If the Republicans Put Cruz or Rubio As the Nominee and This Is Big

So does hillary lie? Ask a beghazi parent

No one, other than Hillary and the parents, can know that. There are conflicting reports between the parents and family members themselves. It cannot be verified one way or another. But.........benghazi !!
No one, other than Hillary and the parents, can know that. There are conflicting reports between the parents and family members themselves. It cannot be verified one way or another. But.........benghazi !!

Thanks for the entertainment, greed.
If you want loud, listen to heavy metal.
No one lies as much as Trumpster.

This is a political football game, not music. You don't win political football games with patty cakers like McCain and Romney. Newt Gingrich should have gotten the nomination back then and Trump should get it now. Fight that old hag, I say. No more patty cake.

Nobody keeps a record of all the lies told by everyone, there's no data on it so there's no way to prove who lies more. Our economy is built on lies anyway. Lies make up a large part of the fabric of this country.

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