ok - i see your problem now. you believe all the rhetoric coming out of the
right wing big lie machine. you think the republican party and its megadoners
masters want small govt.
no. what they want is the blending of government with business. which my
friend is the definition of fascism.
“Fascism should more appropriately be called Corporatism because it is a merger of state and corporate power”
― Benito Mussolini
NOW! you tell me which group in the united states are fascists according to the biggest
fascist of them all.
and while you are at it why don't you for once back something you say up with a
legitimate cite from a reputable source. hint - fox news/breitbart/ and all the other
crap you apparently read do not count.
the only thing i've seen out of you is a bunch of misinformed opinion - you
are a fact free zone.
You are beyond goofy.
As someone who routinely posts the thoughts of others without linking (that's called plagiarism) to demand that anyone post links to anything is the classic "pointing at the speck in someone's eye while a log sticks out from yours." Hypocrite.
This is not a communal research project, and because I have a pretty hefty base of knowledge in my head from years of learning and thinking, the need to link is unnecessary. If you dispute something, you can prove it wrong. So far, you have failed. Even when you respond you rarely (if ever) actually make the point you THINK you are making, and more often than not prove the point of the person you are trying to take on. After repeatedly feeling the pointed end of someone's foot in your a$$, it is amazing that you continue. So, it is not surprising that you are spouting more useless nonsense. It's like Groundhog day without the adorable rodent.
And the merger of state and corporate power is the natural result of socialism/communism. It leads to rampant corruption and explains how the Clintons are worth hundreds of millions without having held non-gov't jobs in the last 16 years despite HilRod claiming that they were broke when they left the White House and couldn't get a loan for a house. When you sell political favors to domestic and foreign powers, it is easy to run up a net worth of hundreds of millions. But I won't repeat my previous explanation on this (since it would be futile to again cast pearls before swine), but if you dare to challenge whatever brand of lunacy you have attempted to learn in recent years, the natural consequence of socialism/communism is the dictatorships and the atrocities of all the men you (and your leftist friends) admire and want to copy. Stalin. Hitler. Mussolini. Information easily found anywhere. Yet, this is the nonsense you and your ilk are trying to implement in this country, and the garbage that you are seeing is the consequence, and yet you decry it and blame it on conservatism. Jerks.
This nonsense is a prime example of your inability to think beyond what your betters tell you. True conservatives, those that want small and limited federal government, are against crony capitalism because it isn't capitalism. It is fascism. The GOP elites and the establishment folks are not conservatives, which is why the party is in part fractured, and why the GOP as a party will probably disintegrate after this election. But let's not pretend you even care to acknowledge something like that. It doesn't fit the narrative. You probably think Nixon was a conservative. Here's a clue. He wasn't.
Anyway, I doubt you have read or understood any of this, since your track record is that you don't read and comprehend very well. See the original post that you made and continue to maintain that a black separatist is part of the American right-wing. The utter stupidity of this assertion needs no additional comment. How deep is that hole you are in now?