Marshall & Huntington should try to get the 5th Ave Tunnel built


Platinum Buffalo
Mar 4, 2007
With the infrastructure bill being signed by Biden and billions of dollars being available, I think now would be a great time for Marshall/Huntington to try for some money to get that 5th Ave tunnel built. You just dont know how many opportunities there will be in the future for Federal funding on projects like this. I think Huntington needs to jump on this now and submit the project for funding.

On another note Huntington should also try to get some funding to help update the sewer system which could fall under the clean water portion of the infrastructure package and possibly some funding for high speed internet upgrades. West Virginia is set to get about 4.4 billion dollars. Huntington needs to make sure it gets some of those funds for projects
With the infrastructure bill being signed by Biden and billions of dollars being available, I think now would be a great time for Marshall/Huntington to try for some money to get that 5th Ave tunnel built. You just dont know how many opportunities there will be in the future for Federal funding on projects like this. I think Huntington needs to jump on this now and submit the project for funding.

On another note Huntington should also try to get some funding to help update the sewer system which could fall under the clean water portion of the infrastructure package and possibly some funding for high speed internet upgrades. West Virginia is set to get about 4.4 billion dollars. Huntington needs to make sure it gets some of those funds for projects
Bet we end up painting bridges blue and yellow in Charleston.
5th ave tunnel, where and why is that needed?
It was part of Marshall's land use Master Plan released in 2003. It was expected to cost about 30 million at that time, obviously higher if built now. The proposed 5th ave underpass would run from Hal Greer Blvd to 20th Street. The thinking is, instead of having students trying to cross heavy traffic on 5th ave, you put an underpass there which allows Marshall to have a plaza and greenspace area on top were students can walk back and forth without worrying about being hit by vehicles. You route traffic under the Marshall campus instead of through it for a coupe of blocks.

The underpass would be a very low priority project with all the other needs Marshall has. However, if there is Federal funding available, Marshall should try to get the project done. Its a road improvement safety issue.

If you want to read a little more about the campus underpass proposal, it starts on page 78: Land Use.pdf
It was part of Marshall's land use Master Plan released in 2003. It was expected to cost about 30 million at that time, obviously higher if built now. The proposed 5th ave underpass would run from Hal Greer Blvd to 20th Street. The thinking is, instead of having students trying to cross heavy traffic on 5th ave, you put an underpass there which allows Marshall to have a plaza and greenspace area on top were students can walk back and forth without worrying about being hit by vehicles. You route traffic under the Marshall campus instead of through it for a coupe of blocks.

The underpass would be a very low priority project with all the other needs Marshall has. However, if there is Federal funding available, Marshall should try to get the project done. Its a road improvement safety issue.

If you want to read a little more about the campus underpass proposal, it starts on page 78: Land Use.pdf
that is not a bad idea however I live in Athens (Ohio U) and they built a tunnel for the kids to use at the round about and they still don't use it , instead they walk out in front of cars. They did recently in another location elevate the road and build a pedestrian tunnel under it and they are forced to use that one. I guess i am saying unless they would have no choice I would wager they would not use it and still walk into traffic. IMO
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that is not a bad idea however I live in Athens (Ohio U) and they built a tunnel for the kids to use at the round about and they still don't use it , instead they walk out in front of cars. They did recently in another location elevate the road and build a pedestrian tunnel under it and they are forced to use that one. I guess i am saying unless they would have no choice I would wager they would not use it and still walk into traffic. IMO
I think you misread it. The road would go in the tunnel, not the pedestrians. The school would then be able to build over top of what is currently 5th Ave. it would become grass and connect campus better without vehicle traffic on the same level. Fewer red lights and crossings. Massive undertaking but could be great if they could pull it off
Waste of money. I spend a lot of time on campus and the amount of pedestrian traffic across 5 th Ave doesn't justify 5he money.
That’s because 80% of the current parking for campus is across 20th St. or 3rd Ave. However this would create a LOT of new space for any expansion. Virtually adds four blocks of clear space in a landlocked town/school.

Plus, it’s a long term project (hence it being in basically a 50-year plan nearly 20 years ago). It’s not necessarily reacting to the current campus needs, but looking to future needs of a school with city boundaries.
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Why not a monorail, a space port, a teleporter, and a hyper loop?

Nothing is being built, here or anywhere else. You have been lied to.
Right but you don’t go to private donors to raise money to change a U.S. Highway, which 5th Ave. is next to campus.
I never suggested otherwise. Just a comment that both will/would require some level of public funding. I get it. “Some” is not “all”. Either way….a tunnel isn’t happening. A HUUUGE waste of resources. Moving on.
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I never suggested otherwise. Just a comment that both will/would require some level of public funding. I get it. “Some” is not “all”. Either way….a tunnel isn’t happening. A HUUUGE waste of resources. Moving on.
I 100% concur that it’s not happening, but to call it a waste of resources is really small-time thinking for a landlocked school. I hope we grow and need the space, but obviously a lot has to change for that to happen.
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With the infrastructure bill being signed by Biden and billions of dollars being available, I think now would be a great time for Marshall/Huntington to try for some money to get that 5th Ave tunnel built. You just dont know how many opportunities there will be in the future for Federal funding on projects like this. I think Huntington needs to jump on this now and submit the project for funding.

On another note Huntington should also try to get some funding to help update the sewer system which could fall under the clean water portion of the infrastructure package and possibly some funding for high speed internet upgrades. West Virginia is set to get about 4.4 billion dollars. Huntington needs to make sure it gets some of those funds for projects
Don't believe everything you read or hear. There won't be much real infrastructure in these bills, remember shovel ready projeacts back in the late 2000's ?????

In addition, a tunnel on 5th avenue would be vastly expensive 100's and 100's of millions of dollars. A city of Huntington size and stature is not going to get that. THey might get some money to study cow farts though.
Build some buildings, open some new schools/education programs, increase enrollments, then maybe talk about it. But building a tunnel (to a parking lots)?????😂😂😂😂.
Where do you think those new buildings could be built? Again, I’m not talking present feasibility here because it’s not happening. But your last line makes me wonder if you even understand what’s being discussed here, because it simply doesn’t make sense.
With the infrastructure bill being signed by Biden and billions of dollars being available, I think now would be a great time for Marshall/Huntington to try for some money to get that 5th Ave tunnel built. You just dont know how many opportunities there will be in the future for Federal funding on projects like this. I think Huntington needs to jump on this now and submit the project for funding.

On another note Huntington should also try to get some funding to help update the sewer system which could fall under the clean water portion of the infrastructure package and possibly some funding for high speed internet upgrades. West Virginia is set to get about 4.4 billion dollars. Huntington needs to make sure it gets some of those funds for projects
I hope you're being sarcastic. What Huntington needs is another roadway that floods (like the viaducts) when it rains too much. NOT!!! Also, I think I herd that we can't even put natural turf in our stadium because it's below the river level.
Waste of money. I spend a lot of time on campus and the amount of pedestrian traffic across 5 th Ave doesn't justify 5he money.
More I think about it, the worse idea it becomes. It would be interesting to compare pedestrian/veh incidents 5th Ave vs 3rd. I would bet far more on 3rd. I am also guessing there are crosswalks, but that the injuries happen when jaywalking is involved. The city’s sewer system is 100+ years old - that is where the money should be spent!
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Don't believe everything you read or hear. There won't be much real infrastructure in these bills, remember shovel ready projeacts back in the late 2000's ?????

In addition, a tunnel on 5th avenue would be vastly expensive 100's and 100's of millions of dollars. A city of Huntington size and stature is not going to get that. THey might get some money to study cow farts though.
The estimated cost in 2003 was only 30 million. 18 years later, it would certainly be higher today but it wouldnt be hundreds and hundreds of millions.
More I think about it, the worse idea it becomes. It would be interesting to compare pedestrian/veh incidents 5th Ave vs 3rd. I would bet far more on 3rd. I am also guessing there are crosswalks, but that the injuries happen when jaywalking is involved. The city’s sewer system is 100+ years old - that is where the money should be spent!
No doubt the sewer system needs replaced that why I also suggested that. I dont think one project is related to another though. The Ferderal money is earmarked for certain funding for roads, certain funding for high speed internet, certain funding for clean water, etc...
I hope you're being sarcastic. What Huntington needs is another roadway that floods (like the viaducts) when it rains too much. NOT!!! Also, I think I herd that we can't even put natural turf in our stadium because it's below the river level.
The engineering study took this in to account and would include provisions like pumps to make sure it wouldnt flood
Why not a monorail, a space port, a teleporter, and a hyper loop?

Nothing is being built, here or anywhere else. You have been lied to.

Probably be a lot cheaper, SAMC, if MU bought a fleet of those personal "vehicles" that George Jetson and his family use to zip around in back in the day. University could have storage areas, similar to bike racks, set up all around campus in key locations, including parking lots. Students could use them, say with a student ID, to "zip" back and forth across campus, to and from parking areas, etc. Eliminates any "hazards" from having to cross busy roads like 3rd Ave., 5th Ave., etc.

As Ross Perot often said: "Problem Solved"!! ;)
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Where do you think those new buildings could be built? Again, I’m not talking present feasibility here because it’s not happening. But your last line makes me wonder if you even understand what’s being discussed here, because it simply doesn’t make sense.
he doesn't understand if he thinks it's tunnels to parking lots. what he lacks in knowledge he makes up for with confidence.
Probably be a lot cheaper, SAMC, if MU bought a fleet of those personal "vehicles" that George Jetson and his family use to zip around in back in the day. University could have storage areas, similar to bike racks, set up all around campus in key locations, including parking lots. Students could use them, say with a student ID, to "zip" back and forth across campus, to and from parking areas, etc. Eliminates any "hazards" from having to cross busy roads like 3rd Ave., 5th Ave., etc.

As Ross Perot often said: "Problem Solved"!! ;)
Yeah, but what’s to keep the kids from zooming up to the mall? And where do they recharge? I guess a distance limiter could be programmed into each flyer……imagine Guyan Golf & Country club being littered with dozens of “Herd Helos” & how pissed the gophers would be!! 🎶🎼🎵 meet George Jetson….Jane, his wife!!
Flooding may be an issue with a tunnel. What about a land bridge at the intersection of 5th and Hal Greer, one close to the towers, one at 3rd and Hal Greer and one at the end of the parking garage. That should provide enough access and alleviate any safety concerns.
This reminds me of the discussions people have about "What would you do if you won the lottery?" My plan is to put a new roof on the doublewide.
I would offer Chris 1 million cash and buy this site and there is a nice 2014 F150 down at the car lot I have had my eye on.
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Threads like this are exactly why MU can't grow its fanbase, expand, or do anything productive

Given that an MU professor was hit by a car and a student a few weeks later was hit and killed by a car, this may be more of a priority than you'd think.

The city, Brad Smith and WV DOH are looking into studying a safer constructive approach to the dangerous traffic, wouldn't shock me if this were seriously considered.

- Nobody is building a tunnel, even if there actually was money for “infrastructure” in the “infrastructure bill”. It is a silly concept.

- The future growth of MU campus is clearly on the other side of the football stadium. There is plenty of land that is either “brown fields” or used way below its economic potential.

- As the city government is very committed to catering to dope addicts and encouraging dope usage, the future of MU campus in the long run is as a gated, or at least semi-gated campus.

- There are already two pedestrian bridges over 3rd Ave. A third, up on the Smith Hall end; along with a bridge over Hal Greer, at least 2 over 5th, and eventually one over 20th, is far more cost effective.

- The recent spate of building in the worst part of town, along Hal Greer on the “wrong side of the tracks” is foolish and no further expansion in that direction should be done.
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Threads like this are exactly why MU can't grow its fanbase, expand, or do anything productive

Given that an MU professor was hit by a car and a student a few weeks later was hit and killed by a car, this may be more of a priority than you'd think.

The city, Brad Smith and WV DOH are looking into studying a safer constructive approach to the dangerous traffic, wouldn't shock me if this were seriously considered.
Marshall “can’t grow” because some see a tunnel as a complete waste compared to actually investing in the schools programs and facilities.
Marshall “can’t grow” because some see a tunnel as a complete waste compared to actually investing in the schools programs and facilities.
raleigh - I have to say that imo a tunnel would be the worst possible investment of the few, very precious resources available to MU now & going forward. I know, I know - what value is a human life worth? Well, how about not running across 4 lane traffic when you are not at a traffic controlled cross walk? Let the campus police start enforcing jay-walking wit, say $250 fines per. That will not only raise $ but should, should cut down on the potential car vs people incidents.

- Nobody is building a tunnel, even if there actually was money for “infrastructure” in the “infrastructure bill”. It is a silly concept.

- The future growth of MU campus is clearly on the other side of the football stadium. There is plenty of land that is either “brown fields” or used way below its economic potential.

- As the city government is very committed to catering to dope addicts and encouraging dope usage, the future of MU campus in the long run is as a gated, or at least semi-gated campus.

- There are already two pedestrian bridges over 3rd Ave. A third, up on the Smith Hall end; along with a bridge over Hal Greer, at least 2 over 5th, and eventually one over 20th, is far more cost effective.

- The recent spate of building in the worst part of town, along Hal Greer on the “wrong side of the tracks” is foolish and no further expansion in that direction should be done.
Goddamn Sam, if MU doesn't build this then they will lose ground on THE AMERICAN!!!!!!!

You know we can't be having that.
No doubt the sewer system needs replaced that why I also suggested that. I dont think one project is related to another though. The Ferderal money is earmarked for certain funding for roads, certain funding for high speed internet, certain funding for clean water, etc...
….if sewer doesn’t count as infrastructure, then…ooops! Gotta be careful here, can’t get caught going political!!!
Goddamn Sam, if MU doesn't build this then they will lose ground on THE AMERICAN!!!!!!!

You know we can't be having that.
Dude, get some fresh material. The AAC, as I and many others predicted, has finally collapsed under its own ego, as every AD in the ridiculous league has asked "is that the Big 12 calling" every time the phone rang. It finally was and now made up of unwanted leftovers and such fanless non-entities as UNCC.

However, Arseco says he is "doubling down" on the BS about a "power 6", so remember that in a year or two, the AAC will tell you that FAU at Tulsa = Georgia at Mississippi State.

Yes, I laugh at that. You should too

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