Media may want a Republican president now

Walden Pond

Platinum Buffalo
Oct 8, 2007
Let's face it, Barack Obama is going to be too tough of an act to follow. The next president is certain to pale in comparison. We must aim our efforts toward electing someone who is so awful that we can pile on them everyday and really make Americans miss Obama.

So it's time for a Republican president now. Hillary, we're digging up all this dirt on her. Dredging up the '90s, etc. to get her beat. Scott Walker or some nice sounding upstart Republican can beat her, then everyday get piled on. We can make him look like the worst no matter what he does.

We set the tone. We set the mood. We dictate. We control. We believe Obama is the best. We do not believe we have the power to make him the king, so we are relegated to making America miss him terribly. Maybe they'll clamor for him in 2020 to come back.