If You Do This at Thanksgiving...

Yep. And that's definitely a tangerine.

Sure it is...

Yes, libertarians believe in overthrowing freely elected governments.

I'm gonna be real: if you support that stuff, you are a giant un-America piece of shit, and should be physically kicked in the ass right out of the USA, and hopefully thrown out of the plane/off the boat and die. I'd prefer hanged for treason, but apparently that isn't legal, as your Orange Jesus Dude isn't dead yet, you authoritarian loving pig.

Interestingly the only person (sick) that has publicly wished death on me (at least twice)...

you are a giant un-America piece of shit

For all the talk about insurrections being un-American, I just saw saw an ad for "Sons of Liberty" and was amused to hear the Redcoats derisively refer to the Revolution as an insurrection...

"The Regulator Movement, also known as the Regulator Insurrection, War of Regulation, and War of the Regulation, was an uprising in Provincial North Carolina from 1766 to 1771 in which citizens took up arms against colonial officials, whom they viewed as corrupt. Though the rebellion did not change the power structure, some historians consider it a catalyst to the American Revolutionary War."

"The Revolutionary War was an insurrection by American Patriots in the 13 colonies to British rule, resulting in American independence."

Interestingly it was religious "nut-jobs" that you seemingly despise that were behind this insurrection and our nation's ultimate freedom from the Crown...

"King George called the insurrection in the Americas "that Presbyterian revolt.""

I'm on record as saying had rifle and oldie been alive during Revolutionary times they'd be on the side of the Crown. After all, this is what the Brits are saying about January 6th 250 years later...

I think I know which side you'd be on had you been alive around 250 years ago...

Insurrections are un-American??? Really...
How about that free and fair election. You know when the party in power qas giving orders to a private company to shut down political opponents.
Speaking of the American tradition of insurrections...

For all the talk about insurrections being un-American, I just saw saw an ad for "Sons of Liberty" and was amused to hear the Redcoats derisively refer to the Revolution as an insurrection...

"The Regulator Movement, also known as the Regulator Insurrection, War of Regulation, and War of the Regulation, was an uprising in Provincial North Carolina from 1766 to 1771 in which citizens took up arms against colonial officials, whom they viewed as corrupt. Though the rebellion did not change the power structure, some historians consider it a catalyst to the American Revolutionary War."

"The Revolutionary War was an insurrection by American Patriots in the 13 colonies to British rule, resulting in American independence."

Interestingly it was religious "nut-jobs" that you seemingly despise that were behind this insurrection and our nation's ultimate freedom from the Crown...

"King George called the insurrection in the Americas "that Presbyterian revolt.""

I'm on record as saying had rifle and oldie been alive during Revolutionary times they'd be on the side of the Crown. After all, this is what the Brits are saying about January 6th 250 years later...

I think I know which side you'd be on had you been alive around 250 years ago...

Insurrections are un-American??? Really...
But….but….but Trump!!
  • Haha
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