It means it’s working

This is more likely Simpson’s paradox than actual vax reverse “immunity.”

I’d be willing to bet those ultra boosted are older, fatter, etc.

Again, this would all be answered/known if the FDA demanded trials for boosters. They did not. So we have to massage the data and guess. A randomized trial accounts for both know and unknown variables.
This is more likely Simpson’s paradox than actual vax reverse “immunity.”

I’d be willing to bet those ultra boosted are older, fatter, etc.

Again, this would all be answered/known if the FDA demanded trials for boosters. They did not. So we have to massage the data and guess. A randomized trial accounts for both know and unknown variables.
Doc, c’mon.
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Doc, c’mon.
Yeah there’s no way that it could be Simpsons paradox. It just HAS to be shitty vaccines. I know because some quack doctor wrote it on a blog. But hey atleast that doctors been published a bajillion times
Yeah there’s no way that it could be Simpsons paradox. It just HAS to be shitty vaccines. I know because some quack doctor wrote it on a blog. But hey atleast that doctors been published a bajillion times

Quack doctor!

We don't need the opinions of "experts" anymore -- we have data. After the vaccine failed to prevent infection, we were told it blocks transmission. When it failed to block transmission we were told it prevented sickness and death. Now it's not only failing to prevent sickness and death, the only people getting sick and dying from Covid are vaccinated. It's the biggest mistake in all of human history, and the sooner people acknowledge that fact, the more deaths we can prevent from taking this poison injection that is wrecking the collective immune systems of western civilization and causing the explosion of respiratory virus infection (soon to be sepsis, increased cancer, prion disease, etc).

Luckily most of the praise of the vaccine these days is just to save face. "Yeah, I understand the prevalence of covid is as high as its ever been, but I'm skipping the 4th dose of the life-saving miracle drug. I'm still glad it's available for old people though."
The vast majority of people I know who have had covid since 2020 have had it in the past six months.
That is because of the new variants b4 and b5 and now a newer one is taking over. The more people do not get their shots the more the variants will continue. Viruses never seem to die completely but they tend to get less powerful and more contagious.
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That is because of the new variants b4 and b5 and now a newer one is taking over. The more people do not get their shots the more the variants will continue. Viruses never seem to die completely but they tend to get less powerful and more contagious.
That is a load of bullshit. Good Lord
Tell us how the shots stop transmission and stop variants.
They help people from getting the virus in the first place .Now more and more people do not get their booster shots. Some countries never got vaccinated because of supply not there and if you have been reading about China they have a large breakout now because they would not buy our vaccines.There vaccine is not as effective.
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The sheer lack of intelligence and even semi critical thinking is astounding. Even some of your tenants in your slum apartments could explain to you that those people who are 4X vaxxed tend to also be more susceptible to major Covid related issues.

Edit: I see that Cunnilingus has already pointed this out.
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The sheer lack of intelligence and even semi critical thinking is astounding. Even some of your tenants at in your slum apartments could explain to you that those people who are 4X vaxxed tend to also be more susceptible to major Covid related issues.

Edit: I see that Cunnilingus has already pointed this out.
I dont live in slum apartment area .I live in fairly new duplex and I do not see anyone who is really sick in my neighborhood. I do not know how many are vaccinated or not but not much sickness here.I am 4x vaccinated and never had covid that I know of.
The sheer lack of intelligence and even semi critical thinking is astounding. Even some of your tenants in your slum apartments could explain to you that those people who are 4X vaxxed tend to also be more susceptible to major Covid related issues.

Edit: I see that Cunnilingus has already pointed this out.
Ok, forget the 4x vaxxed group. Now look at the chart where the 1x, 2x and 3x vaxxed groups were all admitted to the ICU when NO ONE who was unvaccinated was admitted.

This is why you are a security guard.

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Ok, forget the 4x vaxxed group. Now look at the chart where the 1x, 2x and 3x vaxxed groups were all admitted to the ICU when NO ONE who was unvaccinated was admitted.
You're an idiot. Only 2.6% of Australians over 16 years of age are unvaccinated.
Why the hell are we still giving young people that rat poison for them.

It is not good for them.
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Not everyone like you and rox are idiots.
Vaccine doesn't stop transmission.

Young healthy people are at little risk from covid.

The vaccines are proving to cause health conditions in young people.

So why do it for young people?

Thus whole covid thing is one of the biggest crimes perpetuated against mankind.
Vaccine doesn't stop transmission.

Young healthy people are at little risk from covid.

The vaccines are proving to cause health conditions in young people.

So why do it for young people?

Thus whole covid thing is one of the biggest crimes perpetuated against mankind.
Like I said, you're an idiot.
Hmmm... Are you saying your golden calf Fauci isn't up to the task???
Are you saying your orange Jesus failed his "fantastic vaccine for covid" attempt? It's very amusing to watch the people who gave Don credit for the vaccine turn around and later disparage the same vaccine as a failure.
Are you saying your orange Jesus failed his "fantastic vaccine for covid" attempt? It's very amusing to watch the people who gave Don credit for the vaccine turn around and later disparage the same vaccine as a failure.

Amusing to watch people who disparaged Trump for Operation Warp Speed be such advocates for the vaccine...
Amusing to watch people who disparaged Trump for Operation Warp Speed be such advocates for the vaccine...
I disparaged you and your likes for giving him the credit when Pfizer did it first and with no help from Don.
No real reason for you to lie so much.
what lie? murox is providing data which is readily available.

Now let me ask you this. If the vaccine was so importan and helpful to young people and vital to national security why is the military not requiring it anymore? Why were they never mandated to take a booster? But, they initially made people take it and actually kicked people out because of it? But, now say no need to take it.
He's an idiot, you're an idiot.
Now let me ask you this. If the vaccine was so importan and helpful to young people and vital to national security why is the military not requiring it anymore? Why were they never mandated to take a booster? But, they initially made people take it and actually kicked people out because of it? But, now say no need to take it.