Lions, and tigers, and bears, oh, my!


Platinum Buffalo
Dec 25, 2007
Does it seem like wildlife has gone crazy this summer? I have had three tic bites for which I have had to have Lyme’s disease tests and take antibiotics. More snakes and deer than usual. And Rabbits are everywhere. End of times.
Does it seem like wildlife has gone crazy this summer? I have had three tic bites for which I have had to have Lyme’s disease tests and take antibiotics. More snakes and deer than usual. And Rabbits are everywhere. End of times.
I like venison but CWD has freaked me out to the point I'm incredibly nervous about eating it anymore.
I paid about $400 to spray my property, yard, trees, bushes. You can literally see bug clouds once they spray. Can't take chances on ticks, and certainly can't enjoy being outside with fleas and mosquitoes.
My grandmother used to keep guineas because she said they were good “watch birds.” They raised a fuss if anyone came on her property.
Thats the reason I always heard for keeping guineas, they are better than a watchdog for alerting you.

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