Looters in Wilmington

This is a perfect example of what Marine posted of why West Virginians get made fun of. And coming from the self-professed "social liberal," the same guy who doesn't understand what social justice is, the same "social liberal" who feels blacks are never targeted by blacks, makes it that much better.

I wish rival coaches would see this post, see more than ten people supporting it, and send it to black Marshall recruits so that they could read the mindset of the typical West Virginian. I know, I know - the black recruits would have to have a white person read it to them, but the point remains the same.

What Murox and the supporters of his post don't have the mental capacity to understand is that crime rate has a direct link to income. Since I know so many of you are deplorables, that means that those with lower incomes have a higher crime rate. Now, lets interject some logic into this fact . . .

A very high number of studies show that there is a substantial wage gap based on race. Blacks with the same education/experience get paid less for the same job than whites with the same education/experience. Blacks with the same education/experience as whites get hired at lower rates. So, in knowing that income is directly related to crime rate, and if blacks are discriminated against in both wages and jobs, there is a direct correlation between discrimination and the crime rate.

Numerous studies have also shown that income, and thus crime rate, is directly related to educational attainment. Numerous studies have also shown that schools in poor areas, even within the same school district, receive less funding per pupil than wealthier schools/neighborhoods. So, if income, thus crime rate, is directly tied to education, the inequities in school funding is also directly tied to crime rate. Since we've already seen that blacks are paid lower and hired at lower rates than whites with equal factors, it means blacks tend to live in poorer areas than the average white. At this point, it becomes a triple whammy of discrimination against blacks that all are directly related to crime rate.

Numerous studies have shown that blacks are targeted more than any other group by police. No, I know; Murox claims that blacks aren't targeted more than anyone else by police, but this isn't even an argument reasonable people from either political side mention. Hell, police and actual police data admit to major profiling, but the self-professed "social liberal" claims that blacks aren't profiled by police. In knowing that blacks are targeted more by police, they will have a higher arrest rate than whites committing the same crimes. Common sense dictates that arrests lead to a police record/fines, which both directly impact jobs/income . . . and we, again, know that those those things directly impact crime rate.

Numerous studies have shown that blacks are convicted at higher rates than whites for similar crimes. We also know that public defenders aren't nearly as successful at obtaining not guilty verdicts as private-sector attorneys are. But private-sector attorneys cost money, and since we know blacks are discriminated against in multiple ways that lower their income, blacks are forced to use public defenders more, thus resulting in more convictions for them . . . once again lowering their ability for income, leading to a direct tie to crime rate.

Now, lets bring some common sense into this. I think most on board would agree that those who grew up in stable households have a greater chance of succeeding/earning income, which are both tied to crime rate. Those who grew up in middle-class or upper-class families have a greater chance of success than those who grew up poor . . . which for the millionth time, has direct link to crime rate. Just 65 years ago, it was completely legal to shun blacks and not give them access to the same things as whites. It stunted their ability and growth for success, thus meaning they were more likely to have lower class incomes. So, that means that many blacks still alive have children and grandchildren who were raised in lower income households where education and stability was far lower than whites due to legal discrimination. Even the most deplorable of you can see how this is a problem. Simply making it illegal, at least on the books, doesn't stop discrimination. More, making it illegal just decades ago doesn't automatically change the family dynamics. If your grandparents and parents grew up in times when they weren't given equal access to jobs, education, income, the future generations are severely impacted. I mean, really - do you think Murox would have had a far lower chance at success had his father had simply a 10th grade education, didn't own a coal mine, etc.? Of course that is the case. Assuming his dad was born in the 40s or 50s, that means that many of his peers were raised in a time when it was perfectly legal for all types of institutions to discriminate against blacks. So that means Murox's peers who are black faced severe inequities in things like income, education, jobs . . . all of which have direct ties to crime rate.

At this point, blacks are hundreds of years behind due to rampant historical and current discrimination. It isn't something that suddenly becomes equal overnight due to some laws being fixed to help right things. The fact that so many of you deplorables don't understand this is baffling . . . but, then again, that is why you are referred to as "deplorables," why the majority of you (if not every single one) has a lifetime of West Virginian education (one of the worst in the country), and why you get mocked by most of the rest of the country just like Marine said.

Frankly, it's sickening that not only so many of you share the same feelings as the post in discussion, but also that so many of you lack the basic intelligence and knowledge to understand how all of those factual aspects tie into each other. And this isn't some liberal pipe dream - they are all facts that play major, direct roles in crime rates, all facts that prove discrimination that play major, direct roles in crime rates, and studies have shown that when income and education are factored into the equation, the difference in crime rate between whites and blacks becomes a lot closer.

I still agree with murox. And, his statement he posted he spot on. I have seen it too many times. That shit gets old. Go ahead and show the recruits and tell them whitey is paying for the scholarship. He can make the most out of with the chance he is getting.
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