Did anyone else receive a letter from the Marshall Foundation thanking them for their $0 pledge with an ask to pay it in full or part of it? My guess is someone incorrectly ran a query from the pledge outstanding field, or something like that.
Just reply and tell them you are doubling that this year...lol.Did anyone else receive a letter from the Marshall Foundation thanking them for their $0 pledge with an ask to pay it in full or part of it? My guess is someone incorrectly ran a query from the pledge outstanding field, or something like that.
Being in the business myself, there's a 100% chance that's what actually occurred.Shot in the dark: the Foundation sent two letters and two mailing lists to their printer, one for recent donors, and one for lapsed donors, and the printer got them switched, or just used the recent donor letter content for all pieces.
It would have to be more than just the printer as there was not enough space for the printer to put more than $0.00 Reminds me of when I received a letter from the local hospital inviting me to participate in a weight loss/exercise program... If you know me, you know that no reputable organization would consider me for a wight loss program, more likely a weight gain program. I figured they ran their query with BMI < X, rather than BMI > X.Shot in the dark: the Foundation sent two letters and two mailing lists to their printer, one for recent donors, and one for lapsed donors, and the printer got them switched, or just used the recent donor letter content for all pieces.
Would that trigger a $0 pledge form? They just pull names out of thin air and send them letters thanking them for their $0 pledge?and you are bragging that you gave $0 ???