I normally don't look twice at entertainment news, but this headline was strange enough to get my attention.
Apparently it is a suit or shroud to help decompose the body; it's bio-degradable and has fungus and microorganisms built it. We all know fungus can aid in that process. So I went down the Internet Rabbit Hole and did some reading on the "green funeral and burial" movement. No embalming, no casket except for maybe a wood one (like the old days), cemeteries dedicated to green burials.
This is all pretty good to someone like me. I wouldn't mind more quickly returning to the soil. But more importantly, I really do not like funerals and the entire funeral and cemetery industry as it is done today. Embalmed bodies look creepy and fake. Cocksuckers want you to buy a $10k casket with moisture sealing that would make a submarine jealous. Then a fvcking concrete vault for the cemetery (also stupid, the entire idea of death is to rot and return to the Earth). Then your little plot is supposed to be undisturbed forever, like the selfish pricks we are as a society. It's all kinda silly.
For a long time I have stated I prefer cremation, just because I don't want anyone to deal with all this bullshit and I want to return to dust ASAP. But this whole green burial thing seems more...natural....than being stuck in an oven.
I don't care about the mushroom suit (although it is a neat idea), but I am going to look more into the green burial thing. Apparently there is only one green cemetery in Indiana, maybe I will look into buying some cheap land and opening one, there has to be plenty of people that feel like I do, plus the whole environmental movement thing and it's people.
Apparently it is a suit or shroud to help decompose the body; it's bio-degradable and has fungus and microorganisms built it. We all know fungus can aid in that process. So I went down the Internet Rabbit Hole and did some reading on the "green funeral and burial" movement. No embalming, no casket except for maybe a wood one (like the old days), cemeteries dedicated to green burials.
This is all pretty good to someone like me. I wouldn't mind more quickly returning to the soil. But more importantly, I really do not like funerals and the entire funeral and cemetery industry as it is done today. Embalmed bodies look creepy and fake. Cocksuckers want you to buy a $10k casket with moisture sealing that would make a submarine jealous. Then a fvcking concrete vault for the cemetery (also stupid, the entire idea of death is to rot and return to the Earth). Then your little plot is supposed to be undisturbed forever, like the selfish pricks we are as a society. It's all kinda silly.
For a long time I have stated I prefer cremation, just because I don't want anyone to deal with all this bullshit and I want to return to dust ASAP. But this whole green burial thing seems more...natural....than being stuck in an oven.
I don't care about the mushroom suit (although it is a neat idea), but I am going to look more into the green burial thing. Apparently there is only one green cemetery in Indiana, maybe I will look into buying some cheap land and opening one, there has to be plenty of people that feel like I do, plus the whole environmental movement thing and it's people.