It's working


Platinum Buffalo
Gold Member
Dec 8, 2004
These numbers are incredibly positive for mankind.

It is important to note that the decrease in Christians is not leading to an increase in followers of other religions. The biggest gainers are those who classify themselves as agnostic or atheist, led by the most educated and wealthiest of citizens.

And, just as important, a large share are people who were raised Christian and now identify as agnostic or atheist.
Probably just a lucky 2000 year old prediction from a storybook.

that and the predicted apocalypse has been used repeatedly over hundreds of years to scare and intimidate people into following your god. This is straight out of the westboro baptist church. And it will be used five years from now, twenty-five years from now, etc.

I dont understand how usually level-headed people can be so fvcking stupid when it comes to religion.
Could be people desperately searching for a meaning to all this. I have tried to believe many times, but I can't. I don't think anybody really knows how we got here. Even the supposed scientific stuff is on shaky ground as far as certain proof.

There's no certain proof. Anything in life that isn't certain with exact rules sucks. Bunch of arbitrary garbage influenced by stupid stuff like intimidation, persuasive voice tone, etc.

It's no wonder ballgames and math are about the only things worth spending any time on.
Who needs God, when you have Big Bro Govt "guaranteeing" and "providing" all your needs?

"The biggest gainers are those who classify themselves as agnostic or atheist, led by the most educated and wealthiest of citizens."
Honestly this is what the devil wants, he wants believe to no follow or believe in God. And you don't have to be Christian to believe in God either. Did they say how homosexual rates are skyrocketing too because they are. It's just the devil at work and you're to blind to see it
. Did they say how homosexual rates are skyrocketing too because they are

Really? Show me all of those legit studies showing this skyrocketing homosexuality rate.

You can't, because they don't exist. The devil made you dumb and a liar.
These numbers are incredibly positive for mankind.

It is important to note that the decrease in Christians is not leading to an increase in followers of other religions. The biggest gainers are those who classify themselves as agnostic or atheist, led by the most educated and wealthiest of citizens.

And, just as important, a large share are people who were raised Christian and now identify as agnostic or atheist.

Do you share your views with recruits and their parents or do you hide your true feelings.
"The biggest gainers are those who classify themselves as agnostic or atheist, led by the most educated and wealthiest of citizens."

Rifle's comment doesn't change anything I wrote. Do you not think some of the most highly educated and wealthy believe more in Big Govt than they do a "God"?
Do you share your views with recruits and their parents or do you hide your true feelings.
You see these kids all the time posting stuff about their beliefs. I've always wondered if I could be a college coach. It would be tough.

But then again, locker rooms are the last place where it's "ok" to come out against the majority. Maybe there are a lot more non-believers in there, they are just afraid to express their actual beliefs.
Really? Show me all of those legit studies showing this skyrocketing homosexuality rate.

You can't, because they don't exist. The devil made you dumb and a liar.

If I had a link to what I saw on MSNBC a couple weeks ago, I would post it. Seriously do you need to call everyone dumb and a liar that doesn't agree with you. How is that lawsuit going, I see your still unemployed, I wonder why
Do you share your views with recruits and their parents or do you hide your true feelings.

My views to them would be that I think discriminating against homosexuals is wrong, being homosexual is not in any way a bad trait/sin, religion has stunted the growth of mankind. Those topics really aren't mentioned in the course of recruiting.

I do the exact opposite of hide my feelings. Three years ago while at North Texas, a few senior players noticed I had a habit of leaving the room before team prayers at meals/games. I can't remember what it was, but the small group of them had an acronym they used which stood for their agnostic/atheist beliefs. Of course, in a public university which allowed their football program to pay for a "spiritual advisor" (he led the christian athletic organization- he was only pushing Jesus and no other religion) to travel, eat, etc. with the team, these players didn't feel comfortable expressing their beliefs. They joked that they made me an honorary member of their organization with the acronym.

The last two years, I was at a private, religious school. To anyone who paid attention, they could have noticed me walking off the field after games before team prayers, leaving the room/not holding hands with the rest of the staff/team during oregame meals, not going to team church services, and not participating in every other religious event.

As the other poster pointed out, football, especially at the college level, is a copycat industry where people do things based on "well, that's the way it has always been done." This refers to both football and non-football related activities.
If I had a link to what I saw on MSNBC a couple weeks ago, I would post it. Seriously do you need to call everyone dumb and a liar that doesn't agree with you. How is that lawsuit going, I see your still unemployed, I wonder why

I'm not calling you stupid for not agreeing with me (though not agreeing with me usually does mean that, since I'm never wrong). I'm calling you stupid for making a concrete statement yet having not even one legitimate study to support your "skyrocketing" comment. That's a pretty emphatic statement you made, yet you have no proof to support it. It should be easy to find if it were actually true.

The lawsuit is going well. Thank you for your interest. One colleague accepted a settlement a couple of weeks ago, and I turned down two settlement offers. To some people, it's about more than just money. It's about principle (you're ignorant to that), so that people will be held accountable.

You wonder why I'm not employed? Well, tell us, since you seem to know. Is it because I'm financially secure enough to live a modest life and probably never have to work again if I choose that route, therefore, I don't have to just accept any job that is offered if I'm not totally committed to it? Is it because I am not selfish enough to commit to a group of 100 players and a dozen colleagues if there is a chance I may have to fly back-and-forth for subpoenas and/or a trial during the season? Is it because I've turned down three FCS jobs because of a mix of the two previous reasons?

Since you seem to know, let me know. I know of an AAC school which had me come in to teach them about the offense I ran the last two years (they are switching to it this year) and an SEC school that has invited me to coach at their QB camp, led by one of the biggest football coaching names at any level, who sure don't know the reasons you are pretending to know.
rifle, should you be filling out job applications? Hell, if you are going to post at least post some pictures of hot chicks or post a good story.
When I played football umpteen years ago the coaches made the team pray before the game. The Lord's Prayer.

If you didn't want to do it you were a damn communist. Whether you believed it or not or were going to church or whatever it was out of respect for the team and the country.

Thankfully where we live they still say a prayer over the loud speaker before the high school games. If the muslims, liberals, pinkos, and commies don't like it they can go diddle each other.
My views to them would be that I think discriminating against homosexuals is wrong, being homosexual is not in any way a bad trait/sin, religion has stunted the growth of mankind. Those topics really aren't mentioned in the course of recruiting.

I do the exact opposite of hide my feelings. Three years ago while at North Texas, a few senior players noticed I had a habit of leaving the room before team prayers at meals/games. I can't remember what it was, but the small group of them had an acronym they used which stood for their agnostic/atheist beliefs. Of course, in a public university which allowed their football program to pay for a "spiritual advisor" (he led the christian athletic organization- he was only pushing Jesus and no other religion) to travel, eat, etc. with the team, these players didn't feel comfortable expressing their beliefs. They joked that they made me an honorary member of their organization with the acronym.

The last two years, I was at a private, religious school. To anyone who paid attention, they could have noticed me walking off the field after games before team prayers, leaving the room/not holding hands with the rest of the staff/team during oregame meals, not going to team church services, and not participating in every other religious event.

As the other poster pointed out, football, especially at the college level, is a copycat industry where people do things based on "well, that's the way it has always been done." This refers to both football and non-football related activities.

Oops, that posted before I typed. rifle I feel sorry for you and as before will pray for you. You come across as a very bitter, unhappy person and I don't think you even know it.
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Got it......Just wondering what it was predicting? Is he implying that it is predicting todays issues?

I haven't studied that particular scripture, but it gave me the concept that things were going to get worse morally as time goes on.
Oops, that posted before I typed. rifle I feel sorry for you and as before will pray for you. You come across as a very bitter, unhappy person and I don't think you even know it.

And as I've told you before, instead of wasting time and energy doing serving as useless as praying, finding something that actually works to help others.
We all know you weren't talking about the poor.
I wasn't talking about the poor Greed. Why would I talk about the poor in this case? Particularly when Rifle was referring to the rich and educated.

But since you bring "the poor" up. IMO, "the poor" are most likely to remain in the clutches of some form of deep fundamental religion. Between their "hope" for continued govt benefits and "prayers" for a merciful God's endless "blessings", to be bestowed on them, probably believe they need not do much else. Their reward of gold streets and mansions comes after their death anyway, right? Might as well enjoy the freebies, and play victim, while here on earth.

"Luckily" for the poor, more and more powerful rich, educated guys don't seem to mind the poor living in their religious mythical dream worlds. Beyond the occasional opportunity for public mockery of such beliefs, it insures the poor's dependence to the freebies (the same "rich and educated" can endlessly brag about supporting-their version of playing God), while subconsciously creating fear of becoming anything beyond the blind sheep both seem content on being/having.
The poor people I know are too lazy and trashy to even think about being religious. They have bummed off churches before and rolled their eyes at the prayers, but they're not going to join it and quit laying around with their 10 bottom feeder drunks.

Really, the only poor people who are religious are real old and dumb. Convinced they can't do anything, they sit there and draw a social security check. They pray that God doesn't put them in a nursing home to be dropped on the floor after their hog slop breakfast.
No, you certainly weren't talking about the poor. Nah
How exactly do you know? Were you here when I wrote it? Do you have a link to prove the context of what I wrote? (I'll ask your usual questions). Of course not.
"nah"? Hope it was at least in your Wayne hick dialect.
How exactly do you know? Were you here when I wrote it? Do you have a link to prove the context of what I wrote? (I'll ask your usual questions). Of course not.
"nah"? Hope it was at least in your Wayne hick dialect.

How do I know? It was you that said it.
I haven't studied that particular scripture, but it gave me the concept that things were going to get worse morally as time goes on.

Yet, with the exception of war (which we haven't gotten any more or less moral about, we've just gotten really damn good at) the world is perhaps more "moral" now than any time since the birth of Christ.
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insures the poor's dependence to the freebies (the same "rich and educated" can endlessly brag about supporting-their version of playing God), while subconsciously creating fear of becoming anything beyond the blind sheep both seem content on being/having.

This is why even the Republicans won't do anything about cutting the handouts. They want it just like the Democrats. People say the Republicans are for the rich. All the politicians are for the rich. They must keep this system going of duping the poor into taking a pittance to remove themselves from relevance in our civilization.
This is why even the Republicans won't do anything about cutting the handouts. They want it just like the Democrats. People say the Republicans are for the rich. All the politicians are for the rich. They must keep this system going of duping the poor into taking a pittance to remove themselves from relevance in our civilization.

I cant totally disagree with this. The "power" acquisition is a huge motivator for all politicians. However, I don't agree with the premise that it is a system which one is forced into accepting. To be impoverished in this country, one must accept being duped into being poor. There is no limit to wealth or its creation. The wealthy can not simply keep others from getting wealthier once personal responsibility is chosen to rise out of poverty.

IMO, the real political crime is that one party sells the benefits of duped impoverished victimization and the other refuses to have the balls to fight, beating back such a lazy premise because its just easier to make empty promises of changing it. Both inherently know, the poor individual has to make the personal decision and take action to change the course of their future. That message wont win them votes from either side.

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