Kamala Explains It All

Someone did not do their homework on the different schools of libertarian thought. Really, that kind of minutiae would be right up your alley.
are you referring to yourself? because your claim of being a libertarian and your ramblings doesn't quite equate.
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Most of this thread is about Kamala being a slut, it should be obvious why I went there.

Sure Fonzie... As you directly quoted my reference to the former First Lady not being a woman while Kamala is...

the POTUS who is a man and unlike the former First Lady, the VPOTUS who is not.

Only thing obvious that you post is that you're not a libertarian....
How fvcking old are you?

How much time do you have?
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I don't need a dissertation. Just an outline of a few reasons why. Really interested why you think that.
1. Mouth writes checks his ass can't cash. There's the big clue. This one has nothing to do with politics, and thus is the surest evidence one can present. Take a look at the guy, you know he can't fight, but there he was running his corksmoker, because he's a SENATOR by gawd and surely no one would would dare whoop is ass. It's honestly the most satisfying thing to ever happen in Kentucky politics. The only way to beat that would be if the Russians killed Matt Bevin for fvcking up that aluminum plant scam.

2. Obstructionism for the sake of obstructionism, but based on the dumbest shit. "I'm gonna filibuster ever budget that isn't balanced!" That's not how the Senate works, moron. Just cast your no vote and STFU Rand, nobody cares. Look, Mitch is an obstructionist, and he is often full of shit*, but those two rarely mix for him, he just obstructs to fvck the other team.

3. This is my favorite Rand story. When asked why Harlan County was famous, said " I don't know, Hazard nearby and it is famous for the Dukes of Hazard." This while his aid was whispering to him "maybe for the coal battles." LOL! From a Senator from Kentucky, unreal.

* You want to know when Mitch isn't full of shit? When he "no comments" lol. He just lets the action speak for itself. I can appreciate that. Mitch understands the art of being full of shit when it counts, and not when it doesn't. Smart guy.
1. Mouth writes checks his ass can't cash. There's the big clue. This one has nothing to do with politics, and thus is the surest evidence one can present.

That's what politicians do so it is political.

Take a look at the guy, you know he can't fight, but there he was running his corksmoker, because he's a SENATOR by gawd and surely no one would would dare whoop is ass.

Ummm, the guy tackled him from behind. But that's usually how liberals fight. No surprise you're a cheerleader for him.

The only way to beat that would be if the Russians killed Matt Bevin for fvcking up that aluminum plant scam.

That sound pro-Russian to me and a little bit like this...

3. This is my favorite Rand story. When asked why Harlan County was famous, said " I don't know, Hazard nearby and it is famous for the Dukes of Hazard." This while his aid was whispering to him "maybe for the coal battles." LOL! From a Senator from Kentucky, unreal.

So he's a carpet-bagger??? That's another thing politicians do.

Actually there is a thing called the "Winchester Wall" that nothing east of it, including Harlan and Hazard, matter in KY politics.

So I ask you for some specifics about one KY politician, Rand Paul, and yet you respond by disparaging two other KY politicians, both Republicans as well. And yet you wonder why many here believe you to be a liberal trying to hide in libertarian clothing...

With regard to the aluminum plant, our current governor needed to keep his mouth shut while we still had a chance to keep it...

"Kentucky Gov. Andy Beshear (D) said. “Again, this was a con job.”"

And yet the next day he tried to spin this...

But hey, again you only see things through your liberal tinted glasses...
That's what politicians do so it is political.
All politicians get their asses kicked by their neighbor? Are you really this fvcking stupid?
Ummm, the guy tackled him from behind. But that's usually how liberals fight.
That how fights are fought. Fights usually go to the ground and can come from any angle (why do you think jiu-jitsu is so effective?)*....especially when you are running your cock gobbler. Sounds like you are a typical conservative tough-guy, never been in a fight in your life and couldn't whip your way out of a wet paper bag. Like Rand.

* Why more cops don't practice BJJ is beyond me. It should be required.

And I read your linked article. Who knows what Rand said when his neighbor told him to stop blowing the clippings into his yard (which isn't cool, to be honest)...but the fact he kept on doing it is as good as a "fvck you" right to his face.

Oh, and this: "Goodwin said that part of what nagged at Boucher was the difference in grass length between his lawn and that of his libertarian neighbor's. 'He had his yard sitting at a beautiful two-and-a-half, three inches thick, where Rand cuts it to the nub.' What a fvcking psycho, that's not good for the yard at all, you severely weaken the grass and invite weeds.
That sound pro-Russian to me
Nah, just the facts that it was a crooked deal backed by crooked people...the kind of crooked people that don't have a problem with whacking someone. So it's pro-Russian to notice they whack people?
So he's a carpet-bagger???
No, he's a moron.
disparaging two other KY politicians
Um, I was praising Mitch. I don't always agree with him, but I appreciate him, he's one of the all time greats at wielding power.
“Again, this was a con job.”"
He's right.
All politicians get their asses kicked by their neighbor?

No, below is what politicians do...

1. Mouth writes checks his ass can't cash.

That how fights are fought.

That's how liberals like yourself fight.

Sounds like you are a typical conservative tough-guy, never been in a fight in your life and couldn't whip your way out of a wet paper bag.

Last time a liberal like yourself suckered punched me from behind he found out whether I could take some punches and fight back. In case you haven't noticed I've got a pretty hard head...

Nah, just the facts that it was a crooked deal backed by crooked people...the kind of crooked people that don't have a problem with whacking someone. So it's pro-Russian to notice they whack people?

Just applying your liberal "logic". Is it pro-Putin to state that fact that he puts Russian interests (and his own since that is how Russia works) first? Turnabout is fair play, unlike liberals like yourself thinking it's OK to sucker-punch people...

No, he's a moron.

Carpetbagger slang - An outsider who pretends to be an insider is a carpetbagger; he's a person who tries to take advantage of a group by joining it only for his own personal benefit.

Wasn't born in KY but moved here as an adult. Later became a Senator. Fits the slang for carpetbagger. You might think he's a moron but carpetbagger fits for your example. So your answer is wrong Fonzie...

Um, I was praising Mitch. I don't always agree with him, but I appreciate him,

In a backhanded way... I'm curious as to what you actually agree with Mitch on...

He's right.

Big picture - then why did he come back one day later to try to salvage the deal?

You may think you know everything but you can't believe everything that you read, especially in the Courier-Journal.

Craig Bouchard was the con man in this situation and he has long been gone from the picture. This has been happening in my backyard and qualified and knowledgeable people have been working for the company since Day 1. They have made their homes in our area and don't want to move. They were frustrated by Beshea's reckless statements about the loan when arrangements were being made to pay it back.

But then again, not surprising that you would blindly accept the media's narrative...
That's how liberals like yourself fight.
You ever been around the MMA scene? It's not exactly a bastion of liberalism lol.
Last time a liberal like yourself suckered punched me from behind
LOL! I'm getting too old to fight, but I am not a fan of throwing a punch to start a fight or even to respond to a punch. Why? Because I am comfortable on the ground. Apparently Rand's neighbor is too 🤣 Plus you get hit a lot less.
Wasn't born in KY but moved here as an adult.
Hell, I've only lived in Kentucky a total of about 18 months and I know more KY history that Rand. Including a year in Muhlenberg County back when the Paradise Plant was still burning a shitload of coal. it might have been killing the Earth, but it was an impressive sight.
then why did he come back one day later to try to salvage the deal?
To me that article reads that Unity, Brady by another name, was still full of shit, or perhaps, charitably, full of dreams they could not fulfil. When Steel Dynamics took over the project, he was happy. Which makes sense to me.

Craig Bouchard was the con man
As was Bevin, IMO. And Bouchard was the goddamn founder of Brady, which became Unity...not a good look when the founder is the conman lol....sounds like another man and some companies with his name on them.
Apparently Rand's neighbor is too 🤣 Plus you get hit a lot less.

Rand's neighbor probably did most of the damage with his kamikaze dive first.

Hell, I've only lived in Kentucky a total of about 18 months and I know more KY history that Rand.

And that's exactly why I used the term carpetbagger...

Do we need to explain to 06 that this is different than a teabagger???😅😉

To me that article reads that Unity, Brady by another name, was still full of shit, or perhaps, charitably, full of dreams they could not fulfil. When Steel Dynamics took over the project, he was happy. Which makes sense to me.

I think more accurately was full of dreams that were extremely difficult to fulfill, especially before Bouchard was sent to pasture.

Are you really so naive that you don't believe Beshear didn't know what was going on before? He was trying to have his cake and eat it too. Play strong guy for political points and then come back as savior when that was done. Steel Dynamics probably didn't cotton to that and it didn't work out as Beshear had hoped.

As was Bevin, IMO.

Possibly however most of these corporations are open to the highest and best offer. You seem to be against big business and corruption in government. These economic development programs are just a conduit for that. They pit Wall Street against Main Street and Wall Street almost always wins.

Other states were vying for the project so it could have easily been someone other than Bevin. Was Bevin one of the con men with Solyndra, Tonopah, Ener1 and many others?

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