Left wing fact checker admits Trump never called Charlottesville neo-Nazis ‘very fine people’ in blow to Pedo-Joe


Platinum Buffalo
Gold Member
May 29, 2001
It's strange how Trump hating sources are coming clean, just before the election. I wonder what gives.

The left-leaning fact checking website Snopes acknowledged Saturday that former President Trump never called neo-Nazis "very fine people" during his press conference following the Charlottesville "Unite the Right" rally in 2017.

Critics of Trump have claimed for years that he equated neo-Nazis with counterprotesters following the event. Pedo-Joe was chief among those critics, citing the supposed incident as a main reason for launching his 2020 campaign.

"While Trump did say that there were ‘very fine people on both sides,’ he also specifically noted that he was not talking about neo-Nazis and white supremacists and said they should be 'condemned totally.' Therefore, we have rated this claim 'False,'" Snopes wrote.

The Snopes fact check now aligns with years of arguments from Trump's camp, who long stated, backed by transcript and video, that his comments were taken out of context. The fact-checker notes that the false claim about Trump's comments "spread like wildfire" on the left, eventually being cited as a cornerstone of Pedo-Joe's election campaign.

When Pedo-Joe released his 2020 campaign announcement video, the first words he said in it were "Charlottesville, Virginia."

"The President of the United States assigned a moral equivalence between those spreading hate and those with the courage to stand against it," Pedo-Joe claimed in the video. "And in that moment, I knew the threat to this nation was unlike any I’d ever seen in my lifetime."

Snopes' ruling removes key ammunition from Pedo-Joe's arsenal just days before he and Trump are scheduled to meet in their first debate this week.

The pair will clash in Atlanta in a televised debate hosted by CNN on Thursday.

Pedo-Joe has secluded himself at Camp David for the weekend to prepare for the debate. Meanwhile, Trump is staying on the campaign trail before heading to Atlanta later this week.

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Joe Biden won key states in the 2020 U.S. presidential election due to fraudulent late-night "vote dumps."

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U.S. President Donald Trump spread countless falsehoods during his four years in the Oval Office, but perhaps none so damaging, or deadly, as those he pushed in the aftermath of his election loss. For nearly two months, Trump falsely claimed that there was widespread voter fraud and that the 2020 election had been stolen from him. These lies, in part, spurred a pro-Trump mob to attack the U.S. Capitol on Jan. 6, 2021.
President Trump's losing the election despite receiving millions more votes in 2020 than in 2016 is indicative of a "rigged election."

Pennsylvania has 20,000 dead persons listed on its election rolls, which is evidence of massive voter fraud in 2020.

Joe Biden received a fraudulent 'dump' of 143K ballots in Wisconsin in the early morning hours after Election Day 2020.

Millions of mail-in ballots were improperly sent to people who did not request them in the 2020 election.

What's False
It is false to imply that millions of ballots were improperly mailed in the 2020 election, or suggest that the system was a nefarious scheme. The mailing was in accordance with the states' laws. A handful of states send eligible voters ballots without applications in every election — not just in 2020.
Wow. Somebody is madder than hell.

Poor extralyingdumbass loses another lie he's been using on Trump.

extradumbass loves his lies and can see, when he can no longer use his lies, he flips his lid.
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Wow. Somebody is madder than hell.
^^^Wow. Somebody is dumber than mud.
Poor extralyingdumbass loses another lie he's been using on Trump.
Hypocrite TidyCat is lying again and is a Godless lying trumpchum sucking punk.
extradumbass loves his lies and can see, when he can no longer use his lies, he flips his lid.
All of a sudden, Snopes is considered correct and reliable by the Godless lying trumpchum sucking punk
^^^Wow. Somebody is dumber than mud.

Yet a genius compared to you.

Hypocrite TidyCat is lying again and is a Godless lying trumpchum sucking punk.

All of a sudden, Snopes is considered correct and reliable by the Godless lying trumpchum sucking punk

Mad, mad, mad. If you could get some help and rid yourself of all this hatred, you wouldn't be so blind.
You're not a genius compared to mud.

So you're mud? Calm down, stop being so angry and full of hate. Maybe then you can understand what you read, because clearly you didn't.

^^^Lie, lie, lie. You're not a Christian and you are not saved.

I thank the Lord that you don't make that call nor do you know either way.
You're not a Christian and you are not saved.

Jeremiah 17:9-10: "The human heart is most deceitful and desperately wicked. Who really knows how bad it is?" "But I know! I, the Lord, search all hearts and examine secret motives. I give all people their due rewards, according to what their actions deserve"

So, are you claiming the power to know the hearts of the people you are condemning to hell, @extragreen?

Stop spreading hatred.
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So you're mud? Calm down, stop being so angry and full of hate. Maybe then you can understand what you read, because clearly you didn't.
So you're stupid and a liar. Stop being stupid and a liar. Maybe then you would be a stupid liar.
I thank the Lord that you don't make that call nor do you know either way.
The Lord does not hear your thanks or prayers.
Jeremiah 17:9-10: "The human heart is most deceitful and desperately wicked. Who really knows how bad it is?" "But I know! I, the Lord, search all hearts and examine secret motives. I give all people their due rewards, according to what their actions deserve"
I know the Lord knows. And he knows you are NOT one of his.
So, are you claiming the power to know the hearts of the people you are condemning to hell, @extragreen?
Matthew 7:20 Wherefore by their fruits ye shall know them.

Your fruits are rotten.
Stop spreading hatred truth.
Matthew 7:20 Wherefore by their fruits ye shall know them.

So you're a pedophile, pro-abortion, pro-drag shows for children and support the attempt to change the sex of children? Those are your fruits.
Late night vote dumps are an old Democrat election trick. Just watch where they do it. Hint: democrat controlled areas. Ser what the score is then say you can't finish counting. Finish the count after hours and miraculously your guy wins.

They need to cut these damn places off by 9pm. Count until 9pm and your are done.
Late night vote dumps are an old Democrat election trick. Just watch where they do it. Hint: democrat controlled areas. Ser what the score is then say you can't finish counting. Finish the count after hours and miraculously your guy wins.

They need to cut these damn places off by 9pm. Count until 9pm and your are done.
No, trumpchum sucking oath breaker. Count ALL legal votes. If you want to stop at 9 pm, then mandate all the states to start counting mail in votes earlier and provide enough election workers to get the job done.
So you're a pedophile, pro-abortion, pro-drag shows for children and support the attempt to change the sex of children? Those are your fruits.
You're a Godless lying trumpchum sucking magat.
No, trumpchum sucking oath breaker. Count ALL legal votes. If you want to stop at 9 pm, then mandate all the states to start counting mail in votes earlier and provide enough election workers to get the job done.
Notice where they always have trouble counting votes.

This trick goes back decades(by the Democrats). Voting is not hard. Counting votes is not hard. Do it legally, set rules and time limits. Like anything else in life.
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Notice where they always have trouble counting votes.

This trick goes back decades(by the Democrats). Voting is not hard. Counting votes is not hard. Do it legally, set rules and time limits. Like anything else in life.
No, trumpchum sucking oath breaker. Count ALL legal votes. If you want to stop at 9 pm, then mandate all the states to start counting mail in votes earlier and provide enough election workers to get the job done.
No, trumpchum sucking oath breaker. Count ALL legal votes. If you want to stop at 9 pm, then mandate all the states to start counting mail in votes earlier and provide enough election workers to get the job done.
^^liar supports voter fraud^^
If you are at a protest organized by a neo-Nazi you are not a good person.

Maybe you went and didn't realize it was organized by a Neo-Nazi. I can understand that, because it is possible to have opposed the removal of those statues and not be a piece of shit. But when you look around and realize who is at that rally and you don't leave, you are not a good person.

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