure... Would he do that? - IMO, only if it was exceedingly clear that a change needed made (and if Spears wouldn't make it).

As much as we are judging Huff on this season, the jury is still very much out on Spears at this point too. He's been here long enough to be making progress in the revenue sports (football and mens hoops), and so far we've had the DD debacle that has left basketball in the hands of Coach Jackson, and we have Huff on a very clear hot seat.
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