these people gotta be trollin...
just like Extra and Dtard don't really believe 90% of the crap they post here...
So glad xenu chimed in
Proof the earth is not flat.
So glad xenu chimed in
Proof the earth is not flat.
yep more than the scraps you call a salary you pay your employeesYour wife and kids still enjoying the basement?
That illustration does not show the ice ring created around the perimeter of the disk by Antarctica. Plus, even if it wasn't there, gravity is a myth, so the water wouldn't fall off the edges like that because space air is denser than earth-disk air. #flatearther
yep more than the scraps you call a salary you pay your employees
Fake moon landings, flat earth, Gravity is fake, NASA was made up by Nazis. Seems like a bunch of quacks to me.
The US and Russia actually did seek out many German scientist after the war with a few landing at NASA. But that isn't as sinister as it sounds. Most were just scientist who just got caught in the war. I think Wernher Von Braun actually did work for NASA.
That's what YOU say. Just sayin'.
You're ignoring the inverted pyramid effect. *sigh*
it's wiki, but still a lot of good info and links to "real" sources
without Von Braun the moon landing would have been set back 20 years. he was a member of the SS. there is debate about him being "forced" to join. there is also evidence suggesting he treated the slave laborers while in Germany very poorly.
What moon landing? #Sheep #flatearther
Yeah, that's because it's a false narrative, like the democratic platform. The earth is actually a disk, but a disk with a consistent thickness of approximately 12 miles. Duh!
So, you're an inverted pyramid effect denier. About right coming from the birther party.
Of course I don't believe in the inverted pyramid, that would be a stupid design and, apparently unlike you, I am not going to accuse the Creator of stupid design.
Which is why he designed a 12 mile thick disk.
For you non #flatearthers, all you have to do is watch the Truman Show. If you've already seen it, watch it again. It makes the reality of an omnipresent God much easier to understand once you accept the #flatearth reality. If Ed Harris can keep an eye on everything in Truman's world, how easy is it for God to see everything in the #flatearth reality in which we live? Pretty easy.
Earth is just the Truman Show on steroids, a controlled environment build by God, as described in the Bible, as a place for his children to live, grow and be challenged. I can't believe those that don't grasp this simple reality.
Which is why he designed a 12 mile thick disk.
For you non #flatearthers, all you have to do is watch the Truman Show. If you've already seen it, watch it again. It makes the reality of an omnipresent God much easier to understand once you accept the #flatearth reality. If Ed Harris can keep an eye on everything in Truman's world, how easy is it for God to see everything in the #flatearth reality in which we live? Pretty easy.
Earth is just the Truman Show on steroids, a controlled environment build by God, as described in the Bible, as a place for his children to live, grow and be challenged. I can't believe those that don't grasp this simple reality.
It's not a hyper link and I'm not typing it in just to read the misinformation.
What does he have to do with your fictitious link?