Israel warns White House of Iran threat.

Iran looks like a great place for a giant parking lot. Let’s do it
WMDs and Russia Hoax, both nonexistent.


I'm happy you are dropping the "Bush Lied" narrative and admit that the Russia Collusion story was, in fact, a Hoax. A hoax that suckered many libtards on this board.

I'm happy you are dropping the "Bush Lied" narrative and admit that the Russia Collusion story was, in fact, a Hoax. A hoax that suckered many libtards on this board.

You don't have to convince me you're an idiot. I've known it for a long time.
They actually did find WMD’s in Iraq, but it was much later, well after the narrative had already been set. This was definitely on the news as I heard it multiple times.

Jesus Christ, it is right there in the opening paragraph: "abandoned chemical weapons."

Iraq had NO active program. None. Zero. They just were inept and could not keep track of shit left to rust.

There is no way you are really this stupid.
That must have been when the intelligent agencies got comfortable lying and they have done in this Russia Hoax.

Short story for dumb people: There was no consensus, shit was filtered up even with disagreement, and reforms have been made to give Red Teams more say.

And never mind that we are talking about two very different areas of intelligence...and all the digital Russian fingerprints that no one disputes, except for Trumpster dipshits like yourself. What was the vote for the Russian sanctions....oh yeah, 98-2 in the Senate and 419-3 in the better find some fellow dipshits to vote for.
Jesus Christ, it is right there in the opening paragraph: "abandoned chemical weapons."

Iraq had NO active program. None. Zero. They just were inept and could not keep track of shit left to rust.

There is no way you are really this stupid.

I’m sorry, but I must have missed the part where I said that Iraq had an active program. Oh yeah...I never said that. I just said that they eventually found some WMD’s, which is 100% accurate.
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