

Gold Member
Jan 23, 2007
I would like for someone on this board to explain to me why everyone is behind Litton. I agree he has taken blame for losing games this year, but has he changed his decision making after that, I say no. Look at last nights games over throws, tried to force a ball between three receivers and his fake when handing the ball off is nothing.
Holiday stated his play was his fault and just somewhat Litton's. He must be seeing someone else on the field than I have. The announcers last night stated the Litton will be the start next year and by Doc's own mouth he has already confirmed the same. Doc and Legg I feel have run off better quarterbacks than Litton the last 3 years without even giving someone a chance.
Litton should have been benched after 3rd game.
Just think a moment when was the last time in the past 8 years have we gone the 1st quarter of every game during the season that we failed to score. This is ridiculous and for a team that there
philosophy is to run over passing not even gain 100 yards after 2 quarters.
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We can only hope Morrell or Green are given a legit shot to start next year.
If Legg stays, Litton will start. If Legg goes, we will have a new starter - someone who will actually run when needed.

If Legg is back and Litton starts in 2018, we will be 8-4, 7-5 at best with 19 starters returning - that would be a major disappointment.
TwolfHerdfan there will be NO changes in 2018. Doc still here and so will Legg. More frustration to come with our offense. Perhaps Legg will add one more play to his vast compendium of plays! LOL
Inept staff
Outside our d coordinate I like
President will have to intervene because our hc and ad don't have balls

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