Kim Davis protects sanctity of marriage...

These should help:


Which one of you guys would want your son or daughters to be gay?

Should I go ahead and say...

Which one of you guys would want your son or daughters to be gay?

Should I go ahead and say...


I really wouldn't care.

I am proud of my daughter; she is intelligent, kind, good mannered, and stays out of trouble. Really, what more could I ask for?

I don't care who she ends up loving as long as they are good enough for her.
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She's a Democrat...but that is merely a construct of the geography that she's from. If you took her issue by issue I'm sure she's much more in line with conservative politics.

Besides...this has nothing to do with convictions. It's all just attention-seeking election year grandstanding.

Couldn't y'all have chosen a less hideous poster child though? Sheesh.
Some here obviously don't understand salvation and forgiveness as preached and taught by Jesus Christ.
Don't confuse my post with my opinion of the whole mess. I'll stick with what I posted.
Bottom line is most people still think gay is weird. Even if you let them get married, let them parade, pity them, whatever, they will not be happy. They still know most people think they're weird. They will never escape the shame.

Unless they learn not to give a shit.
Unless you hate losing, you don't win.

A lot of people seem to really like losing. You see it everywhere. Shockingly enough, even sports fans. This acceptance of shit culture we have adopted is communistic. It's no wonder they want Bernie Sanders. They want to celebrate losing by giving dropouts $15 an hour jobs.
Rifle, thanks for the timeline as it strongly supports her position. She had a messed up life, found God and a moral center. Good for her.
She's a Democrat...but that is merely a construct of the geography that she's from. If you took her issue by issue I'm sure she's much more in line with conservative politics.

Besides...this has nothing to do with convictions. It's all just attention-seeking election year grandstanding.

Couldn't y'all have chosen a less hideous poster child though? Sheesh.
I'm not defending her as I think she's wrong, but if a person believes one way but votes Democrat, they're a Democrat.

And the dumbest thing that could have been done was to arrest her. Remove her from her job, shame her, publicize it - whatever. But don't arrest her.

Wouldn't you hate it if you were losing?

Hate. Without it, why even wake up in the morning? If I didn't hate just laying there, I'd keep doing it. Then when I started starving to death, if I didn't hate that I'd just lay there until I died.

What does it take, 40 days to starve completely to death? I'd hate it though. The growling stomach, the stink of not showering, facial hair, etc. Lots of things to hate about that.
I'm not defending her as I think she's wrong, but if a person believes one way but votes Democrat, they're a Democrat.

And the dumbest thing that could have been done was to arrest her. Remove her from her job, shame her, publicize it - whatever. But don't arrest her.

See definitions of RINO and DINO.
I'd call Jeb Bush a RINO, not just because of one issue. He would continue and expand the welfare state and be a drunken sailor spender like his brother. He also wants to turn America into North Mexico.

He's clearly happy with a third world melting pot of welfare rot. Might as well be a Democrat.
Trail...while there might be some truth in what you say (generally) I bet you anything that...on the local level (especially in Appalachia) you'll find a whole lot more DINO-ism than you would imagine. Definitely not just '1 issue' stuff.
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See definitions of RINO and DINO.
Trail...while there might be some truth in what you say (generally) I bet you anything that...on the local level (especially in Appalachia) you'll find a whole lot more DINO-ism than you would imagine. Definitely not just '1 issue' stuff.
Sort of...Socially conservative but tend to still fall into the Republicans are rich vs the Democrats are for the little guy. That comes from their grandparents. If my grandparents were alive today that would not recognize their beloved Democrat Party.
Rifle, thanks for the timeline as it strongly supports her position. She had a messed up life, found God and a moral center. Good for her.

Doesn't the bible make it clear that if you remarry that you are an adulterer? Is being gay a worse sin than being a four time adulterer?
Doesn't the bible make it clear that if you remarry that you are an adulterer? Is being gay a worse sin than being a four time adulterer?

The Bible makes it clear that ALL PAST SINS are forgiven when you come to the terms of the gospel. You know, like wiping the slate clean.
The Bible makes it clear that ALL PAST SINS are forgiven when you come to the terms of the gospel. You know, like wiping the slate clean.

so, basically someone can be 90% a good guy his whole life, but not come to terms with the bible and have less of a chance of heaven as someone who is a 100% piece of shit his entire life, but finds the gospel and god in the last month of his life?
Sort of...Socially conservative but tend to still fall into the Republicans are rich vs the Democrats are for the little guy. That comes from their grandparents. If my grandparents were alive today that would not recognize their beloved Democrat Party.

This was exactly my grandparents. Life long democrats despite being "conservative" in every way they lived.........voted matter what. Didn't matter who (the disaster candidate) was on the ticket. "D" = a vote because of "the little guy" excuse.
so, basically someone can be 90% a good guy his whole life, but not come to terms with the bible and have less of a chance of heaven as someone who is a 100% piece of shit his entire life, but finds the gospel and god in the last month of his life?

Yes, being a good person won't help you without salvation.