It's working

I don't agree with the premise that it is a system which one is forced into accepting.

That's the genius of it. Nobody's forced. They've got the freedom to strive for more. The pot is pretty sweet though if you don't.

People living on the dole have everything I've got and more probably, except one thing. Anyone who works any job has a hand in keeping our civilization going. Without people working, we've all got nothing.

Sometimes I think I got duped into aiming higher than I had to for money that I thought I needed, but now won't use. I think even if you bag groceries, scrape up dead animals for the state road, whatever, as long as you're doing something to keep civilization going you've got a reason to get up tomorrow morning.

If you're not, then you don't. And that's what I've got that the bums don't have. Maybe they don't need it, but I sure as hell do.
That's the genius of it. Nobody's forced. They've got the freedom to strive for more. The pot is pretty sweet though if you don't.

People living on the dole have everything I've got and more probably, except one thing. Anyone who works any job has a hand in keeping our civilization going. Without people working, we've all got nothing.

Sometimes I think I got duped into aiming higher than I had to for money that I thought I needed, but now won't use. I think even if you bag groceries, scrape up dead animals for the state road, whatever, as long as you're doing something to keep civilization going you've got a reason to get up tomorrow morning.

If you're not, then you don't. And that's what I've got that the bums don't have. Maybe they don't need it, but I sure as hell do.

For bums "not needing it" they generally do an awful lot of crying that they "don't have it"........
Well, they want in the keeping up with the Jones game they show on TV. Once upon a time, I kind of wanted in it. In the redneck way. Big pickup truck and a bass boat. That's what I wanted when I was 19 or 20.

Young, dumb and stupid. Now that I can buy that stuff, I don't even want it. What good is it here? I can drive in a car, fishing generally sucks and lakes are just crowded cesspools of drunks and goose shit.

But the bums never gunned for it. Never went after it. They still think they want it. If they chased it down, they would find out it's not all it was cracked up to be.

But you must endure the chase and go get it or you'll never know. You'll be stuck wanting it forever. The result? Crying that they don't have it.
Honestly this is what the devil wants, he wants believe to no follow or believe in God. And you don't have to be Christian to believe in God either. Did they say how homosexual rates are skyrocketing too because they are. It's just the devil at work and you're to blind to see it

Are you really being serious? Homosexual rates are not sky rocketing, that might be one of the dumbest things you have said. The rates are the same they always have been. The difference is not more people are open about it and it is more accepted.

People do not suddenly choose to be gay. PEople are not recruited to be gay. PEople that are gay are born that way.

And what does your God think of your behiavor towards a helpless girl in a wheel chair? You of all people preaching religion. Priceless.
If I had a link to what I saw on MSNBC a couple weeks ago, I would post it. Seriously do you need to call everyone dumb and a liar that doesn't agree with you. How is that lawsuit going, I see your still unemployed, I wonder why

Another hypocritical moment by fever. You of all people calling another poster out about calling people names. You are one of the worst about that on this board.
"PEople that are gay are born that way."


Really? Have you set and talked to someone that is gay? About their own personal expereince? Also, expand your horizons and do a little reading beyond what will support your very narrow minded and bigoted view.
Really? Have you set and talked to someone that is gay? About their own personal expereince? Also, expand your horizons and do a little reading beyond what will support your very narrow minded and bigoted view.

You can research it all you want, if you had you would know that it is unproven that gays are born gay.
I am not going to get dragged into one of your bouts of circular logic that you feed on. Again, I ask you how many people you know that are gay? How many have you talked to about their life? Again, you hide behind your ignorant backwoods views. You need to get out of Wayne County more.
That's the problem with gays. They dwell on it. Can't talk about anything else ever. I certainly have my peculiarities, but every once in a while I can focus on other things.

Baseball, politics, drawing water lines on a piece of paper for money, etc. It's not 24/7 "I'M WEIRD AND I WILL MAKE YOU ACT LIKE YOU ACCEPT IT!!!!"
I am not going to get dragged into one of your bouts of circular logic that you feed on. Again, I ask you how many people you know that are gay? How many have you talked to about their life? Again, you hide behind your ignorant backwoods views. You need to get out of Wayne County more.

Of course you'll never get a legitimate answer from Greed. With his ignorant, bigoted logic he most likely fears being turned gay if he actually had a conversation with someone gay. Its the same reason why other (supposed) confident, masculine, hetero, men on this message board admitted to cowering out of sight in a Build A Bear Workshop instead of being in close proximity of a gay couple.
I am not going to get dragged into one of your bouts of circular logic that you feed on. Again, I ask you how many people you know that are gay? How many have you talked to about their life? Again, you hide behind your ignorant backwoods views. You need to get out of Wayne County more.

You need to figure out that just because you say something doesn't make it true. Being born gay is unproven.
Of course you'll never get a legitimate answer from Greed. With his ignorant, bigoted logic he most likely fears being turned gay if he actually had a conversation with someone gay. Its the same reason why other (supposed) confident, masculine, hetero, men on this message board admitted to cowering out of sight in a Build A Bear Workshop instead of being in close proximity of a gay couple.

No, I'm not going to knowingly agree to a lie to please somebody. You do it for a hobby.
If it was proven, why, then it would be proven. But its not.
You said you can't go by what people say.

When I speak to people in the gay community and they tell me the types of things they were interested in as a child before they knew where babies come from, that's all the proof I need.
Looks like the easy thing for you to do is provide proof. We will be waiting.

Always changing the premise of the discussion to cover your stupidity.

Lets stick with YOUR premise of not believing other's provided information on a topic. Since you apparently know all the facts...YOU need to share absolute proof you know what you are talking about. And, since according to you, I apparently always lie and cant be believed, why do you suddenly (and hypocritically) demand answers from me? If you know so much about gays, tell us what you know.
You said you can't go by what people say.

When I speak to people in the gay community and they tell me the types of things they were interested in as a child before they knew where babies come from, that's all the proof I need.

Well that proves it. My granddaughter wants to make cupcakes when she grows up. Drats.
Always changing the premise of the discussion to cover your stupidity.

Lets stick with YOUR premise of not believing other's provided information on a topic. Since you apparently know all the facts...YOU need to share absolute proof you know what you are talking about. And, since according to you, I apparently always lie and cant be believed, why do you suddenly (and hypocritically) demand answers from me? If you know so much about gays, tell us what you know.

Let's stick to what I said. It is unproven that gays are born gay. Period.
Well that proves it. My granddaughter wants to make cupcakes when she grows up. Drats.
Well, maybe if your grandson enjoys spending time with girls talking about the hottest new boy band & critiquing their dance moves instead of playing pick up games with the neighborhood boys, he may want to bake cupcakes with your granddaughter when he grows up.
Well, maybe if your grandson enjoys spending time with girls talking about the hottest new boy band & critiquing their dance moves instead of playing pick up games with the neighborhood boys, he may want to bake cupcakes with your granddaughter when he grows up.
Well, maybe if your grandson enjoys spending time with girls talking about the hottest new boy band & critiquing their dance moves instead of playing pick up games with the neighborhood boys, he may want to bake cupcakes with your granddaughter when he grows up.

And maybe not.
they tell me the types of things they were interested in as a child

Yeah, they think everybody cares so much about it. Their oddball life is so much more important than everyone else's that they barge over top of you with it whether you want to hear about it or not.

Why can't they just do their thing and leave everybody else the hell alone?
Yeah, they think everybody cares so much about it. Their oddball life is so much more important than everyone else's that they barge over top of you with it whether you want to hear about it or not.

Why can't they just do their thing and leave everybody else the hell alone?
No, actually most keep to themselves. Most you don't even know about. Very few have the balls to come out and expose themselves because they know they'll be shunned by society.
Yeah, they think everybody cares so much about it. Their oddball life is so much more important than everyone else's that they barge over top of you with it whether you want to hear about it or not.

Why can't they just do their thing and leave everybody else the hell alone?

I thought you were explaining yourself for a moment. Most of the ones I know talk and bitch about their lives far less than you do on here.
Very few have the balls to come out and expose themselves because they know they'll be shunned by society.

Who isn't shunned by society? I see "normal" people all the time out there. They all act like they're shunned. Nobody's having much fun. Mad faces, nobody talks about anything good, boring, just going about our business like a bunch of dull mimes counting down the days to the grave.
Most of the ones I know talk and bitch about their lives far less than you do on here.

So you do know a few then who talk and bitch about their lives even more than I do on here. Do you just let them do it out of pity or are you going to tell them you've heard enough?
So you do know a few then who talk and bitch about their lives even more than I do on here. Do you just let them do it out of pity or are you going to tell them you've heard enough?

No. Not really like you at all. They don't usually complain about their own life or how they live it. They complain about how others seem to tell them how their life should or shouldn't be lived.
Who isn't shunned by society? I see "normal" people all the time out there. They all act like they're shunned. Nobody's having much fun. Mad faces, nobody talks about anything good, boring, just going about our business like a bunch of dull mimes counting down the days to the grave.

How the hell do you really know? I thought you avoided contact with individuals outside of the workplace you hate? I thought after buying your happy meal for dinner you go home and sit in the dark and watch baseball by yourself? Quit looking in the mirror and then trying to sell us what you know the world to be. It clearly is YOUR world. You've chosen it. It simply isn't that way for everyone.
I thought after buying your happy meal for dinner you go home and sit in the dark and watch baseball by yourself?

Well, you thought wrong. I wish I could do that, but I'm much too restless. So I go to stores, parks, malls, ballgames, etc. where the people are.

Looks like a giant funeral. Everyone seems enslaved. Why are they so mad? Why are you so mad? You're mad.

This is what money and city life is all about. Mad, hurry up, anonymity and meaningless trinkets. I'd give it up and move back to the sticks, but they actually envy this. Fooled by school and the television.

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