Hubbard Youth. They got a nice knife with a can as the handle.
Pillheads addiction and side effects. Good choice.
You should try electro-convulsive therapy and post the video on here. Mutt would give it a like.
Hubbard Youth. They got a nice knife with a can as the handle.
It takes an inferior human being to fire a bunch of workers as a Christmas gift, amirite pillhead.
You should try electro-convulsive therapy and post the video on here.
Gotta do what the HQ wants, which is to be profitable. The calendar doesn't change the bottom line. Unlike the welfare you are now on, corporations are not charity. If they wanted their job into the new year they would have been wise to have taken heed three months prior when told their work was not profitable. Earning less than they were paid. They should have buckled down and taken the re-training seriously.
All in all, they were given a chance, unlike those black kids you would not apprentice. Amirite, Wayne County redneck?
You should try giving your testimony of faith in L Ron Hubbard to your Baptist church and post the video on here.
It is apparent you misinterpreted my question, would you like me to rephrase the question?You look tons smarter when you don't post.
It is apparent you misinterpreted my question
would you like me to rephrase the question?
Who is included with "us"?If you can make it stupider, sure, amuse us.
There are black kids in Wayne county liarYou're a pitiful little company doormat
Would that be the black kids that don't exist in Wayne County? Those black kids?
There are black kids in Wayne county liar
Who is included with "us"?
Anyone able to be amused by your attempt to make a stupider statement than before.
I’ve not commented on the subject you stupid idiot. Oh and liarI'm just going by what you stupid cons have stated previously, moron.
I’ve not commented on the subject you stupid idiot. Oh and liar
you stupid idiot.
I’ve not commented on the subject you stupid idiot. Oh and liar
you stupid cons
You’re saying the same thing twice
stupid cons
Oh, but you have, worthless one:
“I am in no way a racist and would wager I have many many many more friends of other races than a foolish cabinet maker out wayne”
Your inclusion of “out Wayne” was to call out the lack of racial diversity “out Wayne.” So worthless, dumb, and a liar.
“You stupid idiot.” Do you see how absurdly foolish you sound? “Idiot” by definition means “stupid.” You’re saying the same thing twice, back-to-back. Maybe you should try for “you dumb, stupid idiot” next.
just how stupid greed is
So I said there are zero black folks? That’s what he said moron.
The phrase is common
Doggoneit. I did the same thing....
Doggoneit. I did the same thing....
Yeah, but not to the extreme.
Hey I’m glad to see you using “dork” too. I’m certain you criticized me for using it (oh wait are you mocking me?). You have too much time on your hands and you are pathetic.The subject was the lack of diversity in Wayne. E.T. was mocking that by saying "no black kids" since you deplorables have made frequent comments about the lack of diversity where E.T. lives. You are one of those people who referenced the lack of diversity in Wayne when mocking E.T. previously. You were wrong and got caught lying, dork.
The phrase is common among who? Even the ten years old who the body rubber sees daily don't say that. Are you a kindergarten teacher?
Yeah, but not to the extreme. There are some cons who aren't entirely stupid. Banker and Murox the Moron both are relatively intelligent, but they either are morally bankrupt or have a perverted system of priorities.
I stand by the factual statement I made,
You're a pitiful little company doormat.
Would that be the black kids that don't exist in Wayne County? Those black kids?
Oh, but you have, worthless one:
“I am in no way a racist and would wager I have many many many more friends of other races than a foolish cabinet maker out wayne”
Your inclusion of “out Wayne” was to call out the lack of racial diversity “out Wayne.” So worthless, dumb, and a liar.
Wouldn't pitiful be owning a company but having to go on welfare upon retirement?
Besides the fact there are some blacks OW, why couldn't you give one from Huntington a shot?
This isn't 1890, and it's not a day long horseback ride to Wayne County.
I know where you are (it's not a secret who you are)
Hey I’m glad to see you using “dork” too. I’m certain you criticized me for using it (oh wait are you mocking me?).
I left the Huntington area because I couldn't hack an intra-county commute.
Hell, I had many Hispanic friends here before I lived near Little Mexico. And I had friends of other races when I lived damn near in Salt Rock WV...which is white as the fresh snow.
You got a chapter and page from Dianetics for that?
I'm certain you have. Nice research Mr patheticNo, moron. It was you who mocked me for using "dork." Tell us again how "certain" you are that I criticized you for it, when the reality is the other way around. I've never seen a poster own himself as much as you do:
dork? what are you 12? pathetic. i hope you are gaining some self worth out of the value you perceive you add! - the worthless poster
I'm certain you have. Nice research Mr pathetic
You didn’t prove anything except that you need to get a life and this message board world means a little too much to you.
you need to relax. tell us another HS blow job story or maybe another one of you fascinating life experiences. that's better than just sounding angry.I proved that what you claimed I did was actually you who did it, you stupid idiot moron retard buffoon ignoramus.
The search to prove your claim wrong took no more than thirty seconds. If what you claimed were true, you could find me mocking you for using "moron," too. But you can't, because I didn't.
Stupid and a liar.
Here's a Bible just for you. It's the only one you may have read. It's about mental diseases, you know, like what you suffer from.
I have a copy in my office, thank you.
.the Scientologist Baptist telling me I am crazy.
And we get it, the whole Scientology riff on actual science and medicine.
Scientology propaganda
I'm a blind follower of pseudo science. Give me another pill.