Just shut the fuck up about there being thousands of oil leases on US land.

i am herdman

Platinum Buffalo
Gold Member
Mar 5, 2006
Read this

According to a Department of Interior report, the U.S. had more than 37,000 oil and gas leases just last year — so 9,000 is a small number comparatively — and just because an oil company has a lease doesn't mean they can just start drilling.

They must organize and safely manage their reservoir and satisfy several regulatory requirements, such as an onsite inspection, environmental review and permit approval. This process can actually take up to 10 years.

Experts say even if these companies start drilling more oil wells today, it could take anywhere from six months to years for that oil to start flowing.
You the idiot, oath breaker. We have 20% of our oil and gas rigs sitting idle....because the oil companies want to keep prices up.
The U S has 40% of its oil rigs not functioning. Shut up until you have something other than malarkey to spread.
Seems like they are keeping them closed to make Biden look bad.

So if it takes having Trump back in there just for the oil drillers to have who they want, it would be well worth it. Whatever it takes to get these down, but of course I have no hope in it.

The real president of America was Fauci for a couple years. Now it could be whoever has the say over the most oil wells staying closed.

Right now I just have to pay it, but I will be looking into go carts, Teslas, even maybe other stuff to do that doesn't require as much gas. Spend days off walking around Wal Mart huffing things or something that's cheaper than driving.
Reading this board, one has to wonder why greed is not holding a cabinet position.

Seems qualified for Secretary of Energy, Secretary of Defense, or better yet, Secretary of Transportation, since he was able to figure out how to drive to NC during the height of the pandemic.

Also seems to fit the role of Secretary of Labor pretty well too, seeing as how he has a good handle on fudging these job reports.
You the idiot, oath breaker. We have 20% of our oil and gas rigs sitting idle....because the oil companies want to keep prices up.
The U S has 40% of its oil rigs not functioning. Shut up until you have something other than malarkey to spread.
"Oil and gas companies do not want to drill more," said Pavel Molchanov, an analyst at Raymond James. "They are under pressure from the financial community to pay more dividends, to do more share buybacks instead of the proverbial 'drill baby drill,' which is the way they would have done things 10 years ago. Corporate strategy has fundamentally changed."

As is the norm these days, the super rich put profits over people and nation.
What about welfare cheese gasoline for all? Provided by the government just taking the shit over, drilling the hell out of it and handing it out like candy.

I'd vote for it.
Reading this board, one has to wonder why greed is not holding a cabinet position.

Seems qualified for Secretary of Energy, Secretary of Defense, or better yet, Secretary of Transportation, since he was able to figure out how to drive to NC during the height of the pandemic.

Also seems to fit the role of Secretary of Labor pretty well too, seeing as how he has a good handle on fudging these job reports.
You're a liar and idiot.
"Oil and gas companies do not want to drill more," said Pavel Molchanov, an analyst at Raymond James. "They are under pressure from the financial community to pay more dividends, to do more share buybacks instead of the proverbial 'drill baby drill,' which is the way they would have done things 10 years ago. Corporate strategy has fundamentally changed."

As is the norm these days, the super rich put profits over people and nation.
Wish I had thought of that.
Reading this board, one has to wonder why greed is not holding a cabinet position.

Seems qualified for Secretary of Energy, Secretary of Defense, or better yet, Secretary of Transportation, since he was able to figure out how to drive to NC during the height of the pandemic.

Also seems to fit the role of Secretary of Labor pretty well too, seeing as how he has a good handle on fudging these job reports.
Well, he had a cabinet position but was too cheap to pay his employees well and didn’t provide them any benefits, unless he counted them cucking him as a benefit.
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Well, he had a cabinet position but was too cheap to pay his employees well and didn’t provide them any benefits, unless he counted them cucking him as a benefit.
You're a lying idiot and coward.
"Oil and gas companies do not want to drill more," said Pavel Molchanov, an analyst at Raymond James. "They are under pressure from the financial community to pay more dividends, to do more share buybacks instead of the proverbial 'drill baby drill,' which is the way they would have done things 10 years ago. Corporate strategy has fundamentally changed."

As is the norm these days, the super rich put profits over people and nation.
then why wouldn't these companies just do that all the time. think abuot what you guys are trying to say.

why weren't they do it a couple of years ago. All these companies. Hey let's just sit on orders so we can make more money.

you guys are grasping at straws. you can't just shut things down and open them

the biden admin controls the regulatory agencies. you just read it takes months to years to get through that process.

Hey I am going to sit on orders for a few months in order to make more money. my boss will really go for that.
The stuff on here before really did look like nice cabinets.

It makes me wonder if at least the tradition lives on somehow. Maybe some of the workers went off and started their own shop or something. Pictures were posted on here before. It was good quality looking stuff. I'm sure it got passed on somehow, the tradition of how to make it or put treatment on it or whatever it requires.

I really wonder if they can do caskets. That's the only piece of wood I ever want to buy, but I do want a wooden casket when the time comes. Probably won't get it, but still. Nice to dream.
then why wouldn't these companies just do that all the time. think abuot what you guys are trying to say.

why weren't they do it a couple of years ago. All these companies. Hey let's just sit on orders so we can make more money.

you guys are grasping at straws. you can't just shut things down and open them

the biden admin controls the regulatory agencies. you just read it takes months to years to get through that process.

Hey I am going to sit on orders for a few months in order to make more money. my boss will really go for that.
You're still an idiot. Oath breaker.
then why wouldn't these companies just do that all the time. think abuot what you guys are trying to say.

why weren't they do it a couple of years ago. All these companies. Hey let's just sit on orders so we can make more money.

you guys are grasping at straws. you can't just shut things down and open them

Seems like these days it's just a bunch of old people sitting around wanting to make political statements about everything. I wouldn't put it past them keeping the stuff closed just to make Biden look bad.

I'm really not a Biden fan or even a Democrat voter, but there has to be some of this. I mean damn, $120 something a barrel now. How high does it have to get to get back out there to Williston and make some money?
Don't know why you all can't realize Mush is failing. Hell, Ignored Member coached baseball. Hey coach, your starting pitcher has given up 17 earned runs in the first inning. You might want to pull him.
Mush is failing

Yeah, it's hard to imagine him getting re-elected with this. Going to be hard times with these prices. I don't know how anybody can pay them now.

If he doesn't somehow schmooze with the oil people, he's going to be toast. Everyone will be asking themselves if they're better off. When gas and everything is so high that you have to live in dumpsters and ride the bus, the answer will be a resounding hell no.
Thanks, libs!

was seeing $130 this morning, not good
then why wouldn't these companies just do that all the time. think abuot what you guys are trying to say.

why weren't they do it a couple of years ago. All these companies. Hey let's just sit on orders so we can make more money.

you guys are grasping at straws. you can't just shut things down and open them

the biden admin controls the regulatory agencies. you just read it takes months to years to get through that process.

Hey I am going to sit on orders for a few months in order to make more money. my boss will really go for that.
Hilarious. CNN just cant say the greenies helped to cause this mess. Multi Billions $$$ of investment has fled this sector because of the push away from fossil fuels the last 2 years. Biden has embraced green energy policy as the number 1 fuel source. Price of oil was going to $100+ before Ukraine/Russia. They have openly campaigned to "bankrupt" fossil fuel energy. Here we are.
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They helped cause it, but not to the extent that our people want to claim it is.

It's everything combined. The green energy piece is very small. Obama was all about it, but they still drilled anyway. So why not now? How is Biden doing anything more than Obama did on this?

Oh well, people will eventually run out of welfare and not be able to pay it. Or maybe they won't. They probably will though. This is big ass prices on everything.
then why wouldn't these companies just do that all the time.
Because investors took a fvcking beating when oil hit, you know, $0.

you guys are grasping at straws.
I was quoting a market expert.
I guess Venezuela oil doesn't have the cooties.
Lots of oil has cooties, it just depends on whose cooties you like better. It's always been that way.
same for Iran
We buy plenty from the Saudis, and last I checked it wasn't Iran that was tied to 9/11. Again, which cooties do you prefer?
Because investors took a fvcking beating when oil hit, you know, $0.

I was quoting a market expert.

Lots of oil has cooties, it just depends on whose cooties you like better. It's always been that way.

We buy plenty from the Saudis, and last I checked it wasn't Iran that was tied to 9/11. Again, which cooties do you prefer?
This is because of the green earfers and climate cult. This is about energy. They want to kick the can down the road. Anywhere but here. Anywhere but here. No, we are just going to give the Iranian's a nuke and the Irananian IED's in Iraq(and other areas) hurt a lot of US troops.
Don't know why you all can't realize Mush is failing. Hell, Ignored Member coached baseball. Hey coach, your starting pitcher has given up 17 earned runs in the first inning. You might want to pull him.
I fully realize you're a blubbering idiot.
It was cheap, prefabricated stuff from China. He just put fancy molding on it and then overcharged for materials and labor.
^^^^One of many cons on this board who can't refrain from lying every chance they get.
Why would they drill with Obama in there, but not now?
Obumma needed oil for an economic recovery beginning in 2009. The investment $$$ and debt financing for wells was there. Billions$$$ have divested in the oil space and moved to other alternatives because policy shift was underway. It was hastened when the pandemic killed demand for gasoline and other petrol products and prices plummeted. Mush doesn't know what day of the week it is. He reads teleprompters.
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How high before the torches and pitchforks come out?

They wanted to convoy for Canada. Soon enough, this gas price thing will be actually worth convoying for. I could get out there on my bicycle, but I'm not sure if I can ride one anymore.

It's been 20 some years since I got on one.

Biden means high gas prices all right. Even though it's not really his fault, he's the symbol of it. A symbol that if this keeps up must be voted out when the time comes. Damn, it could be $20 a gallon by then or not even exist probably. No gas at all. Have to just wear a mask, stay home and ride a bike to the gas station for molded ham. Not for gas.

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