What exactly do people want "shwon
He literally grew up in the hood. Sounds like he is more "black" and "down with the struggle" than Obumma was. Just shows you how dumb some are in the black community when they call him uncle tom.
I find man made climate change to be a hoax too. I don't doubt the climate is changing as it has done countless times over the countless centuries....humans simply don't have the power to alter it beyond its own evolving trajectory. Man made climate change is a perfect man made religion and industry marketing scheme that reaps people, govts, and companies $$$ billions. Its genius.
He and I clearly have different opinions on evolution and religion. That really doesn't matter much when looking at his other proposals/platform (fiscal). Clearly it didn't impact his ability to become a world class neurosurgeon. No one will ever find a candidate that they agree with 100% on every issue. That's why I find "moderates" and "independents" laughable in the political sense. They tend to be less open minded and more discriminating towards people they might have a disagreement with, despite claiming to be open minded and inclusive.