Just watched "13 Hours: The Secret Soldiers of Benghazi"

Yeah, if you like fiction.

The film's historical accuracy has been disputed. In the film's most controversial scene, the CIA chief in Benghazi (identified only as "Bob") tells the military contractors there, who seek permission to go defend the embassy, to "stand down", thus denying them permission. The real-life CIA chief stated that there was no stand-down order.[46] His statement was echoed by the bipartisan Senate Intelligence Committee's finding that there was no evidence of intentional delay or obstruction by the Chief of Base or any other party.

Also disputed is the film's portrayal that air support was denied. A House Armed Services report found that air support was unavailable, or it would have arrived too late to make a difference
Yeah, if you like fiction.

The film's historical accuracy has been disputed. In the film's most controversial scene, the CIA chief in Benghazi (identified only as "Bob") tells the military contractors there, who seek permission to go defend the embassy, to "stand down", thus denying them permission. The real-life CIA chief stated that there was no stand-down order.[46] His statement was echoed by the bipartisan Senate Intelligence Committee's finding that there was no evidence of intentional delay or obstruction by the Chief of Base or any other party.

Also disputed is the film's portrayal that air support was denied. A House Armed Services report found that air support was unavailable, or it would have arrived too late to make a difference

How do you know it would have arrived too late to make a difference? To me being told that is worse than being denied, which essentially is what this means.
Yeah, if you like fiction.

The film's historical accuracy has been disputed. In the film's most controversial scene, the CIA chief in Benghazi (identified only as "Bob") tells the military contractors there, who seek permission to go defend the embassy, to "stand down", thus denying them permission. The real-life CIA chief stated that there was no stand-down order.[46] His statement was echoed by the bipartisan Senate Intelligence Committee's finding that there was no evidence of intentional delay or obstruction by the Chief of Base or any other party.

Also disputed is the film's portrayal that air support was denied. A House Armed Services report found that air support was unavailable, or it would have arrived too late to make a difference

You are something else.
How do you know it would have arrived too late to make a difference? To me being told that is worse than being denied, which essentially is what this means.

Exactly. I will trust the members of the military and the others more than some politician. Former members of an Army special forces team and Air Force fighter pilots have said they were ready to go.

And, they sent in two Delta operators and only two. Why not more and the other special forces team? You never know until you try and they didn't let them try.
Exactly. I will trust the members of the military and the others more than some politician. Former members of an Army special forces team and Air Force fighter pilots have said they were ready to go.

And, they sent in two Delta operators and only two. Why not more and the other special forces team? You never know until you try and they didn't let them try.

You will only trust members of the military that suit your agenda.

An unknown number of assailants were attacking a US consulate. There was limited on the ground information as to the size and disposition of their forces and/or if they had assistance from elements of the Libyan military. It was also unknown if the occupants in the consulate were dead, alive or even still in the compound. And there's the tricky matter of entering a sovereign nation with an armed force, which is something that most people call an "invasion." It would take a hour or so to get a fighter jet there, but it required a transport plane. How much time that would take I don't know. That doesn't take into account that there was no plan and American soldiers would have been dropped into an unknown situation to defend or extract someone whose whereabouts were unknown. The military doesnt usually work that way.
You will only trust members of the military that suit your agenda.

An unknown number of assailants were attacking a US consulate. There was limited on the ground information as to the size and disposition of their forces and/or if they had assistance from elements of the Libyan military. It was also unknown if the occupants in the consulate were dead, alive or even still in the compound. And there's the tricky matter of entering a sovereign nation with an armed force, which is something that most people call an "invasion." It would take a hour or so to get a fighter jet there, but it required a transport plane. How much time that would take I don't know. That doesn't take into account that there was no plan and American soldiers would have been dropped into an unknown situation to defend or extract someone whose whereabouts were unknown. The military doesnt usually work that way.

No, the invasion occurred when the consulate was attacked. We would have merely been responding to the invasion.
Four Americans died but 100 towelheads were killed...and some of you really believe there was no support on the ground and they were just left out there to die. OK.

The movie is fiction. The investigation is fiction. It's all bullshit to cover the CIA.

3-4 seals could easily take out 100 over a 13 hour period. I have no doubt there was some form of other covert operation going on there. Which is why ultimately they were left hung out to dry and the state dept had to spin their "movie's" fault BS.
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A Michael Bay film should not be required viewing for anyone. Ever. Except Transformers cuz Megan Fox is hot AF
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Also, if you want to get the true story read the book 13 Hours by Mitchell Zuckoff. It was written along with the surviving operators on the ground.
I have no doubt there was some form of other covert operation going on there. Which is why ultimately they were left hung out to dry and the state dept had to spin their "movie's" fault BS.

Which is why this is NOT a partisan issue.

Democrat President, Republican President, the CIA is gonna CIA.

Now, if these Republican hacks and big mouths want to reform the CIA, I am 100% down with that. Running guns and running dope is no way to implement foreign policy. It backfires every damn time. But that isn't what the hacks are doing.
Which is why this is NOT a partisan issue.

Democrat President, Republican President, the CIA is gonna CIA.

Now, if these Republican hacks and big mouths want to reform the CIA, I am 100% down with that. Running guns and running dope is no way to implement foreign policy. It backfires every damn time. But that isn't what the hacks are doing.

Except for the fact that reinforcements could have been sent in through a DOD directive. And, I believe they were told to stand down. I have no doubt in my mind they could have had more assets there.

That's the problem.

Who knows who was on the ground. Probably was a few on the ground as spotters and intel gathering assets.

Same with Bin Laden raid. They just didn't send helicopters in there one night and conduct the raid. Somebody was already there and had been watching.

The whole 13 hours things, while no movie is always accurate, is correct in that somebody screwed up and I have no doubt in my mind they didn't want to draw attention to it in a bigger rescue operation and that alone means we left men to die. Not cool.
The contractors, to a man, say they were told to stand down. I have read the book and seen their interviews. I tend to believe them over a career bureaucrat.
I said in one of the other 100 threads about this...The Admin was caught between a rock and a hard place. A QRF didn't exist because this wasn't a consulate or any other way to claim American Soil. We were running guns illegally using CIA and contractors. The Admin, in my opinion, had to decide weather to give conventional support to a CIA Op or hope for the best. They chose the latter and it bit them in the ass. The BS cover story was ridiculous, that's what fvcked them up.

And it wasn't just the GRS contractors killing over 100 haji's. There were 4 other contracting teams in Benghazi at the time, 3 American and 1 British. One American team and the Brits converged on the Annex before the 2nd wave, that's when all the hajis met Allah. After that second wave the outside contractors left after hours of nothing, which is perfectly normal in a tactical sense, and that's when the GRS guys got killed by indirect fire during the 3rd wave.
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3-4 seals could easily take out 100 over a 13 hour period. I have no doubt there was some form of other covert operation going on there. Which is why ultimately they were left hung out to dry and the state dept had to spin their "movie's" fault BS.
Are the SEALs carry that kind of firepower to take out 100 and sustain themselves over 13 hours? I thought the SEALS were more stealthy and were mostly equipped to handle small arms fire when engaged with a combatant.
Are the SEALs carry that kind of firepower to take out 100 and sustain themselves over 13 hours? I thought the SEALS were more stealthy and were mostly equipped to handle small arms fire when engaged with a combatant.

There are some good books written by those in the Seal community describing their various capacities depending on their mission. They are good reads. In this case, it appears most contractors were "former" special forces including some Seal operators...........more than capable of taking out 100.

They are trained...One shot, one kill precision
Are the SEALs carry that kind of firepower to take out 100 and sustain themselves over 13 hours? I thought the SEALS were more stealthy and were mostly equipped to handle small arms fire when engaged with a combatant.

I am told a typical load out now for infantry(not seal,, special ops, just standard issue Joe, etc) patrol is 210 rounds per soldier carrying a M4. That is typical or standard. Could be more or less depending. That is the guy carrying a M4. Throw in other weapons and there is pretty good firepower in a squad. Probably have 900 rounds or so in a M240. So something close to that for reference sake.

That being said some of the urban legends of Rambo probably need to be tamed down. LOl
There are some good books written by those in the Seal community describing their various capacities depending on their mission. They are good reads. In this case, it appears most contractors were "former" special forces including some Seal operators...........more than capable of taking out 100.

They are trained...One shot, one kill precision

Especially if the goat screwers and just coming at them. Shooting fish in a barrel.
There are some good books written by those in the Seal community describing their various capacities depending on their mission. They are good reads. In this case, it appears most contractors were "former" special forces including some Seal operators...........more than capable of taking out 100.

They are trained...One shot, one kill precision
I am in no way questioning their ability to carry out such a task, I remember watching the SEAL specials on TV back in the late 90s and early 2000s, very interesting stuff.
I am in no way questioning their ability to carry out such a task, I remember watching the SEAL specials on TV back in the late 90s and early 2000s, very interesting stuff.

the good 'ol days back when Discovery showed stuff other than a couple of idiots trying to stay alive for a few days with no clothes on.....
the good 'ol days back when Discovery showed stuff other than a couple of idiots trying to stay alive for a few days with no clothes on.....
I was hoping someone would know which shows I was referring to, Discovery was a great channel back then, TLC (or "The Learning Channel" as they used to call themselves) was pretty good as well.
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I was hoping someone would know which shows I was referring to, Discovery was a great channel back then, TLC (or "The Learning Channel" as they used to call themselves) was pretty good as well.

History (when it actually showed "history") was my favorite. i used to fall asleep just about every night in college watching whatever random show on History...
SEALs are fine but somewhat lacking in SUT. Hollywood made SEALs badass, not real life. If I had to set up a collapsible perimeter I'd hire an Army or Marine squad instead. I've crossed many SEALs in theater and none of them knew how to load a 240, so fvck them. And yeah, a basic load is 210, 270 if you count your loaded mag. Subtract 14 if you only load 28 rounds. A basic load isn't a factor when you're on a roof top though.
History (when it actually showed "history") was my favorite. i used to fall asleep just about every night in college watching whatever random show on History...
I think you mean the Hitler Channel, all Hitler, all day, everyday.
I think you mean the Hitler Channel, all Hitler, all day, everyday.

there was A LOT of WW2 but also a lot about the Mayans and other topics. my wife and i first learned about Tulum watching History. ended up going there on our honeymoon...
I'm not with extra here.

Hillary ****ed up and she knows it and all white society sheeple will find anyone to bail her and the Clinton's out as usual
I'm not with extra here.

Hillary ****ed up and she knows it and all white society sheeple will find anyone to bail her and the Clinton's out as usual

I'll remember this the next time her and Bill show up in Harlem or some podunk black church and are welcomed with open arms.