Kamala The Socialist is going to try federal price controls on groceries.

i am herdman

Platinum Buffalo
Gold Member
Mar 5, 2006
Good luck. if they try to control supply and demand the food producers will control production and you will have food shortages and rationing. Mark it down.

She will turn this place into Venezuela.

Your grocery shelves will be empty.That will harm Americans.

But, the minions will buy into it. They will get those greedy corporations. They will put the string on it. You won't find a loaf a bread sometimes.
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Yes. I alluded to this story yesterday in another thread. Unfortunately, most morons buy into this kind of economic fallacy: "The Fed Govt will protect me from the big mean food companies." By limiting the market's natural price discovery for a product, you get LESS of the product and MORE inflation on the limited product being sold. Econ 101. Doesn't matter if the product is healthcare (price inflation since Obummacare), or ground beef. The govt starts f'ing around with the market, it will get more expensive.
Yes. I alluded to this story yesterday in another thread. Unfortunately, most morons buy into this kind of economic fallacy: "The Fed Govt will protect me from the big mean food companies." By limiting the market's natural price discovery for a product, you get LESS of the product and MORE inflation on the limited product being sold. Econ 101. Doesn't matter if the product is healthcare (price inflation since Obummacare), or ground beef. The govt starts f'ing around with the market, it will get more expensive.
Hey moron, what does econ 101 say about prices of products when they are monopolized?
Govr helped create the problem by introducing too much money into the money supply. Now they want to fix thr problem by doing this.

Suppliers will just cut production. There will be food shortages particularly in poorer markets. People with a little money will go to other places like a Fresh Market, Whole Foods, etc. Poor people will be hosed.
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Govr helped create the problem by introducing too much money into the money supply. Now they want to fix thr problem by doing this.

Suppliers will just cut production. There will be food shortages particularly in poorer markets. People with a little money will go to other places like a Fresh Market, Whole Foods, etc. Poor people will be hosed.
You're a lying idiot trumptard oath breaker.

The food industry is making better than usual profits. greed.

The U.S. is pumping out more oil than any other country, yet prices remain high. greed.

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This is what happens when you shut the country down and continue to print money
Of course it doesn't work. It's socialism, it's been tried for many years and it fails every time. Democrats are insane.

Democrats, their policies and their bleaters are destroying our country

Dave Ramsey explains why Commie-la Harris' price control plan will not curb inflation: 'It's not sustainable'

So Greed cant find a food monopoly. Shocking. (Because no food monopoly exists). More gas lighting hyperbole from economic illiterates.
phlegmwad is refusing to answer a question about a subject of which he claims to be informed. Here it is again...

extragreen said:
Hey moron, what does econ 101 say about prices of products when they are monopolized?
Of course it doesn't work. It's socialism, it's been tried for many years and it fails every time. Democrats are insane.

Democrats, their policies and their bleaters are destroying our country

Dave Ramsey explains why Commie-la Harris' price control plan will not curb inflation: 'It's not sustainable'



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Greed once again supporting a "govt fix" for a fabricated problem (food monopolies) that cannot exist in the current state of our market economy. A simple search of just food distributors produces a list so long that only the "top 16" are listed. We aren't even talking about the growers and sellers of products. Bakers? Grocery store chains?? Dont get me started. The same, a list so long you cant count. The food industry is so fragmented, a monopoly could only exist if the govt helped to sponsor it. Enter Greedtard and his band of ignorant rubes......

Greed once again, ignorantly supporting a "govt fix" that reduces competition, prices the small guys out of business, and allows (crony capitalists) the consolidation necessary to actually control the market and ultimately reduce public choice. (Where have we had this conversation before??? Oh yeah, Obummacare)
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Answer: Monopolies are already illegal. (The Sherman Act.) Which is why food monopolies can't exist. You want to try again with another irrelevant question.
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