Meanwhile Trump has:

ohio herd

Platinum Buffalo
Gold Member
Aug 28, 2012
Most liberals on here post a daily tabloid nugget about Trump while never admitting he is getting things done.So I will help you out:

> Unemployment down to 3.9%
> Stock market at over 24,500 up from 19,800 when he took office.
> ISIS is almost completely destroyed. Remember when Obama called them the JV?
> Has brought peace to the Korean Peninsula YUUUUUGE
> Created over 3 million new jobs since taking office.At current pace he is doing as well as others
> Wages are going up
> He is working on having a wall built to secure our boarder.
> Re negotiating terrible trade deals
> Declared Jerusalem the capital of Israel
> Pulled out of Paris Climate Deal
> Issued a rollback of damaging regulations that have hurt growth
> Confirmed a new Supreme Court Justice Neil Gorsuch
> Passed a tax cut bill
> Arrested over 4,000 members of MS-13
> Arrested over 120 and shut down backpage a human trafficking site
> Bringing justice to women and underage kids of the NXIVM sex cult
> Pulling out of the Trans-Pacific Partnership
> declared a Nationwide Public Health Emergency on opioids.

Well this list is a good start.
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Most liberals on here post a daily tabloid nugget about Trump while never admitting he is getting things done.So I will help you out:

> Unemployment down to 3.9%
> Stock market at over 24,500 up from 19,800 when he took office.
> ISIS is almost completely destroyed. Remember when Obama called them the JV?
> Has brought peace to the Korean Peninsula YUUUUUGE
> Created over 3 million new jobs since taking office.At current pace he is doing as well as others
> Wages are going up
> He is working on having a wall built to secure our boarder.
> Re negotiating terrible trade deals
> Declared Jerusalem the capital of Israel
> Pulled out of Paris Climate Deal
> Issued a rollback of damaging regulations that have hurt growth
> Confirmed a new Supreme Court Justice Neil Gorsuch
> Passed a tax cut bill
> Arrested over 4,000 members of MS-13
> Arrested over 120 and shut down backpage a human trafficking site
> Bringing justice to women and underage kids of the NXIVM sex cult
> Pulling out of the Trans-Pacific Partnership
> declared a Nationwide Public Health Emergency on opioids.

Well this list is a good start.

Your a good little puff.
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None of what Ohio herd mentioned is true? Lying on both sides has gotten so bad I'm not turning any news on here. The united states must have needed a lying president to go along with all the lying Americans.. Trump lied about getting good people around him. Had he gotten the best possible people available the left would have cried. The right won't admit how bad his choices were. Just a country full if folks who lie to back their beliefs
I don't know if I should laugh or just shake my head at anyone claiming their is peace in Korea. I am going to choose laugh for the folks who criticize Obama for the Iranian agreement but praise Trump for nothing, zero, nada agreed to with Korea. I really hope this doesn't blow up in Trump's face.

Anyone that thinks anything has been done about opioids is a fool. Words dont solve shit, and words is all Trump has done. Speaking of drugs, there's a new blend of high-quality meth and fentanyl on the streets here. I assume it's like a speedball, and you would have to beba dumb SOB to shoot thsy into your arm. Anyway, I don't think we can ever win a "war on drugs".
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I don't know if I should laugh or just shake my head at anyone claiming their is peace in Korea. I am going to choose laugh for the folks who criticize Obama for the Iranian agreement but praise Trump for nothing, zero, nada agreed to with Korea. I really hope this doesn't blow up in Trump's face.

Anyone that thinks anything has been done about opioids is a fool. Words dont solve shit, and words is all Trump has done. Speaking of drugs, there's a new blend of high-quality meth and fentanyl on the streets here. I assume it's like a speedball, and you would have to beba dumb SOB to shoot thsy into your arm. Anyway, I don't think we can ever win a "war on drugs".
I never said that the problem with opiods was over. I just mentioned that he is aware of it and wants to do something about it.
The first step would be Medicare quit incentivizing providers to talk about “pain scores” at every visit.

I literally get more $/higher provider score by documenting a pain score and pain plan for every visit.

I agree with that. But pain management is important, too. I'm glad I was prescribed an opioid when I had osteomyelitis in my jaw...a heart attack was cake compared to that.

I did learn I wouldn't want to be addicted to opioids. High dose antibiotics plus opioids = worst constipation ever.

As a physician, how do you feel about MAT? I know people that have been "going to the clinic" for five, even ten years. I think it's another scam to make money at that point.
The first step would be Medicare quit incentivizing providers to talk about “pain scores” at every visit.

I literally get more $/higher provider score by documenting a pain score and pain plan for every visit.

I agree with that. But pain management is important, too. I'm glad I was prescribed an opioid when I had osteomyelitis in my jaw...a heart attack was cake compared to that.

I did learn I wouldn't want to be addicted to opioids. High dose antibiotics plus opioids = worst constipation ever.

As a physician, how do you feel about MAT? I know people that have been "going to the clinic" for five, even ten years. I think it's another scam to make money at that point.

I don’t know much about it really. I’m very far from an expert on pain management or dependence issues.

Like everything else in life, the bad actors ruin it for us often...opioid Rxing can be complicated even for terminal cancer patients.

Pain control is obviously important. My frustration is it’s mandated to be documented for every patient and becomes a focal point of a visit and gives patients the perception that it’s what we need to be focusing on when they would otherwise not bring it up.
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I took hydrocodone after an oral surgery in college and those things were pure heaven. I gave the rest of the bottle away because I knew I liked it too much.

And you’re right - that opiate comstipation is awful. Patients have a really hard time with it.
I took hydrocodone after an oral surgery in college and those things were pure heaven. I gave the rest of the bottle away because I knew I liked it too much.

And you’re right - that opiate comstipation is awful. Patients have a really hard time with it.
The best one I ever had was a morphine pump. Take me to happy town.
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Unemployment down to 3.9%

What did cheetos do to bring that about? Nothing.

Has brought peace to the Korean Peninsula YUUUUUGE

I hope so, but so far there is ONLY talk.

Created over 3 million new jobs since taking office.At current pace he is doing as well as others

No, he has NOT created over 3 million jobs, he's at about 2.7 million. The last 15 months of the obama administration, over 3 million jobs actually were created.

Wages are going up

Trend began in late 2012.

He is working on having a wall built to secure our boarder.

No new wall is being built at this time. And no money has been appropriated for it.

Re negotiating terrible trade deals

Which ones have been renegotiated?

Issued a rollback of damaging regulations that have hurt growth

Name them.......

Passed a tax cut bill

And increased national debt by over 1 TRILLION dollars in doing so.

declared a Nationwide Public Health Emergency on opioids.

The federal govt will spend 4.6 billion dollars on the opioid addiction this year which killed 42,000 Americans . We will spend 7 billion this year on hiv which killed less than 7,000 Americans in 2014, the last year we have data.
Well then let's see him do something.
He offered the death penalty like a lot of countries for the big time drug suppliers. Trump can't do anything to stop drugs. Its educating folks not to use drugs. The main thing in meth is a cold medicine that you have to sign for or a prescription. Anyway that stopped a lot of the meth anybody could make.Now its all about the Mexicans sending ice into the united states. A lot more powerful than the mom and pop labs..Took care of one problem and another problem rose the next day. China supplies everybody with the main drug in ice. Mexicans buy it by the tons from China. Like Raoul said I don't think we can stop drugs.Good people that need pain meds cant get them. Mom was on morphine the whole time and with a broke vertebrae and other pain she is on Norco 5's. She is still hurting way too much. If I give her 2 then we run out early.
What did cheetos do to bring that about? Nothing.

I hope so, but so far there is ONLY talk.

No, he has NOT created over 3 million jobs, he's at about 2.7 million. The last 15 months of the obama administration, over 3 million jobs actually were created.

Trend began in late 2012.

No new wall is being built at this time. And no money has been appropriated for it.

Which ones have been renegotiated?

Name them.......

And increased national debt by over 1 TRILLION dollars in doing so.

The federal govt will spend 4.6 billion dollars on the opioid addiction this year which killed 42,000 Americans . We will spend 7 billion this year on hiv which killed less than 7,000 Americans in 2014, the last year we have data.
You are wrong on every response you posted. I am not even going to bother responding. Your hate for all things Trump has completely blinded you to the truth.
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Your a good little puff.

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