Lt. Gov. Fairfax Accuses Northam of Planting Sex Assault Story

Bill Stewart approves of this technique.


Aside - just for keeping track does this accusation disqualify him for the Supreme Court?
What side do liberals pick? Democrat black face KKK hood governor or black man who is Democrat?

Does that give liberals a migraine?
Should we still "believe all women," or are we not doing that anymore? Ok. Gotcha. We just throw that line of thinking out the window since this guy is a minority, Democrat that could be governor in a swing state? Makes sense.

Hey! Here's a novel idea! Maybe we wait and see if there's any evidence whatsoever to back this woman's claim? Seems like someone on here suggested that once before? If I could just remember who it was . . .;)
“Utterly shocked and terrified, I tried to move my head away, but could not because his hand was holding down my neck and he was much stronger than me,” Tyson wrote in the statement. “As I cried and gagged, Mr. Fairfax forced me to perform oral sex on him.”

yeah, i'm gonna need to see the video. ain't a man posting in this forum who hasn't grabbed a woman by the head and shoved his crank down their throat. well, except for you liberals. not a one of you who hasn't had someone force their crank down your throat. difference between this Fairfax lady and you libs, you loved it.
Speaking of being made aware of something months prior, Schumer's communications director of 5 years abruptly resigned in November (around election time) for inappropriate sexual behavior with junior staffers. But the story is just coming out now, even though they knew about it then. Wonder why it wasn't reported on at the time (around the election)?