I suspect that Iran, no matter how stupid you might think they are, knows that they probably wouldn't live long enough to see their nuclear missile launch leave their sight. Bunch of gop living in fear.
They already had the freakin' nukes. They could have destroyed the world 10 times over just by themselves. Plus, Reagan had a plan to take them down and it worked.
Obama isn't going to take down anyone.
Most of them don't care if they live long enough to see the missile strike. They are anxious to meet their false prophet.
I suspect that Iran, no matter how stupid you might think they are, knows that they probably wouldn't live long enough to see their nuclear missile launch leave their sight. Bunch of gop living in fear.
Good to know you can read their minds.
Good to know you can read their minds.
Or pay attention to their culture. Whichever.
We had a blow,and pussy puppet in Iran and they booted him out. If Iran gets a nuke and won't use it, some group like Isis will roll in there, take it and use it.
Do you understand the difference between Iran and Pakistan? That's a rhetorical question because it's obvious you don't.
Translation, no, I have no idea so I'll just push it off like I always do.
You getting to lazy to even google anymore?
Let me save you the trouble of waiting for a response, in my best Extra voice, "Obama and kerry are great they know what they are doing we should all trust them. Find out for yourself its not my job to answer for you. "Do you support the multiple side deals and can you describe what they are?
I certainly do support the deal. Make note of my support so that in the future you'll remember you and the other 79% were wrong.
I hope you are right Green and I am wrong. However, this will likely not be the case. When they take the money and increase their terror support, I hope you then admit you are wrong.
This president is an idiot in regard to foreign policy. One of the world's laragets migrations of humanity is going on right now. I will be surprised if this does not lead to WW3 down the road.
This guy is leaving a shi* pile mess. The day he leaves office will be a glorious day.
Hey the buck stops at his desk. His job to clean shi* up or make it better. he is not capable and made a bigger mess.I wish Obama had not started a war with Iraq. He should have left well enough alone.
Hey the buck stops at his desk. His job to clean shi* up or make it better. he is not capable and made a bigger mess.
Failure that will cost out country dearly.
Name the failures......
Not enough band with on the server.
That's dumb. You need to get a life.
Use that band width until you run out of it. C'mon, let's hear it......
I have a life and I could say the sky is blue and you would argue. Not gonna do it.
And, I will say this when they name me a moderator you will be on thin ice just like those women we ran off. You might be worse. You are the boards hemorrhoid.