Media companies meet with White House to decide strategy


Platinum Buffalo
Feb 22, 2010
Biden needs better coverage

The White House has been working with major news outlets “behind the scenes” to “reshape coverage” on the economic crisis, according to CNN.

I guess lucky for America, no one really watches CNN. The mainstream media, the political PR firm for the DNC.
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They have been kind of hard on Biden. Even Chuck Todd was giving him a lot of shit.

They want Harris. It's funny how they're just as stupid as some Republicans seem to be. They have a candidate who was able to win and not a total kook. Harris and Butt gegg will not win. They're too damn stupid. Even Trump would be able to beat them.

But that's why the media hasn't been completely behind Biden. He's not their dream candidate like Obama was, like Harris or Butt gegg would be now. They want Harris and Butt gegg.
Chevy must have been in on that meeting. hahahaa
I don't watch CNN - so I'll let you guys keep me advised on what's going down there.

BTW, should we keep an eye on CNN staff to see if they get a desk at the white house or appear on stage at Biden rallies?

Gotta say's pretty incredible how any entity - be it political or corporate - would attempt to shape news messaging.🙄

Hell, I even heard one ex-president has created his own media company in an effort to broadcast his views (lies).
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I don't watch CNN - so I'll let you guys keep me advised on what's going down there.

BTW, should we keep an eye on CNN staff to see if they get a desk at the white house or appear on stage at Biden rallies?

Gotta say's pretty incredible how any entity - be it political or corporate - would attempt to shape news messaging.

Hell, I even heard one ex-president has created his own media company in an effort to broadcast his views (lies).
So he didn't have a desk at the place, it was a a figurative statement..."basically". Got it. I've never known Hannity to actually consider himself "media" in the traditional sense either. In fact, your ilk has actually suggested the exact opposite for years.

Whats wrong with an ExPres going into a business? Not sure there is much of a point there.
Whats wrong with an ExPres going into a business? Not sure there is much of a point there.
Nothing at all wrong with it. I'm sure it's going to be extremely profitable for him. Also, there's nothing wrong with him cozying up to Fox and their staff (probably a bigger issue for a news media outlet IMO) OR bringing in OAN to his news conferences

And there's nothing wrong with team Biden meeting with media. Managing the message is something all corporations and political entities attempt to do.
And there's nothing wrong with team Biden meeting with media. Managing the message is something all corporations and political entities attempt to do.
meeting with media and secretly strategizing with media are two different stories. Again, Hannity wasn't a reporter.

"Cozying up to Fox"?? 😂 Shit, Fox News was blasting on Trump regularly. Not secretly meeting with him to discuss how to make him look better.
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This is all not a real good look though for a president who was on the phone begging Georgia to somehow find him votes.

I liked what Trump was when he ran for president and the first three years, but the last year he went to hell in a handbasket. The mask derailed him completely. After that, it got worse and worse. Begging for votes. Blaming people for losing. Claiming they cheated. He flat out choked and got beat. I still voted for him, but knew I was voting for a loser that day.
meeting with media and secretly strategizing with media are two different stories. Again, Hannity wasn't a reporter.

"Cozying up to Fox"?? 😂 Shit, Fox News was blasting on Trump regularly. Not secretly meeting with him to discuss how to make him look better.
"Secret".... Couldn't have been too damned secret if is was reported by both msn and CNN.

I've seen corporations call in media companies to discuss coverage. Mostly to address how media wasn't reporting all the facts or reporting inaccuracies. I didn't see anything in that article that's any different from that...and didn't notice any mention of strategizing.

I agree some of Fox did go after Trump. I recall all the heat they took after calling Arizona for Biden....and you could always count on Chris Wallace to be unbiased.

BUT Fox also had on-air calls from Trump- nearly every morning on Fox and Friends. He held a ton more interviews on Fox than any other media outlet. And there was the fawning and preaching Trump chapter and verse by the evening crew. They went even as far as to recite the Trump lie, "it's like a cold" among others.

Then there's Hannity... who probably assisted Trump more than Chris Cuomo assisted his governor brother. The difference being CNN fired Chris Cuomo over what they saw as a conflict of interest.
All decorum and decency has been taken out of the media.

That goes for this kind of stuff and sports. I was roped into it all by real talented old voices like Tom Brokaw and Keith Jackson in sports. Now you get whiny high pitched kids all the time cheerleading. At least Tom Brokaw and Keith Jackson put on an act where it didn't sound like they were openly rooting for one side or another.

Now it's unabashed, awful loudmouth voiced (often even actual women now) screeching about how much the other guy/team sucks.

Just no good. Fingernails on a chalkboard, all of it. Sucks, turn it off. I really want the cord cut.
meeting with media and secretly strategizing with media are two different stories.
Not really. It's been going on since Reagan, it's par for the course these days.
Again, Hannity wasn't a reporter.
Well of course, Fox says they are all entertainers. Helps with lawsuits.
"Cozying up to Fox"?? 😂 Shit, Fox News was blasting on Trump regularly.
If Hannity cozied up any closer to Trump he'd have his dick in his mouth.

And when Trump becomes old news, he'll move on to the next dick.
I've seen corporations call in media companies to discuss coverage. Mostly to address how media wasn't reporting all the facts or reporting inaccuracies. I didn't see anything in that article that's any different from that...and didn't notice any mention of strategizing.
You’re an idiot.
The first sentence directly points to “reshape the news”. If that isn’t strategy I can’t help you. This is completely different than a corporation calling in the media to give an updated interview.
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You clearly know your way around the gay narrative.
Nah, that's always been the rumor about Hannity.
You're ignorant of history. Reagan flat out bullied the press to not run stories, that's worse than Trump (who at least did it in a way that actually made a story, no such thing as bad press). If that ain't shaping the narrative I don't know what is. Also, Larry Speakes would make up quotes and attribute them to Reagan lol. Shaping the narrative can be friendly or as an advisory, the moment you don't just present your press conferences and STFU you are shaping.
I'll still listen to him anyway. He would be thrown off the air though if they found out it was true.
We all knew that the majority of the media, hollywood, etc. are nothing more than a propoganda arm for the Democrats and Liberals. They fund them, line their pockets, and are in bed with each other.

Joe Biden is a complete paper tiger, empty suit, and was put into office through questionable means. Now they all have to save face.
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You’re an idiot.
The first sentence directly points to “reshape the news”. .
Perhaps you should have read beyond the first paragraph.

Idiots can't distinguish between editorial language and the content of the story. Also, "reshaping" isn't the same as strategizing.

The same writer who chose the term "reshaping" also wrote this meeting was "secret"...when you get into the article you realize several news organizations were reporting about the meeting. I'm guessing it was "secret" to the writer because they weren't included.

The administration has been “briefing major newsrooms over the past week” while “discussing with newsrooms trends pertaining to job creation, economic growth, supply chains, and more,” CNN reports, citing an anonymous source.

The above is exactly what corporations and entities outside of politics will employ to attempt to insure all the facts are reported. That's not strategizing; that's pushing your talking points.

Pretty incredible an astute media/business maven like yourself didn't see that.
Reagan flat out bullied the press to not run stories,
The press hated Reagan. Bully the press...completely different than working together to "shape" a narrative.

Nah, that's always been the rumor about Hannity.
Yeah...but you believed the rumors associated with the Steele Dossier too. Forgive me if I find you less than credible on "rumors".
Joe Biden is a complete paper tiger, empty suit, and was put into office through questionable means.

Biden just happened to be the guy under the basket wide open, and finally someone passed him the ball. He was smart enough to make the layup. That's all he had to be.

Trump blew it. Then, even the liberals were all against Biden in the primaries. They wanted Bernie. They wanted Harris. They wanted Butt gegg. Those three kooks and others knocked each other down. Biden was the last man standing.

GOP needs to own this loss and try to make damn sure they don't blow it again if they get back in there. Don't blow it by caving to the liberals on masks and welfare.
I'm guessing
Yes. We can see that.
exactly what corporations and entities outside of politics will employ to attempt to insure all the facts are reported. That's not strategizing; that's pushing your talking points
Yes. I've already said this above.

Perhaps you should have read beyond the first paragraph
I did. This isn't a "push your talking point" meeting.

"The White House quietly tries to reshape economic coverage..."

We get it. You have no problem with the WH working with the media (strategizing) to craft a narrative that benefits them. Cool.
With Trump, there was no honeymoon period with the media. With Biden, the media is doing whatever they can to soften the public disapproval, short of calling voters ungrateful assholes.
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his isn't a "push your talking point" meeting.

"The White House quietly tries to reshape economic coverage..."

We get it. You have no problem with the WH working with the media (strategizing) to craft a narrative that benefits them. Cool.
From what I read, there was nothing in the article that pointed to the fact the administration was doing anything more than pounding home their accomplishments, narrative and/or talking points.

NO where in the article is strategizing mentioned....neither is working with the media to craft a message. Those are your words/interpretation which aren't supported by anything within the article.... other than a loose interpretation of the journalist's descriptor, "reshaping".
It's all manipulation
"Bullying" (Reagan) at least implies a level of journalistic "integrity" and not working together to "reshape" the reporting (Biden). Like I said. The press hated Reagan and attempted to crush him at every opportunity. There was an adversarial relationship. IMO, a completely different scenario than we see here.
CNN reported the conversations have “been productive, with anchors and reporters and producers getting to talk with the officials.”

Now that they all agree on what will be reported.......
"Bullying" (Reagan) at least implies a level of journalistic "integrity" and not working together to "reshape" the reporting (Biden).
I can agree with that. But it still fits within manipulation.

And there has never been such a thing as widespread "journalistic integrity", at least not in the USA. Right off the bat newspapers got into politics and talked shit on the other side...often in a way we could consider libelous. From what I have read there was a surge in professionalism in the first half of the 20th Century, but political parties still had outsized influence with publishers and editors.
I'm glad I read that. Made me hopeful for the future.

Also, think about this. The Democrats now have the power to end this thing just in time for the mid terms. The fake bird flu will really be over sometime in 2022. They better make it over by the primaries to ensure victory.

Damn, good times may be here again. Think of how we're going to emerge from this fake bullshit if it really does end. Holy cow.

I'd vote for anything to be out of this.

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