Hope and change.
Hope and change.
It means that people are not working.
The labor participation rate is an indicator of the active portion of the available labor force. It includes people people who are currently working or actively seeking employment.
The rate typically decreases when people get discourage because they can't find a job.
Hope and change, boys.
It means that people are not working.
The labor participation rate is an indicator of the active portion of the available labor force. It includes people people who are currently working or actively seeking employment.
The rate typically decreases when people get discourage because they can't find a job.
Hope and change, boys.
It also decreases when you all sit here and make excuses.
I work in a business. I know what happened. You could see it coming a mile away.
jimmy carter part 2
"Baby boomers in a big lump are leaving the labor force. And that explains about half of the drop in the labor force participation rate between 2007 and the end of 2014,"
Amazing how the excuse crowd suddenly finds more reasons to justify a challenging economic environment during a Dem administration. Shouldn't all these boomers leaving the workforce be a boom for those leaving college and coming into the workforce needing a job??
Over 5 million open jobs...........
Issues in the economy are not a Presidential issue, they cross party lines. They are all to blame.
Contradict much? Not a Presidential issue?? LMFAO. Seriously. LMFAO.
Obama care
Contradict much? Not a Presidential issue?? LMFAO. Seriously. LMFAO.
You'd be wrongI'm guessing you think the sequester had no negative impact on the economy, but obamacare has.
The Federal Reserve has a much bigger influence over the economy than the President does.
Obama Care - Necessary but poorly planned and implemented. But we can't just throw it out and start from scratch. Republicans should be working on plans to "Replace" the Affordable Care Act not repeal it.
Dodd-Frank - Again, necessary but over reaches. However, Banks are making record profits and until recently the Market was growing at a record pace. Recent declines have little to nothing to do with oversight.
Tax Rates- Rates are historically low both individually and corporate. Would I like lower rates? You bet but we've got a lot of spending issues to work out first.
2-3% growth is not good historically speaking following a recession.
I just attended a trade association meeting and our keynote speaker was from an organization called ITR Economics https://itreconomics.com
Their forecast for the next few years was quite interesting. They say they have no concerns about any major financial issues on the horizon. The over all growth for 2015 should end up about 2.1% with 2016 rising to 3.2%. 2016 should start with rather slow growth, about like now, with things starting to get better in Q2 and beyond.
Consumer spending is up
Corporate profits are up
housing and nonresidential construction is expanding in most parts of the country
Retail sales are up by 2.5%, not great but good
Vehicle production is up 3.3%, highest in 9 years
hospital construction is up 15%
unemployment is at 5.5%
unemployment/underemployment is at 10.8%
and a figure I had never heard before, Quit rate, is at 11.1%- thesis a rate of people leaving employment voluntarily to seek another position, it has been at .2% over the past 15 years. The speaker was asked if this had anything to do with entitlement mentality and his response was very little, but more that people had their finances in order enough to be comfortable quitting a job without having another to seek better circumstances.
Take that for what you will, but this company has been extremely accurate in the past. They use many different indices to formulate their forecast. The same speaker told our group in 2007 that a severe recession was looming on the horizon that would be worse than we had seen in many years.
2-3% growth is not good historically speaking following a recession.
I hope they are correct.
I do as well, this company has a pretty darned good track record. They use lots of inputs to arrive at their forecast. While it was all butterflies and rainbows, it was overall, a pretty decent forecast for the next few years. He did warn to watch out for 2019, indicators are for a small recession to creep into the picture.
The Federal Reserve has a much bigger influence over the economy than the President does.
So you agree that 2 of the 3 are over reaches but are needed. Were you not originally asserting there were no inhibiting policies? So we need more laws to improve bad laws??? You keep making my point.
Big banks have done well, community smaller banks have struggled under the regulation. Stock market valuation is a completely separate discussion as it relates to this thread. Top line revenues have been struggling for some time.
Just because I don't agree with ACA or Dodd-Frank in full doesn't mean I believe they are key factors working against our economy. I don't.....They're excuses but not significant factors.
Just because I don't agree with ACA or Dodd-Frank in full doesn't mean I believe they are key factors working against our economy. I don't.....They're excuses but not significant factors.