or was incapable of getting one within a very short timeframe.
Sure - just first wait for the bus that doesn't show up because you live in the ghetto where the money isn't as strong, so complaints/bad service really aren't viewed as importantly as they are from other areas. The next bus shows up an hour later where you pay the $1.50. It takes you to the ghetto metro/subway, but the card machine is broken since they don't fix things in the ghetto like they do other places. So you have to go to the metro guy and pay him for a card. But he's out of the booth doing whatever because they don't staff the ghetto areas in businesses like they do elsewhere. The money just isn't there to support it, and frankly, other businesses aren't wanting to come set up shop in the ghetto, so you don't have to worry about competition.
After twenty minutes, the metro guy comes back and gives you the card in exchange for your $2.25. There is a fifteen minute backup since metro doesn't send as many trains to the ghetto. You get downtown and then have to walk fifteen minutes to the location to get your ID. You wait in line for an hour. When you get to the booth, you're told that you don't have the right document to get the ID you need. You didn't know that because your cell phone was cut off for non-payment, so you couldn't call to see what you needed. There is no public library with computer access in the ghetto, so you couldn't get online. You couldn't pay your cell bill because the closest bank takes an hour to get to with public transportation, because banks aren't exactly begging for property in the ghetto. You then have to do the whole thing in reverse and pay another $3.75 for travel.
But you can't go the next three days because you have to work. Then, the ID office is closed on Sunday. You are able to go Monday but realize you don't get paid again until Friday, so you can't pay the $40 for the ID. You usually get Monday off, but your boss tells you that you have to work that day. She will give you Tuesday off instead, but your son has no school that day, and there are no child care centers in the ghetto, so you have to be with him all day. You don't want to pay an additional $7.50 roundtrip to take him downtown and make him wait 1-2 hours in line. You finally are able to go the following Monday, three weeks later.
Voting closed two weeks ago.
Welcome to the modern day poll tax.