Not a black in America, using Heroin? Got it!
Sounds the same a pussy. Feels damn good but can cause lots of trouble. But is addictive.I can't speak for all of the USA, but around here I see whites busted for possession and blacks and whites busted for sales. And this is an area with a very large black population. I figure whites had the good insurance that paid for their pain pills when that shit was rampant, and now that the pills are harder to get they are on smack.
I was on fairly strong pain pills for three months, legit medical reasons, and no one batted an eye at that. Now, I am very glad I had them, because my condition was painful as fvck, I could not have functioned without those pills. And if you consider eating softs only for months to be functioning, no it really wasn't. My life was hell, but I could work at least. Luckily I have a non-addictive brain, apparently. I have no desire for them. But I can understand how people get hooked. I not only didn't feel pain on them, I felt damn good. I get it.
Yep i had a friend who grew 60 plants, all female. The deer eat only the buds of each plant. Or so my friend told meWhat shitbags? Drug users? Shit, we just elected a probable cocaine user. Sniff, sniff, sniff. And let's say he doesn't use it now, knowing the crowd he ran with and where he went when he was younger he most certainly has used the stuff. Drugs know no socioeconomic boundary, poor, rich middle class all have drug users. The rich can better hide it, because they have the cash to not be desperate and can use their power and influence to not get busted.
Hell, one of the most powerful industries in the nation created the latest drug epidemic. I never thought I would see the day fvcking heroin was the drug of choice with the middle class.
The demand for mind-altering substances is as old as civilization itself, and probably older. We can treat those who are addicted, and that would be a huge help in fighting crime, but the demand and desire is always going to be there. Even animals like to get high, deer will eat the buds off pot plants. What we could do is legalize and regulate drugs, take the crime syndicates right out of business. It has worked with alcohol, no one shoots anyone for a keg of beer.
Build a wall around the area of Chicago with the high crime rates. Check points should be add in between. Pull the electricity in the area. Let the thugs kill themselves. Drop BLM in the middle too. Best money the government will ever go into debt over.