Libs want a Tresselball GOP candidate

Kasich and Romney have all the professional qualifications that one would want in a commander and chief. Romney should have mopped the floor with Obummer last time. His experience and intelligence in both private business and politics far surpassed any past Repub or Dem nominee in my lifetime.

Unfortunately he was the wrong color and the wrong religion. This nation has become a bunch of half wit tit suckers.
rubios FAILED bill

Good point there. Maybe he's the best of the bunch, because he will fail in his valiant attempt to appease liberals everywhere.

That's pretty good.

Well, whenever they rig this thing for whoever it's gonna be I will vote for them. I have no choice. I'm never voting for Democrats. So maybe from now on, I just say to hell with voting or caring about the primaries. Just wait until they rig it at the convention and vote in November.

Primaries=college football recruiting=shit I can't do anything about so no use in caring.
exactly. we have to give the morons a chance to weigh in.

Just think about it. Three consecutive Democrat presidents. Two terms with a black moron and 1 with a woman moron or Jewish socialist, and you can't nominate anyone to beat either of them.
Just think about it. Three consecutive Democrat presidents. Two terms with a black moron and 1 with a woman moron or Jewish socialist, and you can't nominate anyone to beat either of them.

Liberalism/Socialism = the easiest, gutless, unintelligent, I am a victim, suck the govt tit, pass the buck decision anyone (voter) can make. Says more about American society and the losers that vote for them than it does about Repub candidates.
That's why we need someone who can do both. Trump isn't that guy. He talks about immigration, he talks about taxes, he talks about wages, he talks about whatever the topic of the day is...but he doesn't give a solution. Never. When has Trump voiced an actual plan of action?

Have you seen how dumb people are these days? And, they have the attention span of a flee. That is why he doesn't do that. Nobody wants to hear that boring shi* except a few of us(like the folks on here). Trump so far(and this could change) has played it perfectly. Buzz words, stay in the spotlight and rile people up at the establishment(on both sides).

See this is where people mistake a guy like Trump. You don't do what he has done and be a stupid person. Trump is not stupid.
I agree with you but trump is not that guy. He will get destroyed in general

And Ted Cruz won't? Damn you talk about losing. And Kasich? He has one exactly one state and that happens to be his home state where he is a sitting governor. And, he barely won that.

Who do you propose that can beat Hillary?
Kasich polls much better than trumpenstein against the democrats. You'll most likely get your donald as a nominee, he just doesn't stand a chance in the general. So yes, the way he has played his hand is in fact, stupid.
Kasich is in third place by a mile. And, really was probably behind Rubio. he happened to win Ohio and is hanging around. So, he can't win the conference. He doesn't get a chance at the championship game.
And Ted Cruz won't? Damn you talk about losing. And Kasich? He has one exactly one state and that happens to be his home state where he is a sitting governor. And, he barely won that.

Who do you propose that can beat Hillary?
I've stated numerous times I thought Rubio could beat Hilary. Trump will lose by a larger margin than McCain and Romney. He's unelectable you're just to stupid to see past the "they took ur jobs" rhetoric
I've stated numerous times I thought Rubio could beat Hilary. Trump will lose by a larger margin than McCain and Romney. He's unelectable you're just to stupid to see past the "they took ur jobs" rhetoric
Rubio could not win against Trump and Cruz. How could he beat Hillary?
Rubio could not win against Trump and Cruz. How could he beat Hillary?

Rubio beat Clinton in every poll I've seen.
Clinton beats Trump in every poll I've seen.
Clinton beats Cruz in 5 of 7 polls with one of those a tie.

Sanders thumps trumpenstein in every poll I've seen.
Sanders thumps cruz in every poll I've seen.
Sanders by an average of 3 points in 3 polls.
When Obama won reelection with numbers from his first term that were far worse than anyone to ever get reelected, I knew we had most likely seen our last republican president barring some catastrophic circumstance.

The simple fact is that only 23% of voters are registered as Republicans, 32% are Democrats, and 39% are independent, with the majority of those being democrat leans. The Republican Party is dead because it's the party of old fashion values, which doesn't appeal to the new way things are viewed in America. All the folks voting for Trump are "God and Country" folks. It doesn't matter if they are rich or poor, they are the folks that are desperate to hold on to the pride they have in America and are tired of the message that they should be apologetic about their beliefs or that Americans have it better than other parts of the world.

These people are mad that the current Republican Party is about 3 steps to the left of what was considered a liberal in 1995.
When Obama won reelection with numbers from his first term that were far worse than anyone to ever get reelected, I knew we had most likely seen our last republican president barring some catastrophic circumstance.

The simple fact is that only 23% of voters are registered as Republicans, 32% are Democrats, and 39% are independent, with the majority of those being democrat leans. The Republican Party is dead because it's the party of old fashion values, which doesn't appeal to the new way things are viewed in America. All the folks voting for Trump are "God and Country" folks. It doesn't matter if they are rich or poor, they are the folks that are desperate to hold on to the pride they have in America and are tired of the message that they should be apologetic about their beliefs or that Americans have it better than other parts of the world.

These people are mad that the current Republican Party is about 3 steps to the left of what was considered a liberal in 1995.

Yep go down swinging and I am hoping the country survives past my lifetime.
When Obama won reelection with numbers from his first term that were far worse than anyone to ever get reelected, I knew we had most likely seen our last republican president barring some catastrophic circumstance.

The simple fact is that only 23% of voters are registered as Republicans, 32% are Democrats, and 39% are independent, with the majority of those being democrat leans. The Republican Party is dead because it's the party of old fashion values, which doesn't appeal to the new way things are viewed in America. All the folks voting for Trump are "God and Country" folks. It doesn't matter if they are rich or poor, they are the folks that are desperate to hold on to the pride they have in America and are tired of the message that they should be apologetic about their beliefs or that Americans have it better than other parts of the world.

These people are mad that the current Republican Party is about 3 steps to the left of what was considered a liberal in 1995.

On what policies have conservatives gone left on?
Reagan would now be way too liberal for the modern Republican party, which is strange considered he is simultaneously deified by the party. He did pass major tax cuts in his first year or so, but then reversed many of them when he signed Tax Equity and Fiscal Responsibility Act of 1982. That raised taxes by nearly 1 percent of GDP. It is the largest peacetime tax increase in American history. Reagan backed a $3.3 billion gasoline tax and increased the Social Security tax rate. His reputation as a fiscal hawk is kind of laughable in modern context. Reagan was a rebel in his party with his vocal opposition to the Briggs Initiative in California, which attempted to ban gays and lesbians from teaching in the public schools. In 1986 he granted amnesty to millions of illegal aliens. He raised the debt ceiling 18 times, and no one tried to shut down the government. Reagan met and negotiated with Gorbachev, which would be considered "weak" by the current conservative party. Republicans have been labeled a "RINO" for far less these days. Mike Huckabbee stated out loud that "Ronald Reagan would have a very difficult, if not impossible, time being nominated in this atmosphere of the Republican Party,"
What do you think of the fact that by 2015 standards, their party would dismiss their revered demigod as a tax-raising, amnesty-loving, pro-bailout, cut-and-run, big-government RINO?
"When Obama won reelection with numbers from his first term that were far worse than anyone to ever get reelected,"

They weren't as bad as the bush numbers when he was re-elected.
"When Obama won reelection with numbers from his first term that were far worse than anyone to ever get reelected,"

They weren't as bad as the bush numbers when he was re-elected.

I was talking about the economy.
I was talking about the economy.

Ha ha! You cons would have voted for bush again in 2012 if he'd been eligible. Obama was re-elected because the economy had turned around. Full blast? No. But it was a lot less scary than what he inherited.
Who's your candidate? I notice all the anti-Trump people in the GOP are too ashamed to admit who they want instead. I have to pry it out of them.

Shame is a big part of being a liberal, you know. Shouldn't be ashamed of your candidate.
My candidate is whoever gets the Republican nomination. I was speaking to allowing the morons to weigh in in the general election
Rubio could not win against Trump and Cruz. How could he beat Hillary?

this is just a silly argument, and i see all kinds of people making it. it's quite simple, because rubio hasn't "played" clinton yet. it'd be like if the marlins lost to the tigers and nationals to start the season and saying, "they could not win against detroit or washington, how could they beat the mets?"
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