If Walden Would Come Back It Would Be Better Than Seeing Beatles Reunited

Was he perma banned? I notice you can't @ mention him, unless his screen name was something different than just @WaldenPond ?
Is he still alive? We know a ban would not have kept him away as he created a good half dozen or so names back in 2007 when he was banned multiple times for his harassing behaviour.
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I'm convinced Walden will make a grand return one of these days. As for all the fighting possibilities, I'm convinced the big black guy would knock yags out somewhere within the opening minute of round one.

It's just hard to bet against the big black guy.
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Sounds like another poster here

You aren’t bright.

I’ve only had one name banned on here, not counting the phenomenal Raoul Duke decoy account that I created. The other names I use on here are all from being logged in while evading the band of my names on the wvu board, not this board.
You aren’t bright.

I’ve only had one name banned on here, not counting the phenomenal Raoul Duke decoy account that I created. The other names I use on here are all from being logged in while evading the band of my names on the wvu board, not this board.
Its literally the exact same thing whether its banned from this board or not. You have created names because others have been banned
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For a while I thought Walden was really a creation by rifle. It’s almost like he was a fictional character and rifle is the only one here that had the diligence to pull off the parody. When I realized he was real, I immediately understood how Donald Trump got elected.

Just kidding...kinda.
For a while I thought Walden was really a creation by rifle. It’s almost like he was a fictional character and rifle is the only one here that had the diligence to pull off the parody. When I realized he was real, I immediately understood how Donald Trump got elected.

Just kidding...kinda.

Your device autocorrected “ingenuity, brilliance, and humor” into “diligence.”
For a while I thought Walden was really a creation by rifle. It’s almost like he was a fictional character and rifle is the only one here that had the diligence to pull off the parody. When I realized he was real, I immediately understood how Donald Trump got elected.

Just kidding...kinda.
How hard is it for people who don't get why Donald Trump was elected to figure it out?
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We'll know the answer to that as soon as you post on here how you were duped into voting for the idiot.
He is doing a very effective job in my opinion. I knew what I voted for and I liked it. Will vote for him again.

Washington needed a wake up call and was refreshing to see Obama go and no way in Hell could I sit back and watch that wench get elected.
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He is doing a very effective job in my opinion. I knew what I voted for and I liked it. Will vote for him again.

Well then, you're proving you haven't realized you've been duped yet.

Less jobs created. On target to be the least number of jobs created in the last 9 years.
Labor force participation rate lower than when cheetos took office.
Larger national debt.
Larger budget deficits.
Less people with healthcare coverage.
Income inequality is getting worse.
Number of unemployed people increased by 64,000 in May.

What's not to like?
Our draft dodging friend is going to be angry and lying for at least 6 more years
Our draft dodging friend is going to be angry and lying for at least 6 more years

Because I know you love the truth:rolleyes:....

Less jobs created. On target to be the least number of jobs created in the last 9 years.
Labor force participation rate lower than when cheetos took office.
Larger national debt.
Larger budget deficits.
Less people with healthcare coverage.
Income inequality is getting worse.
Number of unemployed people increased by 64,000 in May.
Because I know you love the truth:rolleyes:....

Less jobs created. On target to be the least number of jobs created in the last 9 years.
Labor force participation rate lower than when cheetos took office.
Larger national debt.
Larger budget deficits.
Less people with healthcare coverage.
Income inequality is getting worse.
Number of unemployed people increased by 64,000 in May.

I know you live in a world where stats are isolated, stand alone, and don't require any understanding. However, if you ever want to improve your intelligence level, you need to be able to understand what causes numbers to be what they are. You're like the statistician who drowned in a river with an average depth of one inch.

On January 1, 2011 the first baby boomers started turning 65. We are now operating at a pace where 10,000 baby boomers turn 65 every single day. The break even age, where 50% still work and 50% retire, is approximately 63 years old. So essentially, between now and 2030, we will have 3,650,000 people leave the workforce each year. We only have approximately 4,000,000 people turning 18 every year.

So what does all this mean? It means that we only have the capacity to fill a net 350,000 jobs per year, roughly, from net in migration of working age people. Any gains above that have to come from increased work force participation and, unfortunately, millenials aren't as keen on going to work everyday as their grandparents were. Even if they did love to answer to the man, you wouldn't have 100% participation, so in reality we are producing less people for the workforce than we are losing from it.

Obama's workforce participation numbers were actual worse than they appeared. They were propped up by boomers delaying retirement because of the stock market tanking in 2008/2009 and they had to keep working until that could recover. So the Trump participation rate has actually been burdened by the success of the economy. Not only have the people hitting retirement age been leaving, but so have the people that had to hang on have left, thereby revealing just how bad the millenial numbers are. You also have people leaving the workforce early because their market gains have been so strong.

The country has more jobs than people looking for jobs. People aren't working because they can't, they aren't working because they don't want to and, thanks to our generous government, don't have to.
On January 1, 2011 the first baby boomers started turning 65. We are now operating at a pace where 10,000 baby boomers turn 65 every single day.

Which means the same condition had been existent the last 5 years of obama's presidency. moron.

millenials aren't as keen on going to work everyday as their grandparents were

Those millennials were in the work force the entire obama presidency. It's not a cheetos thing.

Obama's workforce participation numbers were actual worse than they appeared. They were propped up by boomers delaying retirement because of the stock market tanking in 2008/2009 and they had to keep working until that could recover.

Cheetos's workforce participation numbers are actually worse than they appear due all those born in 1960 or later have to wait until they're 67 to receive full retirement benefits. Beyond that, the greatest share of older Americans in more than 50 years are working well into their 60s, and it's not because they need the money. As of February, about 20% of Americans over age 65 — a total of 10.6 million people — are either working or looking for work, representing a 57-year high.

Summary....another failure in you trying to excuse the better numbers under obama. Thanks for playing.
why Donald Trump was elected

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millenials aren't as keen on going to work everyday as their grandparents were. Even if they did love to answer to the man, you wouldn't have 100% participation

What kind of sheltered existence have you had to think the past was all Norman Rockwell and shit? There's always been a large chunk of the population that didn't want to work. The ancient Greeks called them "parasitos". We called them "white trash" and a word we can't use today, and the projects always were full....long before the terrible Obama.

Now, I would reckon the % has increased, simply because menial, manual labor is not as demanded now. Less work for the dumb and unmotivated.

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