Liberals celebrating this one

That's what happens when John Kerry, at the will of you know who, goes overseas and kisses ass and let's OPEC(SAUDIS, etc.) flood the market with oil.
Herdman you do know that this has more to do with the U.S. supply than the Saudis flooding the market. Right.

This post was edited on 1/16 10:19 AM by herdfan429
Yes, liberals get positively frothy-mouthed excited when the price of good determines how much someone will pay to produce it.
The oil shale boom (which is why oil and gas prices have plummeted in America) is not the result of positive work by this or any other administration, but totally apart from it. One of the fallacies of both parties is that they think they have any real day-to-day effect on these kinds of things. At best a President can help/hurt, but they cannot stop or create these kinds of revolutions. The market does this on its own. So just like President Clinton's economy benefited from the creation and mass-introduction of the internet, President Obama is being helped immensely by the flooding of the market with the supply of oil and gas which is bottoming out the price you pay at the pump.
Originally posted by wvkeeper(HN):
The oil shale boom (which is why oil and gas prices have plummeted in America) is not the result of positive work by this or any other administration, but totally apart from it. One of the fallacies of both parties is that they think they have any real day-to-day effect on these kinds of things. At best a President can help/hurt, but they cannot stop or create these kinds of revolutions. The market does this on its own. So just like President Clinton's economy benefited from the creation and mass-introduction of the internet, President Obama is being helped immensely by the flooding of the market with the supply of oil and gas which is bottoming out the price you pay at the pump.
Which would be lower if the obama admin allowed drilling on fed land.
Of course, HH's assertion (of liberals) is only accurate when prices drop............the same also holds true for rising prices but somehow when that happens the kooks come out crying black helicopter conspiracies or blindly pointing to greedy companies like Schlumberger.

On another note......isn't it amazing how just a few short years ago some on this board (and in the lefty world) claimed that more drilling wouldn't solve the high price at the pump issue? Drill baby drill. For some reason I remember this being panned as ignorance.
The talking point at the time was 'we can get plenty of oil we just can't refine it.' I don't know if that's true or not, but it was what I was reading at the time.
"[P]roduction in the United States really does not matter much for the price of gas," wrote Dean Baker of the Center for Economic and Policy Research, who said that the U.S. could increase its output by a third without meaningfully reducing fuel prices. "Oil prices in the United States depend on the world market, not just supply and demand in the United States."

"If increasing oil drilling lowered gas prices, we'd know it already," explained Michael Conathan, director of ocean policy at the Center for American Progress. The U.S. had already massively increased oil production, he pointed out, but it hadn't brought down the cost of fuel. How come? Among other things, other countries had decreased their output to keep prices up.


Now we are supposed to believe the same idiots suggesting there is no need in building a pipeline because we have too much oil now.


Eh, that pipeline will just ease the shipments to China.

There should be a law that the USA and Canada cannot sell any natural resources to John Chinaman. Because fvck China.

I understand we will get some refining jobs from it, but if Canada wants to sell to the chinks they need to build their own damn pipeline on their own damn land.