It means it’s working

I disparaged you and your likes for giving him the credit when Pfizer did it first and with no help from Don.

Your a$$ already got handed to you about this multiple times so there is no reason to revisit it now. Though you may be a masochist, I'm no sadist so we'll leave it at that. Sorry to disappoint you...
Now let me ask you this. If the vaccine was so importan and helpful to young people and vital to national security why is the military not requiring it anymore? Why were they never mandated to take a booster? But, they initially made people take it and actually kicked people out because of it? But, now say no need to take it.
According to idiots like you, the vaccine isn't helpful to young people because only a few die, and the vaccine isn't helpful because it mostly just kills old people. <<<< This is some of the many reasons you're an idiot.
According to idiots like you, the vaccine isn't helpful to young people because only a few die, and the vaccine isn't helpful because it mostly just kills old people. <<<< This is some of the many reasons you're an idiot.
I don't control vaccine mandates in the military. That's Mush Brain.
It's a good thing.

Wrong. That would be Don's guy, Mike Pompeo.
Mush admin ended the vaccine requirement. So, why?

FYI, also Pompeo was not Sec of Defense. Pompeo was Sec of State and prior to that was CIA Director.
Google is your friend.
You know why.

1)Mush saw it as not poltically viable anymore

2)if it weer so important healthwise, he could still mandate it. So, which is it?

3)Military was losing recruits and retention was a problem because of it

4)They know it is causing problems in their young healthy people

They did most of it for poltical reasons, when it became not politically good they dumped it.
Sure do. Republicans refused to pass the spending bill unless the mandate was removed.
Wait, so Mush could still order it. Why didn't he stand behind the mandate if it were so important? They did it for a year a kicked people out. Then, ended it.

If the vaccine were so necessary and vital to health, he could have stood his ground. Why didn't he? He is the CIC.
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Wait, so Mush could still order it. Why didn't he stand behind the mandate if it were so important? They did it for a year a kicked people out. Then, ended it.

If the vaccine were so necessary and vital to health, he could have stood his ground. Why didn't he? He is the CIC.
I just told you why. Moron.
You really are an idiot.
Greed, is vaccine injury the reason for your recent absence? You mysteriously and abruptly disappeared just after the safe and effective bivalent booster was deployed.
Greed, is vaccine injury the reason for your recent absence? You mysteriously and abruptly disappeared just after the safe and effective bivalent booster was deployed.
Wow, let's hope not.
Greed, is vaccine injury the reason for your recent absence? You mysteriously and abruptly disappeared just after the safe and effective bivalent booster was deployed.
lummox, you still ok if I choose the life of my dog over the life of your mother??
You should be mad at the Mush for doing that.
Why should I be mad? Idiot. If I had to choose between passing a defense bill of 858 billion that keeps the military more than healthy and the military vaccine mandate, I'd choose the 858 billion defense bill also.
lummox, you still ok if I choose the life of my dog over the life of your mother??
Yes, of course. It's not my preference, but you're free do value what you value.

Anyway, can you tell us more about your vaccine injury so others can avoid your mistake?
Why should I be mad? Idiot. If I had to choose between passing a defense bill of 858 billion that keeps the military more than healthy and the military vaccine mandate, I'd choose the 858 billion defense bill also.
Over the vaccine that you says saves lives? If it was that important you shouldn't back down on it.
EG, joking aside I hope your health is ok. This is just a message board.
Ok greed, now that we have established that I am ok with you making your own decisions in your life, can you provide information on your vaccine injury so others don't suffer the same fate as you? Your testimony could save a life.
Ok greed, now that we have established that I am ok with you making your own decisions in your life, can you provide information on your vaccine injury so others don't suffer the same fate as you? Your testimony could save a life.
Now that we've established you care more for the life of my dog than the life of your mother, perhaps you could shut up and slither away. Everyone would be the better for it.
Now that we've established you care more for the life of my dog than the life of your mother, perhaps you could shut up and slither away. Everyone would be the better for it.
I'm sorry for your troubles, greed, truly. Hope you get well.