Just back from Pramanti Bros


Platinum Buffalo
Aug 17, 2011
Brewpub w/coeds
Not much today on gorgeous women to report, but some early 40s blonde kind of gave me a nice rack shot. Kept an eye on her though, and she finally went to the bathroom, but here titties were the kind that just drooped down to her waist. Stopped looking after that.

There was this white guy in his 50s that looked like Guy on the cooking channel. Dude was wearing his baseball hat like a young colored guy you see in the York hoods. Sideways on his head. Who does something like that if you're an old white guy? Must have had a bunch of money because he was with a young attractive girl that was maybe 35. Rifle, do you do the sideways hat thing, or do all your colored friends let you know it's not a good look on whitey? I asked him if he knew you or Sistersville and he said no. Think he might have been queer though.
The middle aged white guys shouldn't be wearing the hat sideways. Not a good look.

Sometimes there are hot women that have those flap jack titties but the new sports bras hide it.

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