Lesbians are wicked

Mr sistersville

Green Buffalo
Silver Member
Jul 12, 2024
The number one problem the wnba has are the ungodly lesbians. Their sexual needs and how it affects their relationships with other women is just awful. They lost millions of dollars leaving Caitlin clark off the Olympic team. We had the lowest attendance than we have ever had in the Olympics. Caitlin doesn't eat muffin so she didn't get the chance to be on the team. I'm proud of all the black NBA players giving the league and players Hell on how they have treated Clark. Shaq said they should get down on their hands and knees and thank clark for what she has brought to the league. She is fun to watch. She is a great passer and curry has said her range is as good or better than his. Barkley Said they should line up and kiss Clark's ass. Attendance is sellouts when Caitlin' Indiana team is playing and all the teams have record crowds. I just love watching her play and to think the pieces of shit players who are lesbians despise her. This kind of shit is what Harris would just love. People getting treated badly cause they are not gay would be the norm under the simple minded piece of garbage thar Harris is
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To like the wnba you really have to understand basketball and how it should ne played. Clark is super star. As good as I ever saw at elevating the play of those all around her. She is a dynamo passer. Now the all time assist leader in the wnba has like 322 assists for the record. Caitlin is 320 halfway thru the season. These figures might not be the exact number of assists but what is a fact is clark I only two shy of the record one game over the halfway mark. I have seen her hit the longest threes of everybody. Either deeper than curry and Luka. A kinda weak white girl is strong as hell. Shooting from 38 40' with total ease. Her three quarter court passes are razor shape and they zip on them. We'll the Indiana team the worst in the league last now is in playoff contention and thats after starting 0-8 with sell outs at every game. Biggest improvement in one year than any league in any sport I ever saw. The wnba has been a htyorrible league and seeing the character of so many women players in the wnba I can see why. The pro players usually always talk well of new players in the league. All these selfish wnba players do is badmouth the savior of the league and now a good shot at mvp

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