Joe Biden

I mostly agree but it's the FBI investigating this, not Eric Holder. It's the same team that charged Gen Petraeus. I think she's to elite for any major punishment but enough info might be slipped to keep her out of the WH. It'll appease both sides.
I told you exactly what I know and I've given black and white facts. The FBI wouldn't seize four separate servers without cause. There's no arguing she mismanaged classified material, weather she faces the music or not is yet to be seen.

Until she's charged with something, it's dead in the water. And if it was as black and white as you say, she's be charged.
The FBI does not investigate things that are not suspected to be criminal in nature.

I fixed it for you..........

This may well work out in Hillary's favor........If the FBI investigates and says "nothing to see here". That would be a big win for her.

The Committee Investigations have been a joke and to her supporters, has actually strengthened her support, while making some of the Republicans look stupid. She's a master politician, much like her husband Bill, and plays the woman/victim card very well.
I fixed it for you..........

This may well work out in Hillary's favor........If the FBI investigates and says "nothing to see here". That would be a big win for her.

The Committee Investigations have been a joke and to her supporters, has actually strengthened her support, while making some of the Republicans look stupid. She's a master politician, much like her husband Bill, and plays the woman/victim card very well.

Then why is she losing ground to Bernie??

Being a "master" of anything requires one to actually "do" something exceptional. No one is ever really able to explain what she "does" exactly. She "IS" a democrat. She "IS" a woman. She "IS" married to a Democrat icon....but she "DOES" nothing to be a master. IMO, the media would be the "master" in this instance. She would be wiped out in a moment if the media left her to her own devices. She "IS", at best, a pawn.
I fixed it for you..........

This may well work out in Hillary's favor........If the FBI investigates and says "nothing to see here". That would be a big win for her.

The Committee Investigations have been a joke and to her supporters, has actually strengthened her support, while making some of the Republicans look stupid. She's a master politician, much like her husband Bill, and plays the woman/victim card very well.
Those "joke" investigations were hindered by Hillary and her personal email server.
Then why is she losing ground to Bernie??

Being a "master" of anything requires one to actually "do" something exceptional. No one is ever really able to explain what she "does" exactly. She "IS" a democrat. She "IS" a woman. She "IS" married to a Democrat icon....but she "DOES" nothing to be a master. IMO, the media would be the "master" in this instance. She would be wiped out in a moment if the media left her to her own devices. She "IS", at best, a pawn.

Not sure what polls you are looking at......As of yesterday, NBC, ABC, and WSJ polls all found her lead had widened on Bernie. Some by as much as 10 points since September.

I wouldn't underestimate HRC.....She's pretty slick and has the best political teacher (Bill) of our lifetime.

Tomorrow will be interesting, can she stick to her script or does she lose her cool?

Like most Americans, I'm not currently thrilled with any of the candidates for either party.....Still hoping a Republican will begin to step up against Trump and Carson.
Until she's charged with something, it's dead in the water. And if it was as black and white as you say, she's be charged.

The Intel IG confirmed she had TS level material on an unsecured server. That's the black and white of it.
The Intel IG confirmed she had TS level material on an unsecured server. That's the black and white of it.

Not according to what I've read. It's still being determined if the information should be RETROACTIVELY classified.
As I said before, KH SATINT is classified material from the day it's created. Black and white.
I wouldn't underestimate HRC.....She's pretty slick and has the best political teacher (Bill) of our lifetime.

This is literally the only reason the media and dems are backing her. If she were treated the way most Repubs are by the media, she would fold up faster than a solar panel company getting an Obama admin directed investment. The Dem party has no one else.. Biden and Bernie are senile old farts.
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Not according to what I've read. It's still being determined if the information should be RETROACTIVELY classified.

There is no such thing as retroactively classified. It is either classified or it is not classified.

Anybody else who would have done what she did would be unemployed and facing criminal charges.
This is literally the only reason the media and dems are backing her. If she were treated the way most Repubs are by the media, she would fold up faster than a solar panel company getting an Obama admin directed investment. The Dem party has no one else.. Biden and Bernie are senile old farts.

That's why I really don't even understand what the hell the DNC and RNC are even doing during the 4-8 years a President serves.......They haven't seemed to have been prepping anyone.

The Dems just took it for granted that HRC was it.......Not a single other viable candidate.

The Republicans have 13 candidates who just seemed to wake up a few months ago and said, "oh shIt, we've got an election coming up...... for PRESIDENT!!!" So two crazies stepped into the void.

Still holding out hope.........Somebody show us something!
The Republicans have 13 candidates who just seemed to wake up a few months ago and said, "oh shIt, we've got an election coming up...... for PRESIDENT!!!" So two crazies stepped into the void.

Still holding out hope.........Somebody show us something!

You consider Carson "crazy"? I can see some having an issue with his biblical references/philosophy, but he may be one of the most cerebral candidates I've seen in a long time. Probably cant find a better man/ human being anywhere.

I am not fully endorsing anyone yet, but it just seems odd to me that so-called conservative people seem to demand the same type of candidates we had the last two elections (and got creamed) while attempting to call the true non-politicians in the race "crazy".
You consider Carson "crazy"? I can see some having an issue with his biblical references/philosophy, but he may be one of the most cerebral candidates I've seen in a long time. Probably cant find a better man/ human being anywhere.

I am not fully endorsing anyone yet, but it just seems odd to me that so-called conservative people seem to demand the same type of candidates we had the last two elections (and got creamed) while attempting to call the true non-politicians in the race "crazy".

Yep.....Sounds totally normal to me.....

Clearly a gifted surgeon but some of his views border on crazy uncle territory.

His latest.........

"I had anger issues.....I used to attack multiple people with a hammer. Nearly took out a person's eye. Attacked my own mother."

"I once tried to stab another man. He was only saved by his large belt buckle."

Not to mention he's a neurosurgeon who denies evolution and climate change.

Oh yeah......He's just the candidate we need in the Republican Party.
What exactly do people want "shwon
Yep.....Sounds totally normal to me.....

Clearly a gifted surgeon but some of his views border on crazy uncle territory.

His latest.........

"I had anger issues.....I used to attack multiple people with a hammer. Nearly took out a person's eye. Attacked my own mother."

"I once tried to stab another man. He was only saved by his large belt buckle."

Not to mention he's a neurosurgeon who denies evolution and climate change.

Oh yeah......He's just the candidate we need in the Republican Party.

He literally grew up in the hood. Sounds like he is more "black" and "down with the struggle" than Obumma was. Just shows you how dumb some are in the black community when they call him uncle tom.

I find man made climate change to be a hoax too. I don't doubt the climate is changing as it has done countless times over the countless centuries....humans simply don't have the power to alter it beyond its own evolving trajectory. Man made climate change is a perfect man made religion and industry marketing scheme that reaps people, govts, and companies $$$ billions. Its genius.

He and I clearly have different opinions on evolution and religion. That really doesn't matter much when looking at his other proposals/platform (fiscal). Clearly it didn't impact his ability to become a world class neurosurgeon. No one will ever find a candidate that they agree with 100% on every issue. That's why I find "moderates" and "independents" laughable in the political sense. They tend to be less open minded and more discriminating towards people they might have a disagreement with, despite claiming to be open minded and inclusive.
What exactly do people want "shwon

He literally grew up in the hood. Sounds like he is more "black" and "down with the struggle" than Obumma was. Just shows you how dumb some are in the black community when they call him uncle tom.

I find man made climate change to be a hoax too. I don't doubt the climate is changing as it has done countless times over the countless centuries....humans simply don't have the power to alter it beyond its own evolving trajectory. Man made climate change is a perfect man made religion and industry marketing scheme that reaps people, govts, and companies $$$ billions. Its genius.

He and I clearly have different opinions on evolution and religion. That really doesn't matter much when looking at his other proposals/platform (fiscal). Clearly it didn't impact his ability to become a world class neurosurgeon. No one will ever find a candidate that they agree with 100% on every issue. That's why I find "moderates" and "independents" laughable in the political sense. They tend to be less open minded and more discriminating towards people they might have a disagreement with, despite claiming to be open minded and inclusive.

Obama worked in the struggle for 20 years by choice. Uncle Ben rice forgot the struggle and now acts like he never seen struggle. Big difference
And your world class surgeon has lost multiple malpractice suits including one where he left a sponge in a women's head
Just about Every good surgeon will have and lose malpractice suits against them

So how can one be world renowned and still make drastic mistakes like operating on the wrong side of the brain and leaving sponges in heads??? One would think someone as esteemed as Uncle Ben rice wouldn't make such mistakes. No wonder he is the front runner for the republican candidate. It's ok to make mistakes as long as we continue to spend taxpayers money to go after Hilary Clinton
Obama worked in the struggle for 20 years by choice. Uncle Ben rice forgot the struggle and now acts like he never seen struggle. Big difference

LOL. Obama never "worked" a day in his life. We get it Fever. You are jealous. Carson can actually talk and speak coherently. He can buy actual new cars if he wants. He keeps his pants pulled up. Doesn't waste time posing in the mirror for selfies or live with his mom. He is a success.

That's the thing about success. Its not just the job of the one who earned their way out of a shit existence to provide handouts to all those who choose to remain in it. The fact is, he is doing more for others than you ever will. The black community wouldn't be in the shape its in if most had the mindset of Carson. Unfortunately its too easy to blame whitey or slam the black individual that chose not to sit and accept the dumb masses, stagnant in their chosen victim state.

He's given more to charity and the community than you will ever make carrying suitcases at Marriott.
Are these "surgical mistakes" the same kind of fabricated claims you made about Joe Biden announcing his candidacy?

Seriously, you think world class docs are never sued????? You may actually need a brain surgery Fever. Many of the best have been sued multiple times.
There are plenty of issues to attack Carson on, but his rise from poverty to successful Neurosurgeon isn't one of them.
There are plenty of issues to attack Carson on, but his rise from poverty to successful Neurosurgeon isn't one of them.

Doesn't fit the agenda of Fever and many of the black leaders.

Success? We don't want to talk about success.
There is a lot of successful black people out here. Nobody is denying or downgrading that. Its his repeated dismissal of his upbringing and his overall dismissing of black people like he forgot who he is, things that he has said both about black people and just other crazy things he has said is what most black people don't like about him and don't trust him. He is too republican and too Uncle Tomish for black people to rally around and support. Just because someone is successful doesnt mean they must get blinded support. Atleast with Obama, he might not have came from the hood but atleast he doesn't forget he is a black American at the end of the day.

It has nothing to do with his success.
Uncle Ben is the type of black person, white support and rally around. The Uncle Tom, House ****** type
The democrats have done a great job with the black population. That's the problem with black people. Just because he doesn't fit into their preconceived notions he's automatically an Uncle Tom and not down with the struggle.
Uncle Ben is the type of black person, white support and rally around. The Uncle Tom, House ****** type
You know why because he doesn't blame all his problems on others. He doesn't dwell on the fact that he struggled growing up. Not everything it whities fault
The democrats have done a great job with the black population. That's the problem with black people. Just because he doesn't fit into their preconceived notions he's automatically an Uncle Tom and not down with the struggle.

If your not black, how can you understand or even try to rationalize how we think???
You know why because he doesn't blame all his problems on others. He doesn't dwell on the fact that he struggled growing up. Not everything it whities fault

There is a big difference between accepting your upbringing and placing blame on somebody else. If he accepted his upbringing and used his success to be an influence and young black males who are growing up in the same situations he did. He would be respected more
There is a big difference between accepting your upbringing and placing blame on somebody else. If he accepted his upbringing and used his success to be an influence and young black males who are growing up in the same situations he did. He would be respected more
And what do you do every time you post something. You blame others so in your world you are an Uncle Tom that is no better than the house negro Ben Carson.
I don't blame anyone, what the hell??? I state facts because I have seen it. But I also say black people aren't completely innocent either.
If your not black, how can you understand or even try to rationalize how we think???

Yet you make assumptions and attempt to rationalize how white people think by constantly playing the "racism" card.

Uncle Toms don't play the race card. They refuse to accept the ignorant bigoted premise that blacks are victims being held back by whitey. In fact, they don't look at or consider the color of a person's skin to be of consequence in determining one's abilities or accomplishments in this day and time. They actually view all men as equal. Uncle Tom's actually live, what MLK was fighting to achieve.

You claim to dislike Jesse and Al, but you share the same victim/excuse lexicon.
There is a big difference between accepting your upbringing and placing blame on somebody else. If he accepted his upbringing and used his success to be an influence and young black males who are growing up in the same situations he did. He would be respected more

More racism on display right here. Unbelievable. I thought blacks wanted to be treated like people? I thought blacks didn't want to be judged by their skin color? I thought you suggested there was no racial divide....yet, your suggesting the importance of someone placing their race in a higher position over any other.

What you further suggest is that the black man is so feeble and brainwashed that they cant look at any successful person (regardless of skin color) and gain inspiration or encouragement to attain success. Only a black man can do that for them? And, if a successful black man doesn't drive into the hood with a bullhorn and claim that his bros are being wronged in some way...they must be an uncle tom. No wonder blacks are chronically impoverished and dependent. It appears they (and you) are actually the house N***ers for the race baiters in your community.
Yet you make assumptions and attempt to rationalize how white people think by constantly playing the "racism" card.

Uncle Toms don't play the race card. They refuse to accept the ignorant bigoted premise that blacks are victims being held back by whitey. In fact, they don't look at or consider the color of a person's skin to be of consequence in determining one's abilities or accomplishments in this day and time. They actually view all men as equal. Uncle Tom's actually live, what MLK was fighting to achieve.

You claim to dislike Jesse and Al, but you share the same victim/excuse lexicon.

Do you even know an Uncle Tom is???
Yet you make assumptions and attempt to rationalize how white people think by constantly playing the "racism" card.

Uncle Toms don't play the race card. They refuse to accept the ignorant bigoted premise that blacks are victims being held back by whitey. In fact, they don't look at or consider the color of a person's skin to be of consequence in determining one's abilities or accomplishments in this day and time. They actually view all men as equal. Uncle Tom's actually live, what MLK was fighting to achieve.

You claim to dislike Jesse and Al, but you share the same victim/excuse lexicon.

More racism on display right here. Unbelievable. I thought blacks wanted to be treated like people? I thought blacks didn't want to be judged by their skin color? I thought you suggested there was no racial divide....yet, your suggesting the importance of someone placing their race in a higher position over any other.

What you further suggest is that the black man is so feeble and brainwashed that they cant look at any successful person (regardless of skin color) and gain inspiration or encouragement to attain success. Only a black man can do that for them? And, if a successful black man doesn't drive into the hood with a bullhorn and claim that his bros are being wronged in some way...they must be an uncle tom. No wonder blacks are chronically impoverished and dependent. It appears they (and you) are actually the house N***ers for the race baiters in your community.

You have no clue what an Uncle Tom is or what it mean to be Black in America. So don't speak or even think you even know what that experience is about.
You have no clue what an Uncle Tom is or what it mean to be Black in America. So don't speak or even think you even know what that experience is about.

You keep telling us we don't know, yet all we are doing is repeating what you are saying.

I can speak and know exactly what it is. That's the point of having conversation with others. So experiences and knowledge can be shared. You fail to actually explain how what I have said is wrong. No wonder intelligent blacks feel its a waste of time "being down for the cause". You don't even seem to know what the cause is.......

MLK would be ashamed.
You keep telling us we don't know, yet all we are doing is repeating what you are saying.

I can speak and know exactly what it is. That's the point of having conversation with others. So experiences and knowledge can be shared. You fail to actually explain how what I have said is wrong. No wonder intelligent blacks feel its a waste of time "being down for the cause". You don't even seem to know what the cause is.......

MLK would be ashamed.

That is very false, there is MANY educated black folks that understand what it means to be "Down for the Cause" many powerful black people in the country understand what it means to be "Down for the cause" for the most part they aren't viewed as Uncle Toms as I have explained many times.

Its the Rich, uppity black folks who look down on black people and think they are better than their skin and who tries to appease whitey while denying their black skin IE Ben Carson who gets viewed as a Uncle Tom. You don't have to be successful to be one. Your actions and words determine if you are an Uncle Tom or not. Not how successful you are. Many educated black people consider Michael Jordan an Uncle Tom and a sellout for the fact he sells his shoes for $400+ while making them at $10 a pop and doesn't give back to the communities that buy his shoes which are majorly young black Americans(I refuse to buy Jordans for this reason). But then their is many and I mean many successful black people Man and women who do give back to their community or don't say outlandish things against their own communities to appease whitey who doesn't give 2 shits regardless

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