Sorry.....I forgot that everything on the far right is about absolutes. Black or White, nothing in between.
Nothing should ever be tried, implemented, and improved upon.
Doing nothing for decades in the face of growing problems with the uninsured got us ACA. It's far from perfect but it's a start.
Wall Street and the Big Banks brought Dodd-Frank on themselves. Many of the "over-reaches" were needed in 2010 and even the few years after.......Hopefully some of these can be relaxed as we move forward. Hell, there is a bill before Congress now that would be much more damaging to the small investor.
Nothing wrong with striving for perfection but it's unlikely to happen......Neither Reagan nor anyone since was perfect.
I know I am repeating myself here....Obviously you don't understand them at all other than to worry what they are intended to provide while intentionally ignoring their long term negative impacts. You clearly don't have a full grasp on their costs (legally and monetarily) and how those costs place a higher risk on businesses analyzing their return on whether or not to grow and expand their operation. These absolutely impact how economies expand despite your denial.
This is the difference between "we can do it better bigger govt republicans" and the Dems they seem to partner with regularly these days.........I (and many others) don't get up everyday demanding the govt do something new or perfect for me everyday. It would be nice if they backed off and quit trying to fix every damn problem (they actually influenced in creating). God knows the Fed govt cant do anything perfect, its a boondoggle the more they try. Unfortunately some seem keen on such efforts despite the nanny state it has evolved into.
Furthermore, temporarily supporting any "over reaching" policy justified through thoughts and feelings of "they brought it on themselves" is exactly the naïve view that produces 50,000 page tax codes, 1500 page ACA laws, 1100 page behemoth bills that no one reads, understands, or cares to before they are passed and signed. Its lazy, its dangerous, and it has far greater negative impacts on individual citizens than the problems they claim to "fix" and "re-fix" and "fix" again and again and again.