If Abortion is your #1 issue

states' rights
Wave that Rebel flag and bleach yer hood.
As with most things you only see the liberal arguments
There is no liberal argument in the majority opinion.

Again, why would your team propose a federal ban if there can be no federal law on abortion? Are you saying your team is a bunch of liberals? Which they aren't. They just understand that Dobbs left that door open; it's a shame you are not as smart as they are.
Wave that Rebel flag and bleach yer hood.

Yeah, wave that race card...☹️

There is no liberal argument in the majority opinion.

Hmmm... I would say there is a liberal argument in the dissenting opinion...

Again, why would your team propose a federal ban if there can be no federal law on abortion? Are you saying your team is a bunch of liberals? Which they aren't. They just understand that Dobbs left that door open; it's a shame you are not as smart as they are.

It's a shame you're not smart enough to realize you're a liberal and not a "libertarian". It is a states' rights issue in Alito's own words.

"In his opinion, Alito writes that the 1973 ruling ended a political process in which states had for years crafted their own stances on abortion. "It imposed the same highly restrictive regime on the entire Nation, and it effectively struck down the abortion laws of every single State," Alito wrote."

By reinvesting states with the authority to decide whether most abortions should be illegal, the opinion "allows women on both sides of the abortion issue to seek to affect the legislative process by influencing public opinion, lobbying legislators, voting, and running for office," Alito wrote.

And for your and other liberals' argument that we are somehow disenfranchising women...

""Women are not without electoral or political power," he said. "It is noteworthy that the percentage of women who register to vote and cast ballots is consistently higher than the percentage of men who do so.""
Yeah, wave that race card
The Civil War was about states' rights, right?
Hmmm... I would say there is a liberal argument in the dissenting opinion
Beats me, I've never read the entire dissent.
It's a shame you're not smart enough to
It's a shame you are not smart enough to read the entire majority opinion. There's no returning it to the states without the substantive due process part, that's the precedent Dobbs is built on. But it's also not giving it to the states. It's a resetting of a prior status quo. Again, nothing here resets the Supremacy Clause.

It's a shame you're not smart enough to realize you're a liberal and not a "libertarian"....And for your and other liberals' argument that we are somehow disenfranchising women...
Funny we'd be on the topic of abortion (sorta, the topic is also your poor reading and logic skills). Remember the last time you didn't know what the L party believes in? Here you go again.

From the 2024 Libertarian Platform, Section 1.1:

"Individuals own their bodies and have rights over them that other individuals, groups, and governments may not violate."

So Slapnuts, once again you can put on the hat.

aziz ansari snl GIF by Saturday Night Live

Which kinda looks like that States' Rights hat. It's the circle of life!
""Women are not without electoral or political power," he said. "It is noteworthy that the percentage of women who register to vote and cast ballots is consistently higher than the percentage of men who do so.""
Funny, that doesn't say "electoral or political power in only state elections." There's a reason for that. Then again, Dobbs also quotes a man who believed in witches and believed a husband could not rape his wife, which are nutty thoughts. Do you believe witches are real? Can a man rape his wife? Inquiring minds want to know!
From the 2024 Libertarian Platform, Section 1.1:

"Individuals own their bodies and have rights over them that other individuals, groups, and governments may not violate."

Does that include individuals owning and having rights over their bodies while in the womb???

If not, why is it a murder charge if an unborn is killed???

"The law defines "child in utero" as "a member of the species Homo sapiens, at any stage of development, who is carried in the womb."[1]"
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Fixed it for you.

Well, not surprisingly you fixed it wrong...

"Fetal matter" is the correct term, as it refers to the tissue or cells of a fetus, while "fetus matter" is not a commonly used phrase and could be considered grammatically incorrect; both essentially mean the same thing when referring to the material from a developing baby in the womb.
Well, not surprisingly you fixed it wrong...

"Fetal matter" is the correct term, as it refers to the tissue or cells of a fetus, while "fetus matter" is not a commonly used phrase and could be considered grammatically incorrect; both essentially mean the same thing when referring to the material from a developing baby in the womb.
Oh, another deplorable plagiarizing. Look at that.
Well, not surprisingly you fixed it wrong...

"Fetal matter" is the correct term, as it refers to the tissue or cells of a fetus, while "fetus matter" is not a commonly used phrase and could be considered grammatically incorrect; both essentially mean the same thing when referring to the material from a developing baby in the womb.
But "it's just a fetus".
God isn't the one doing the killing - man is. The same ones saying this and holding the bloody knife...

It's estimated that 30% of pregnancies end in miscarriage.

This used to cause me emotional anguish. If life begins at conception, and that little two cell bugger has a soul right off the bat, what the hell is God doing? Then I realized life really doesn't begin at conception and it made better sense.

I'm not sure what the answer is to the abortion debate, besides us deciding to mind our own business. But it's definitely somewhere in between a last minute abortion for shits and giggles (extremely rare to the point it is zero statistically) and believing two cells is the same as an actual human being (very common, and very wrong).
I've offered 3 solutions that would practically eliminate abortion. The cons on the board won't accept either of them because they're not interested in the babies, they're interested in punishing women.
If life begins at conception, and that little two cell bugger has a soul right off the bat, what the hell is God doing? Then I realized life really doesn't begin at conception and it made better sense.

God knew you before you were born.

Before I formed you in the womb, I knew you, Jeremiah 1:5. But whatever makes you feel good about supporting the killing of children.
God knew you before you were born.

Before I formed you in the womb, I knew you, Jeremiah 1:5. But whatever makes you feel good about supporting the killing of children.
You are as guilty of abortion as anyone. You are unwilling to take responsibility in any form other than punishing mothers.
God knew you before you were born.
And God knew those people at Flat Creek were going to get hit by a 300 foot wide debris flow before they were born. Would have been nice if he told them before they had to die.

Which brings up this argument: wouldn't God already know a fetus was going to get aborted? Ain't religion weird?
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And God knew those people at Flat Creek were going to get hit by a 300 foot wide debris flow before they were born. Would have been nice if he told them before they had to die.

Which brings up this argument: wouldn't God already know a fetus was going to get aborted? Ain't religion weird?

Evil runs this Earth right now. Satan is free and it's clear he has a strong hold on you.

Jesus will return and evil is going to lose.

We have free will to choose faith in God.

You choose not to. He's giving you that choice. Man can't survive without God and it's being proven now. Satan is going to take as many as he can with him.

I choose God. You all do not. We all will face the consequences of our decision.
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Evil runs this Earth right now.
It does not. moron
Satan is free and it's clear he has a strong hold on you.
He is not free and there is nothing clear for you. You believe your orange jesus is a man of faith.
Jesus will return and evil is going to lose.
We have free will to choose faith in God.
You should take your own advice.
You choose not to.
So do you.
He's giving you that choice. Man can't survive without God and it's being proven now. Satan is going to take as many as he can with him.
And here you are, still a Godless lying idiot.
I choose God.
You're an ignorant dimwit.
You all do not. We all will face the consequences of our decision.
You ain't gonna like that.^^
It's estimated that 30% of pregnancies end in miscarriage.

This used to cause me emotional anguish. If life begins at conception, and that little two cell bugger has a soul right off the bat, what the hell is God doing? Then I realized life really doesn't begin at conception and it made better sense.

I'm not sure what the answer is to the abortion debate, besides us deciding to mind our own business. But it's definitely somewhere in between a last minute abortion for shits and giggles (extremely rare to the point it is zero statistically) and believing two cells is the same as an actual human being (very common, and very wrong).

I think the 30% number is a little high and I think the late-term abortion numbers are underreported for various reasons. These are a little dated but are the result of a quick search.

The 6 million-plus pregnancies in 1996 in the U.S. resulted in 3.9 million births, 1.3 million induced abortions, and almost a million fetal deaths. This means that 62 percent of pregnancies ended in a live birth, 22 percent ended in abortion, and 16 percent ended in a miscarriage or stillbirth. Trends in birth, abortion, and fetal loss have varied over the past 20 years, but since 1990 the rates for all three have declined: live births, down 8 percent; induced abortions, down 16 percent; and fetal loss, down 4 percent.
It's estimated that 30% of pregnancies end in miscarriage.
About 20 years ago on here, I made that claim in an argument about abortion. I pissed a lot of the old posters off by telling them that Jesus Christ was the biggest abortion doctor in the world according to them and provided the estimated number of annual natural miscarriages (there is a term for it, but head injury prevents me from recalling it).

I think I received a warning email for it . . . or maybe by that point, they realized that the warnings didn’t work on me, so it may have been an email asking me to not mock Christianity.