Jordan's Caddy


Platinum Buffalo
Aug 17, 2011
Brewpub w/coeds
The guy was a 6th grade math teacher 3 years ago.

Now, during the last 30 days, he's raked in $375,000.00.

How hard could it be? If you're good at numbers, and know a little about wind effect on a golf ball, that's where it's at. Keep a notebook in your back pocket to know your golfer's distances, calculate the effect the wind will have on the ball, and you're in.

I'm too old now to carry that big bag, so I would have to get a waiver for a push cart. They even allow them to wear shorts at most events, and probably get to party all night at various prestigious places around the states and select destinations across the world.

Caddy is where it's at. Not much pressure, and you get to tell people to shut the F*** up, and tell them to get the hell out of the way.

$375,000 in 30 days.


This post was edited on 4/13 11:23 AM by MichiganHerd
Most of those guys live a crappy lifestyle to start. Very bad. Better than it used to be. Used to they would sleep in cars together show in the lot on Monday morning and hoped a pro picked them for that week. Of course, you also had to hope the guy won some money so you could get your 10%. It is tough enough for a pro golfer trying to make it, let alone being the caddy.

Most of them are very good golfers as well and know the game and courses.

I would say the odds of doing well as a caddy are about as low as you can go. Probably lower than the average guitar player who is going to be the next Jimi Hendrix.
I think you are waay over simplifying what it takes to be a caddy on the tour Michigan.
Originally posted by GK4Herd:
I think you are waay over simplifying what it takes to be a caddy on the tour Michigan.
Have you read this board? Sometimes you need to keep it simple....

For sure, there's much more to it, including the points Herdman made.
Originally posted by MichiganHerd:

Have you read this board? Sometimes you need to keep it simple....

You have a point there.
My neighbor when I lived in Huntersville, NC was a caddie. He caddied for Len Mattiace for a while and now works at Quail Hollow. Caddies pay their own expenses, hotels, meals, flights, car rentals, etc. They get no health benefits and spend about 10 weeks total in a year at home. It's not an easy job whatsoever.

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